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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. That's how the playground sub-forum,the creative gallery and tech board all formed -- it was deemed that there was enough discussing of these topics in order to generate the respective boards -- and while teh pace of those forums is substantially more pedestrian than the gen chit-chat, I/we have gotten used to there being pretty much just one/two updated threads in them when we log-in. Creating a sub-forum needs to be a balanced process - firstly, is a topic being discussed enough to demand a sub-forum, and secondly would the transportation of said discussion negatively impact the gen chit-chat. Essentially, if we fracture the gen chit-chat into various sub-forums covering all topics, what would be the point of gen chit-chat? By locking the big topics we can, hopefully, witness some mildly organic changes. As has been said; we should go with the notion that a 2-page topic is a success, and we're encouraging you to make the threads about the movie you want to discuss. This way, you'll have to actually initiate a discussion with your opening post. If people bite and reply, then win. Conversation ensues. If not, then you fail at making topics and should probably try harder next time. I think the main problem here is the different ways people use the forum. Some 'refreshers' sit at a computer all day and check on n-e very frequently. Some... gobstoppers (?!) check once or twice a day, and, much like reading your regular paper, use the forum as part of their routine, checking the same threads in the same order, sometimes daring to venture into that other board you like sometimes but generally never post anything there, checking out the hot-peeps gallery but not posting any replies, etc, etc. One element of the community aspect here is that everyone seemingly reads every topic, so everyone knows everything. The idea that we have more scattered threads means that things might clique-up a bit. Who knows? One thing for sure is that this should encourage positive content. Plus it means us mods can actually do some moderating. This is good news for you lot because it means there'll be an inevitable angry mob shoouting about something we did. Those topics are fun. EDIT: Oooh! And RE: UIG, ReZ's new themed photos thread is precisely the way to combat the loss of UIG. We all know the themed/challenge pictures were the best bit of that thread. Let's just try and think outside the box for ways to bring back our favourite elements of the big threads in novel ways!
  2. I have just bought an AWESOME sun-hat, which we will see at the Meet on saturday! Previous hat instances, according to facebook; Friend's hat... Another friend's hat (that makes me afraid, clearly) Another friend's hat covering up my burned hair after fail-fire-poi. Selection of hats for a HAT PARTY (was so win) many years ago. Look at my sexy young self. Hat party itself. Good combo. I took 5 hats to the party and only took one home. More recent - tis actually a mask worn backwards. I want hair like that though. Xmas '08. Apologies for burning your eyes with my face.
  3. This is my favourite new thread. Thank you.
  4. LOLLIES! :P Anyway... My mum's a bit of a hoarder and is always going on about how her friend's kids make loads of money through ebay, and how she can sell Three Plates With Matching Mug, or Wardrobe With No Door, or Cookery Book From 1979... She doesn't understand that ebay isn't a place where you can sell anything... Mind you, I've never really used ebay. And I have my own Incomplete Set Of Star Wars Fact Files, and Twelve VHS Of Films You Already Own On Blu-Ray that I could sell.
  5. Not really sure/can't remember what I said I'd watch next. Never finished Sopranos. Need to catch up on Mad Men and Dollhouse (not sure if I'm bothered), though.
  6. I have a few weekends planned -- with my sheffield juggling friends;a campling trip in wales, near that village with all the bookshops. With a collection of friends I then have the crawley circus 'festival', then a trip to wales again for a family get-together at a b&b. A lot of my friends are talking about road-tripping america. I've got half a mind to really work out an iteneraryeraray and push for it to happen, as it would be truly epic.
  7. Statler Brothers - Flowers On The Wall.
  8. MW2 won't be pay/play for sure, nor will black ops -- because there's going to be an entire game dedicated to it. Duh. I thought this has been obvious for, like, 6 months now?
  9. Maybe you should go on this tangent? We're not stopping you! The UIG is the most questionable topic, but if you just let time pass, then the world will correct itself. Honestly, it should only show you people just how sad your lives are if you're so affected by a forum change. Just get on with your own lives, stop giving a shit how the internet feels about it.
