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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. S'time for me to amass more funds. Also; you sure? We might just have more days off sparadically through the season?
  2. He last logged in 10 days ago - he does tend to check at least once a week so I don't think he's completely given up just yet. DID YOU KNOW (you didn't) Domster went to uni with one of my mates. I don't know how in-touch they are but I'll see if I can get a number for dom. I really think he should be kept in. Yeah he should be checking this thread as well but it'd be uber mean if he logs in next week to find no team at all. He'd be out for 3 months at the least, and less likely to sign up again. An extra couple of games off just means we can do some allied rivalry friendlies in the lower leagues :P
  3. All connotations sound suitibly mad.
  4. Ellmeister - Essex Elites jayseven - Emo Blades heroicjanitor - Bubbles FC Scumnags. ?
  5. I have fairly noisy neighbours. There's a bunch of spanish guys who play the same album over and over really loud, then there's the freemasons who chant, stomp their feet and clap a lot. On most nights you just get one relatively short session from one direction or another, but last night it was one, then the other, then the drunkard who lives nearest to my window who stumbled home about 1pm, shortly followed by a small group of his mates who shouted/sang while thumping on his door to wake him up, then proceeded to initiate a party that didn't die out even when I went to bed at 3. Today the neighbour that lives next to/under drunkard's has acquired a water pressure and has spent the last two hours washing... well who knows what. I think she's trying to annoy the drunkard, not really aware that the noise is bothering everyone.
  6. Anarchy, I believe!
  7. We can get a few friendlies in while we wait, but I'm sure we've had it before and we just had more breaks in the season? Number 2 for me, please!
  8. Dom still plays! He doesn't post much on here but he still at least checks his team fairly frequently. I'm fairly confident in my team's abilities. Not sure we can push for promotion but we'll put up a good fight!
  9. Man, the heatwave arrived! Set out and it was massively foggy here in Brighton. Did a bit of shopping with a friend (trying to get anniversary gifting sorted- aaii!) then went to the beach and played some chess (I won, of course), then went to the pavilion gardens where some weird girl kept staring and smiling at me. Did some creative writing with my pal, then the staring got too much and we left (not before some 'security' came round and asked everyone to stop drinking. Everyone then proceeded to just get their drinks out again when the invigilators left). Now home, seriously contemplating how I am to survive this sort of heat with my current wardrobe. I need linen!
  10. That first paragraph was meant to be sarcastically saying that companies are out to do good. Profifififit is pretty much what I mentioned earlier - totes agreerz.
  11. Not really. Those who defended you or attempted to divert attention are now decent leads to chase tonight.
  12. Ah! Three weeks then? :P
  13. The 'so what?' bit is the bit that I'm fixated on. Why do companies sell data? To make money. Why do they make money? To make the world a better place, to cure world hunger and to increase the general standard of living for all individuals. To further the legacy of the only sentient beings on this planet and the known universe. To improve the meaning of life. I'm not sure we're suddenly in a more dangerous world because of this. Our beloved companies have measures in place to deal with fraud, do they not? If we trust companies that hold such information which can, allegedly, spawn mobile phone contracts in our name, then we can trust that fraud will be dealt with too, no? If we are questioning the competence of the abilities of those that hold our data, then I guess we're questioning the ability of those which would deal with the fraud too? Is this whole occurance scary because someone may attack you on a personal level, or because you're worried everything is insecure and curiously similar looking to a house of cards with a strong wind forecasted... No wait that's probably me. Perhaps I've just not been affected personally by this whole thing, so I can't really feel the trembles or the horror of this whole situation. Until I see the economic world collapse under the strain of 100 mobile phone contracts for every name, I can't see the grounds for deeming the actions as dreglike or immoral. For me, there's immorality in the companies being allowed to have the powers they have which exceeds the immorality of 'theft' (which I guess is beyond the original instance of this whole dialogue, now we've realised we weren't entirely clued up and are aware it was a DDOS the possibly autistic individual is supposedly responsible for). I forgot what I was going to say.
  14. Just as people can obey/ignore laws, companies will do so as well. How does one find a company that is not obeying the law and the data protection act? They're easy to find why? They have an obligation too? I can understand why people believe the clean-cut marketing that companies put out while at the same time ignoring all of their personal experience of working for companies and any short-cuts they see occur. Because it's easier than demanding opacity and explanations. I just don't necessarily agree with it. Despite my outburst, I genuinely nothing the whole lulzsec whatever. What makes me drool at the mouth with hate-twinged apathy (it is possible!) is... gah. Just everything, man. Just. Everything. My disdane is one of those giant sequoia soundsystem trees, grown like bamboo from a grain of lol. I just don't know what's worse - that society's so fucking wrong or that people are so fucking blind to it. Maybe it's just me. TANGENT IS MY. All my.
