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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. No disgust! Just sheer shucks.
  2. Cheers for the grounded review. It's kind of what I was expecting - no way any game could live up to this hype, ultimately all duke had to save him was the tongue-in-cheek humour. I'll definitely look to pick this up once it drops to £20 or less.
  3. (Frank! Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead is one of my favourite play/movies - go watch! Thanks for the ego rubbing as well :P)
  4. Whaaa there wasn't a thread already? Contrats on the bee-day!
  5. Will try a combination of drugging jimbob and remembering the above for next year. Run with it.
  6. Rummy - you were as I expected you to be irl as online - awesome :P What you say strikes a chord though -- in many (most) ways, people on here know more about me than most people in my life, which is why I've enjoyed the meets and not felt uncomfortable in anyway.
  7. I remember when daily was a 5 min MAAAX bunch of nonsense. Verily suited my ADHD internet mind.
  8. Ooh, ooh, can I be Rosencrantz!
  9. I promise you when I menopause you'll miss the threads.
  10. Ashley is hyperbole personified.
  11. While we're all fairly agreed that, much like we are quick to say 'oh I have a rather broad taste in music,' we behave differently depending on the situation and, more importantly, who we're with. The easiest boundaries to define are those between friends, family and work. Different spheres that may cross-over but ultimately your relationship is defined by an element of power and control -- work has control of you, pays you, so you must behave. Family are always there so you can kinda get away with anything - but because they're always there you may as well behave a bit better as you'll be seeing them a lot. Friends come and go but ultimately you know eventually you'll leave them and go 'home' and any charade you've put on to be liked by them may be dropped eventually. While different friends may draw different elements of your personality out, there's still some semblance you you in the culmination of all facets -- indeed, perhaps the only way to know yourself is to try to experience as many different versions of you by encountering and stretching and fracturing. BUT! This thread, really, wants to ask one important question; how you are you on the forums? Is this a place where you talk as if you were talking to your mother? Do you share secrets in here because you know your closest ones will never see it, or are the people on here in fact those closest to you? Personally, having been here for aeons, this forum is a part of me. Those close to me know about the place, and the place knows about me. This forum ultimately shaped my life and thus I try to be as open and honest and as true to my self on here as I am in real life. More later from me - for you?
  12. Dazz; because the internet is anonymity embodied, or at least a playground for one to truly express oneself without the usual confines of social norms. Of course, our wee boards here tend to force people to be more 'themselves' than most places as we hae a fairly tight-knit community, but even then it can just be another facet-outlet on top of the regular venting grounds anyone has. (new thread idea!)
  13. A lot of the idea of this thread is actually about acceptance of other people's difference of views. It's easy to belittle someone else's interests or tastes, or excuse them for not liking something so obviously likeable. True open-mindedness doesn't mean that you are some sort of malleable putty who is able to enjoy anything - it's more that you ought to be able to understand the aspects to something which someone may find appealing. I mean, there's more to things than mere freedom of speech - that's easy. The tricky bit is in comprehending and accepting why others are different. AND STUFF TOO MUCH SAVE IT FOR SUNDAY.
  14. Rummy is so full of LIES in this thread. I will be arriving (prolly) around midday and skipping home whenever trains order me to. I will merely be drinking/pwning anyone at chess/somehow being left out of the group photo, as per every-year.
  15. Sheikah and I agree! *notifies the vatican* yeah - flink has a point too - charlie's not looking for what me and sheikah have (together lolololo), so fair enough, I guess.
  16. esequiel - glad to hear everything went well. Sorry that chairdriver has taken over the thread :P Chair; if you post a short post like that, it's going to draw attention due to its ambiguity. If you feel you were misinterpreted then there's little favour to be won anywhere by switching to the battle stance of defense/attack. For someone who claims to let things go with the flow you do seem to try awfully hard to steer opinion one way or another. Let it be and deal with it yourself rather than be offended when other people are offended. SHRUG! Ultimately, as with many 'debates' on here, the problem is not with the matter of opinion but in the method of communication.
  17. Nothing here, folks.
  18. For the record, if diageo is mafia then I reckon Tales is, too. If diageo is mafia then it's clear his teammates will jump on the next in line for the firing squad, who is ReZ. While I do agree that ReZ is a worry currently, I think we'll learn more from lynching diageo in terms of other mafia in the voting for/against, as to ReZ who is fairly certainly a vig, and as such lynching him will get us no further in general than lynching diageo will.
  19. Yes - well worth the experiment I'd say Don't worry 'bout it Tales!
  20. Set your tactics for your remaining games first; - click on the drop-down menu that should be your team name and click on 'coming matches' - click on the paper/pencil symbol to the left of where it says home/away for the game - set tactics! That way you won't mess up anything big. It also means that if you choose to leave at the end of the season (which is only two weeks away now) it'll leave an intact team for aqui1a to take over (if he wishes).
  21. Aw. I was going to make a bottle-hiding-boner joke and now it'd be all inappropriate and stuff
  22. So I'm not wrong whatsoever :P You could always just go one step further if it's all about sex, you know.
  23. It was bowser57. Noobs.
  24. I'm a nice guy and I'd say I'm doing rather well for myself :P Saying that girls like being treated like shit only tells us that you, charlie, have yet to encounter and decent women that are actually worth the care and attention that all of us want. If you want something meaningful then you should ignore the rules charlie posted.
  25. I liek to think I'm all open-minded and nice about different things, yet I've realised that I still allow certain stereotypes to control my judgements. I've never (properly) played or watched golf, yet I assume it it boring. I know nothing about cars, so I show no interest in people talking about the things. I immediately change the channel when songs of praise is on, or if there's ballet or opera. Yet in the last two days I properly gave new things a chance. Yesterday I played Order of the Schtick - a light-hearted D+D card-based D12 game thing that, with an open mind, I actually found really enjoyabled. Up 'til now I've just scoffed and nodded at people talking about such hobbies. Today I sat and watched most of the canadian F1. up 'til now I just assumed it was people watching cars for three hours for no good reason. Today it clicked as to why people watched it. I was able to identify the drama (admittedly it was an especially dramatic F1). But, in general, this weekend reinforced the meaning of open-mindedness. The easy option is always to just guffaw and shrug something different away, but actually choosing to delve oneself into something that had previously almost been taboo... Well... rewards will be all that meet you. As gamers, we've overcome the stygma in the last couple of decades, with gaming slowly reaching the same respectable level as tv, movies and whatever. While '... so i have this friend on a forum I visit..." is actually still rather frowned upon as a citation, socially we've evolved well to adapt to a new area of entertainment. But my worry is that we are still closed-minded in many other ways. What was the last thing that you switched from hating (because you knew nothing about it) to liking (because you gave it a chance)? What, objectively, do you currently believe is not worth your time, even though you've never given it a chance? There's a lot more I want to say but... it's getting late!
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