  10. He was trying to be funny. Anyway -- the comic book thread/anime being 'a specific interest' was precisely why I found it hard to penetrate. Again, get over it and see how it goes. As for sexuality thread -- it's survived -- it's basically a thread for "help my relationship sucks" and "omg gay", and that's.... well I don't care either way. But if all relationship threads were amalgamated we'd've missed out on a lot of classic threads. Which is what the de-merge is about! Sure, we'll get the wave of people trying to be rebellious, then we'll just settle into forum life, and then we'll see. I still don't see what the big deal is.
  11. In a bit of a nowhere zone right now. Should really sign on this week. I'm considering doing a teacher training course, or a TEFOL, but really know nothing about either of them. I'm living off of leftover student loans until that runs out, at which point suicide is teh best option.
  12. I've shied away from the comic/anime threads because they seem so cliquey. Give it some time to see how it goes.
  13. I still don't get this whole 'copyright infringement' thing. Does my vid not load or something?
  14. I dare not watch the video -- I read an interview a couple of weeks ago and, having only read the first 9-ish issues, I was HEAVILY spoilered. But I'm really looking forward to the show!
  15. This has been up in the air for a while now -- mostly with HWYD which is generally seen as a thread that ticks all the boxes that odwin lists in the first post. The tv/film/music threads have, in some way or another, led to a very linear type of discussion, with the threads boiling down to the same 4/5 members posting the same, nobody-cares stuff over and over again. We want to encourage new threads. Make a thread about the show or the film or the album or the artist you want to discuss, then you'll see a more concentrated response, rather than your opinion being drowned in the detritus and being completely ignored. The majority of HWYD posts are completely ignored, and the rest are repetitions (as my A Day In The Life Of HWYD thread pointed out). I think what Odwin said in the first post is important to remember -- if a thread makes it to two pages, then it's good. In the old days a 5-page thread was amazing. Just give it a chance. Go new-thread-crazy. It's not like we're banning discussion of these topics. I think there is room for debate for new sub-forums if it is proven that there is enough attention to demand one be made, be it music, films, tv, comics, radios, elements or whatever. Please don't! Let's see how this goes for a bit.
  16. At level 19 -- 20 I get my tar back, and after, what, 75 kills? Tar silenced! Yay! Sexchoc; we should play again. I was strangely nervous... the game you left I ended up doing pretty good, something like 17-8, then after that I did a 20-2! Usually if I'm playing with a bunch of people and sucking, I'll leave for the sake of teh team --- that is, if my k/d ratio is 1:2 then I'll stop playing because I'm so damn certain that I must be annoying my team-mates.
  17. Lovely I'm looking forward to a few sleepless nights with that game! Sidebar; do you think poker chips will be the currency?
  18. Had a couple of games with sexual choc so far... he's scored 28-8 and 28-5... I've done 6-12 and 5-11? shameful.
  19. trocadeeerroooooo! jimbob; let us know if you think the hostel/hotelthingey has potential for crashing... I don't mind splitting room cost and sleeping on the floor...
  20. i reckon I can still rock with team deathmatch -- I never play any other mode so I'll suck at free-for-all. I'll be on tonight if we're all up for it?
  21. I'll be bringing a few cans of alright stuff, but I'll be sure to pick up a bottle of some fancy-looking vintage/farmhouse cider
  22. ReZ do you still have my number? Can you text me so I got yours for posterity/hilarity? I've still not booked anything, have no idea what I'm doing. I'll turn up with some booze and lack-of-conversation. Who's my drinking buddy gonna be?
  23. Prestiged (again)! I used to rock at the start of a game then slowly get more and more shit, but recently it's been the other way around. if you get it done first time round then clearly it's not thoughtless and you're not the sort of player I'm talking about...
  24. I'm throwing increasingly larger stones at your window, supergrunch.
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