  15. In all fairness, do you know whether the spectrum of autism covers the difference between social interaction and text-based communication? Do you know if this morality you speak of is altered in individuals who are autistic? Further; - He is not the 'mastermind' - Morals of holding/witholding/sharing/keeping personal information is a wobbly and complex area - Gah. Just loads. No point me pretending to know what I'm talking about, but at least I'm open to considering other explanations. I'd hate to see some people in this thread in actual decision-making positions, especially not in legal matters such as a Judge's seat. I don't understand what drive people have to be so vindictive in their arguments when they're so utterly distant from the matter itself. I don't see why one thinks expressing their opinion through fire and scalding-iron is in any way morally positive. I don't see how feeling the need to express one's opinion in even a subtly unchangeable way is in any way different to the behavior of those so many of us are willing to belittle - the chavs, the daily mail readers, the unemployed on jeremy kyle. The root of ignorance is lack of information. Ignorance is the root of misbehavior. Compassion, understanding and other such cheery pip-pip lovey-dovey nonsense at least provides an alternative. It's just so painful sometimes. - I wish to point out ahead of time; pointing out hypocracies in an attempt to belittle me into a "just as bad" as what I'm speaking against is, again, not furthering anyone's cause, nor forgiving the original maladjusted opinion. But perhaps I can use this to add weight to the above bullet point by skimming hyperbolic stones between the idea that you're fine with massive dynamic [lol] profit-driven organisations having a freehold on your 'private' and/or 'personal' information, tick-boxing away the rights to your oh-so-sacred user history/search preferences/address/email/password, and you're fine with them storing any sensitive information in ways which a well-minded terrorist could actually acquire - ways which a child can allegedly acquire them, then is the idea of seeing lulzsec as a 'lesser of two evils' perhaps glossing over the point of such 'hacking' activities? The recent 'fad' of anonymous/lolzsec/wikileaks and whatever other revolutionary embodiment you can think of is generally fighting for the distinction between revolutionism and terrorism. While extremists resort to actual violence, these 'organisations' resort to messing with the current situation - with the shape of our data-driven consumerist-'led' society. By focusing on the 'moral' act of 'theft' rather than being the devil's advocate and attempting to try to understand your 'enemy', to ask why they might do what they do, you are happy to continue and happy to see that current society is perfect and cannot be bettered in any way. - I also despise having to add clauses and conditions to my side of the dialogue, but I know that wall-of-text is an imperfect tool. It offers too many new points to an argument, often ill expressed and not thought through, leaving loop-holes and tragedies. It is my poor grasp of the english language, and my idleness with re-drafts, that means my ethos cannot transplant from my head to your head without being toned or shaded with my own emotions or ignorance. TL;DR: I'm trying to say that I think you're being ignorant about the full circumstances, and perhaps I am expressing my own areas of ignorance in this reply. I am also hoping you fight the desire to attack my larger, less refined points and continue to evaluate your own stance and defend/redefine them before perhaps continuing on to assault on mine. Otherwise the dialogue quickly steers towards one where neither side feels that they are being heard. Still TL;DR: I enjoyed writing that. It was fun.
  16. There's 13 seasons :P But yeah - ceapomplete collection's not going to be cheap
  17. How's this eevil? http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/columbo-seasons-1-8-25dvd-now-29-85-delivered-hut-zavvi/964873
  18. Wow. Didn't think there'd be so much soap-box opera in here, as well as a sheer lack of understanding or perspective.
  19. Can't believe I forgot some of those! ... I expect I'll be at least thinking that phrase a few times in this thread...
  20. I agree - before mobiles, you arrived early because you didn't want to arrive late to find that people had come and left thinking you weren't coming. I have a classic anecdote where there was this one friend who would near-daily arrive pretty much an hour late to social gatherings. It got to the point where I started telling her the metting time was an hour earlier than it actually was. It resulted in her arriving maybe 5 mins after the rest of us, profusely apologising about her tardiness! I also hate it when people say "I'll be there in 5" in a text, and they're there in 15. I hate it when people say "oh I'm just leaving now" when they're still getting ready... Bleh. Mobile phones provide people with the chance to give excuses. However! The typical reason people turn up late is because they don't want to arrive and be the only one there. I rarely have friends I can meet 'on the way' to places as I currently live in town where people hang out. hence, I'll ask them to text me when they're nearly there as it only takes literally 5 minutes to get to our regular haunts, and thus saves me the hassle of standing about in a pub like a tit for two hours waiting for them. It always bugs me when people are late for the sake of being late, though.
  21. Watched Wayne's World again this afternoon with a couple of buddies who knew the scenes just about as well as I do, we all had a great time seeing how well we knew the script. Thus! I would like to propose a LIST THREAD. Which threads did you grow up with; watch repeatedly, perhaps with siblings? That stack of VHS tapes you went to on a dreary day stuck in? Threads? I mean films! Of course I do. Lol. Mistakes recognised are so much more casual. For me (aside from WW and it's sequel); - Flight of the Navigator - BMX Bandits - The Karate Kid - The Three Ninjas (lots of the films) - Yellow Submarine - Little Raveascals - *Batteries Not Included - Short Circuit - Free Willy - My Girl - The Fox And The Hound - Return of Jafaar - Please Sir - Duel ... Man, I may have to go have a chat with my sister and see what she remembers! Some of these were movies we owned, some were ones we'd rent a lot, some we'd have to watch if they were on telly. Oh! - Ferngully - Fantasia - Crocodile Dundee
  22. Fairly sure this has come up before. ^that's the one we were in (clink78 - the other is clink261)
  23. Sucks when you have plenty to do - books, music, films, games - but none of it quite appeals, or when you've had a heavy and stressful stretch of time and then you simply don't know what to do with yourself (and before you know it, you're stressed out and busy again!)... (Personally I'll start a few games against randomers on chess.com)
  24. I give it... 3 months before you housemates are the worst in teh world!
  25. We stayed in the hostel ashley mentions (10 mins from king's cross?) the first year. 6 of us, two nights, 20 quid each I think it was.
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