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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Lols, nah I definitely meant 'write a wrong' as I figured that in that situation I could have just left work without saying anything but I didn't want to do that because it would have made things so much worse in my eyes and probably hers. But writing a song... hmm now theres something I didn't think of, i'd imagine that if I had done something like that though it would have been very creepy anyway lol thanks for that, thinking about it gave me an amusing mental image in my head involving singing that made me laugh. : peace:
  2. I know but... when I approached her the second time to apologise, even though there weren't many people around, I still felt that maybe I was making her feel a bit awkward, hence I said that she didn't have to explain but I respect the fact that she did.
  3. That's exactly what I wanted to avoid - regret - because I know that I would have continued thinking 'what if' etc and I couldn't live with that feeling any longer. Also thanks, I do feel like I have grown a bit as a person just that I guess even though I'm happy about it, I'm still finding my feelings but yes I do feel that progress has been made and in a positive way.
  4. Today at work I had my first 'proper' taste of rejection so I figured I'd share my experience and then open this thread up for anyone else wishing to share their own stories and advice regarding the topic, so here goes... I decided to ask a girl out as I'd been interested in her for a good 'while' - read as 'a few months' >> - and she was interested in me too, or so I thought, anyway the conversation went a 'lil something like this... (she had just finished her break and was about to head back to her dept - I work in the staff room where everyone takes their breaks - anyway...) *gets attention of girl* Me : 'I won't be here on Monday as I'm on Holiday' Girl : 'Oh ok, I hope you enjoy your time off' Me : 'Thanks, I haven't really planned anything though, but I was thinking, would you like to do something?' Girl : 'I'm busy on Monday...' Me: 'Oh ok, any day would be fine though...' Girl : 'I still can't, I'm busy atm' Me : 'Ah s'ok, no worries' **Rejected** I felt really bad afterward as well :/ not so much for myself - well maybe a little - but more the fact that I'd obviously made her feel awkward when I didn't mean to... I even made sure that there wasn't really anyone else around when I asked her, maybe one person anyway, thats besides the point. After that I just went about my usual work routine, actually I lie, after cleaning the sink more than necessary, washing my hands about 5 times ><, getting a drink of water... THEN I went back to my usual work routine, as the end of my shift got nearer I had calmed almost completely and I realised that I was actually fine with it but I knew that I had to write a wrong because otherwise stuff might be weird and I don't want that because she's a really nice girl and I don't want to ruin any friendship that we might have. So I made sure that I finished a few minutes early then I went to see her, luckilly she wasn't busy and there were no customers about so another conversation ensued... Me : 'Heya' Girl : 'Hi' Me : 'I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier...' Girl : 'It's ok...' Me : 'Still I'm sorry and I didn't mean to make you feel awkward...' Girl : 'It's kind of hard to explain... Me: 'S'ok you don't have to explain if you don't want to... Girl : 'It's just that... *wait for it...* You're a really nice guy and I'd like to be friends with you...' Me : 'That's ok, no hard feelings?' *handshake* Me : 'See you on Saturday?' Girl : 'Yes' Me : 'See you' Girl : 'See you' So then I left and tbh I was actually happy with the outcome because if I hadn't had asked her when I did, it would have got to Saturday... I would have told myself 'ask her today' - what I'd allready been doing for a while - and then I wouldn't have asked her, I would have been away from work, thinking, wondering etc and I would have set myself up for an even bigger fall lol. At least now I can get over it, move on and be happy now that we both know where we stand, maybe we will do something as friends sometime... who knows but I'm just glad that I talked to her after as now we're both reassured that stuff won't be weird, because I can't think of anything worse atm than someone feeling awkward around me at work who I see everyday because of something I caused :/ so I'm just glad that it won't be that way and that everything had a reasonably happy ending because things could have gone a lot worse, but they didn't, so yay I guess. : peace: Anyway, thats my story that I wanted to share with you all, yes I know that I probably 'fail at life' etc but I feel like I've at least learned a valuable lesson today and have maybe grown a bit as a person etc... and it feels good so... *shrugs* ^^ So now over to you... have any of you experienced any similar scenarios based around rejection? What did you learn from it? and how do you feel about things looking back on them now? Go!
  5. Hell yeah, that show was awesome, seeing that intro has reminded me just how much so... 'Sonic... he can really move, Sonic... he's got an attttituuude, Sonic... He's the fastest thing Aliiiiiiiiiiive!' Pro stuff. : peace:
  6. Most kids TV is shit nowadays Imo and will never touch the awesomeness of the Kids shows of days gone by... Sharky and George 'nuff said.
  7. It truly is a quality title and this is now basically the definitive version of it as from what I can tell, it contains all the content from Outrun 2 / '06 plus the graphics have been touched up rather nicely, not to mention the online aspect which I didn't get to play the first time around.
  8. The last 'Space Combat' game I recall playing was Stellar Assault, you need a Sega 32X to play it - or a japanese Saturn - but if you're a fan of the genre then it's definitely worth picking up if you can find it.
  9. Odd choice... why are they taking the Shining Force RPG series in the direction of what looks like an arcade hack 'n slash title?
