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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Hey - didn't want to derail thread. Essentially everyone gets the same amount of chances - if it were allowed to just ban anyone that people didn't want to be around then modmins may start to abuse that power. Similarly, many members started out cocks and evolved, so it's only fair that chances are given.

  2. Stooooop feeediiiinnng theeee trooooooll. Guys. Seriously. Get wittier with it.
  3. So is this a continuation of the previous stuff or what? Was fairly... stagnant last time. Was it any good? Worth catching up on?
  4. When I discovered my MSG allergy I had to cut out what was, essentially, a whole load of crap. I think if people have to watch what they eat for one reason or another they're going to eat healthier due to being exposed to the ingredients on packaging and questioning exactly why they're eating such shite. I wrote several paragraphs then deleted them after this, to do with, essentially, the need for a philosophy to go with veganism, because ultimately there are things meat offers in abundance that are a hassle to try and upkeep elsewise. Also, realistically speaking, upkeeping iron or protein on a vegan diet will ultimately not save you many pennies. The choice you have in shops or restaurants becomes limited quickly, quick and easy food while out with friends or whatever becomes trickier and more of a bother... so if you don't have the philosophy to drive you then you'll question the point of it all. But yeah - I'll respect people who do it but I won't agree that it's the smartest thing to do. Vegetarianism is perfectly possible and stuff. Another mental block for this paragraph. I'll stop now.
  5. As the expert on the matter, I trust your opinion.
  6. As opposed to the usual pe---
  7. What health reasons? Not an assault or an argument, I genuinely don't know about health benefits.
  8. I can't upload pics off my phone so I send a picture of my foot to ReZ and said "upload and gimme link" and I don't actually think he's online so it may disturb him a little. So gimme a while, Mad Monkey! You can have a pic of my foot to fawn over in no time
  9. Why? Srsly. Why bother? If you're all "omg animals are LIKE HOOMANS AND SHOULD NEVAR FEEL PAAAAIIIN!!" then sure, why not. But otherwise you're just wasting time.
  10. Shh, we're talking about my footoe.
  11. IN OTHER NEWS! Er... I... have a bad toe. Hurts when I walk, on the 'ball' of the toe. More of a foot-pain than a toe pain. I don't know where the pain comes from. But it is a BAD thing. Bad. Yes.
  12. Vote: Dazz. I believe it.
  13. Paj! we could drink gin together.
  14. Saw ReZ posting this elsewhere; literally don't believe it. Cannot. If n-e were jackass, I'd be dead now :'(
  15. I just wanted to post to interrupt, and actually have nothing to add.
  16. Lol. Dialled 999 today just for shits and giggles because there was this telegraph pole at the back of a bong shop that was ablaze. Embers were catching at several rooftops. Smoke turned the road into a glass of guiness. I was actually put on hold for a minute when trying to dial it in. When they eventually turned up they didn't actually start spraying for another 10 minutes. I guess once they realised nobody was directly in trouble they could just take their time. The only other time I ever dialed 999 was when, in the sheffield flat me and shorty lived in, I saw a gang of guys stepping-up to the store owner of costcutters opposite. Store owner did our area proud and threw some karate kicks like a boss, but the coppers turned up before things got ugly. Anyone else ever dial the emergent servicles?
  17. He trolls and you lot bite. You upset yourselves by thinking you can talk sense into him. But yeah, I don't exactly see mad monkey sticking around for the 2021 reunion or anything.
  18. Oh wait we're trying to argue with Mad Monkey? Lol. *leaves thread*
  19. Vote: Dyson. Meeting up with his ex-girlfriend is such a scumnag thing to do.
  20. Been playing in a chess tournament for months. First round ended and I didn't realise it and new round started and I went away and and and and... You have a 2-day time limit to make a move. I was away from INTERNETS fo two and a half days. Some stupid bitch claimed a win on TIME becaue I didn't make a move because I was away for two days and didn't check because I didn't know the second round had started because because because... Just pissed me off. She was cheap. Four games at once -the other three guys let the clock run down and wait til I made a move. She just went and got the points. Going to fuck her up now plz k thannnks! Also; long weekend. Typng this post instead of being in bed. Hating tomorrw. HAATee egveYwerwetoabslgaldjg just don't want to NO DON't-- ok you made m... ok I mad emyself. SHUDHSDINDSG
  21. FULL STOP. I hate being with people and wanting to say stuff but not saying stuff because I'm afraid that the stuff I'm about to say isn't interesting and heard of. I delete entire messages. I write hundreds of words then trumpet-call for the long black line that flashes every heartbeat to erase all that I've not said, to ensure nobody will ever read it. But in real life it's impossible. There is no vanguard. There is just failure. In real life, there is no erase. I think that's why I don't TRY. I can pretend everything is a draft copy. But regardless of perfection. I succeed in happiness. I will not leave a mark on this planet - even if I do, the mark is erronerous to the universe. At what scale are my 'achievements' worth remembering? THREAD POINT. Recap; we live for 100 years, in a good span of calculus. We have certain abilities genetically framed onto us; learn, speak, breed. While my main goal is essentially to produce a child that can grow into a better, smarter version of me, I hold no truly mesmerising (or, indeed, possible) worthiness for existense in the first place. I spend my time well-wishing and allowing others to stamp their mark of life on my blue-collared existence. But I have dreams. I wish to furnish my own house. I want to have a tree and maybe a bench dedicated to my rotting corpse. I'd like to have a large enough DVD collection where I could arrange it both generically and alphabetically. I want to have a blue plaque placed on every home I've been in. But how? I'm not a notararyarayaysyary anything. I'm known for having a beard and drinking lots. I want to be known for my wisdom and my serenity. So after this stupid essay... What are you known for? What would you say is your reputation, or your characteristics? How different are these to your actual being? (sorry for long thread. I have words I need to let out.)
  22. Targetted last night - can only post a limited number of words today. Think Ese is boris, hense is self-defense. No idea if my power worked.
  23. Cube's silver hair - bad guy by default, surely?!
  24. Funnily enough, currently believing Diageo :P Change vote: Ellmeister!
  25. FYI going away for the weekend - will try to post when I can
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