  10. Personally I think it'll be well worth the 800 points.
  11. Outrun Arcade is available to download right now for anyone who was gonna get it, personally I'd highly recommend it as the original Outrun 2 was the game that made me want to buy an Xbox and this version seems to have everything that the updated Outrun 2006 had but with more. Anyway it's a guarenteed purchase for me, downloading right now. : peace:
  12. All is 'fair' in publicity, think how much she will get from this... I'm not condoning what he said mind, despite not liking Miley particularly but at the end of it all they are just words... harsh words? maybe... but I get his point, in the grand scheme of the music business, she is 'nobody'... and so it's basically like saying she hasn't really done anything and so can't really expect to demand anything in return. The examples of suggestions of what she 'should' do are extreme yes but they are still just words and in the grand scheme of things are nothing shocking, they are both as bad as each other; Foxx for stooping so low when he should perhaps know better and Cyrus for acting like the world owes her something lol But who am I to judge? All I'm saying is that shit invariably happens... Oh and I wouldn't be surprised if to any extent this is all just an elaborate publicity stunt, I don't really care either, just that going by the lengths some people will go to get it, nothing surprises me anymore...
  13. Yeah I left my headset on while singing 'cos I wasn't sure if it was the 'done' thing or not, but I think after it started echoing it must have got off-putting lol so I muted it during singing in the end. But yeah... once the laughing started everything pretty much started to fall apart but it was good fun. : peace:
  14. You 'can' use the headset to sing with, but dear god is it awful... Also, to Dyson, ty for the game on Rock Band earlier, I think I'll mute my Mic before singing again online in the future though but it was still fun. : peace:
  15. The new album by Silversun Pickups has been released today O.o I actually had no idea that it was coming out so soon until I saw a track-pack by them on Xbox Live for GHWT and then thought 'hang on a sec I don't recognise that track...' *checks Play.com* *finds new album* that was a pretty nice surprise tbh because I really loved their first proper album titled Carnavas. The new album is titled 'Swoon' for anyone who's interested (I know Dyson may well be ) I've just ordered it along with a copy of their original EP which I'd heard of before but never got around to buying. For anyone who still doesn't know what the hell I'm going on about, here is a video of them performing 'Lazy Eye' the first few seconds are quieter than the album version for some reason, anyway...
  16. Some of the songs on their latest albums are growers, but there is still a lot to love about it Imo but as I've said before, I prefer their older albums, my favourite being Cast of Thousands which I honestly think you would probably like Paj as it's very different from the rest of their work plus just like the other two of their previous albums it's only £2.99 on Play.com. : peace: My favourite song from the album... Switching Off Simply beautiful Imo... <3
  17. I took a pic of the wheel, when I initially dug it out with a load of Megadrive and Master system stuff when clearing out my wardrobe the other day... Pic As you can see, the wheel is there on the right above the MD and is in good condition - aside from being slightly dusty, this will be dusted before being posted - as for the games... the erm box to Virtua Cop 2 is actually in very good condition, it's just that I always store the larger boxes away and I can't get to it right at the moment :/ I was planning on clearing out more stuff tomorrow though so I may be able to provide a pic of that and the other games tomorrow. Also, 'D' which you enquired about is I believe a third person adventure title from Sega which I think comes on two discs and did get a sequel on the Dreamcast named 'D2' anyway I have never actually played it tbh and both that and Darius Gaiden are complete and in good condition.
  18. Nice to see that this thread is still plodding along.
  19. I guess the wheel won't get used a great deal, but when you play driving games with it, it's like you're playing an entirely different game as those official Sega wheels are very well made Imo. Other Sega Saturn Stuffz for Sale... Boxed and Complete games... D Darius Gaiden Mighty Hits Virtua Cop 2 WITH light gun Incomplete games Virtua Cop (comes boxed but the box belongs to Burning Rangers! ) Misc Action Replay PRO - 4 in 1 cartridge that acts as an Action Replay, Memory Card, Ram Expansion and Sega Satellite, it allows you to play import games. Let me know if you are interested in any of that stuff in addition to a wheel and I could cut you a deal. : peace:
  20. I noticed that you won an auction for a Saturn, let me know if you want the wheel.
  21. It's not exactly a problem though because the boss battles are fun, even more fun once you get the final mask. : peace:
  22. Happy Easter Everyone! ^^ I didn't get any easter eggs but it's probably just as well seeing as I wouldn't have been able to eat one tbh, my bro had some of his friends back last night and we all kinda ended up drinking through till the early hours of the morning, whilst playing Rock Band and watching Pulp Fiction, t'was pretty fun. Spent the rest of the day sobering up while playing the new Bubble Bobble on the Wii - which is pretty damn good btw- and in a few minutes I'm gonna watch Dr Who which is on at 7pm, it's been a pretty good day tbh. : peace: Plus I'm not working tomorrow which is a nice bonus.
  23. Yeah that setup seems 'fine' so I'd just go with that if you truly won't be using it a great deal, you'll still get good results from that setup I reckon but it's pretty light on inputs but as you say, if it's just for your Wii and DvD player then it's not an issue.
  24. I have one of these... http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/3271785/Sony-STR-DA1200ESS-Home-Cinema-Receiver-With-HDMI-Switcher/Product.html It's normally £289.99 for that model atm but there is one on Play Trade for just under £200 which is a very good price for what that unit can do, just bare in mind that you will need to buy some decent speakers to go with it to get the most out of it though.
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