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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. darksnowman?
  2. Correct! *high-fives MBAM!* your turn.
  3. Heh I remember that one... 'Dark-Wing-Duck! let's get dan-ger-ous! Dark-Wing-Duck!'
  4. Yay! hmm ok... Which members user name could also be used to describe weather that is typical of the region of the UK that I live in?
  5. Oxigen Waste!
  6. Good advice, I intend to go down the road of rejection rather than regret from now on based on my aforementioned experience as the former is better than the latter in retrospect, I just hope that it truly does get easier because I have a feeling that it may be something thats gonna become an all too familiar occurance for me.
  7. Tom? aka Tphi
  8. Everything is Illuminated It entertained me, I enjoyed it and it was different. 8/10
  9. nvm guys, I've had my fair share of regrets as well, hence I did what I did - and still can't quite believe it :/ - regrets aren't easy to live with but some of them do heal over time. *Regret hug*
  10. Hmm you may be right Jay, it's not as if I simply asked it out of the blue though, I can think of several times where I 'thought' she had hinted she may be interested in me but at the time I maybe didn't think of it in that way as much, but it's when the next 'hint' comes along thats when you get to thinking that the previous one may have been what you thought it was. :/ And so it goes on and if I had not asked her when I did, then god knows how much longer it would have been before I eventually got around to it, so instead I asked her, got rejected pretty early on in my work shift and then thought about it and what to do next until near the end of my shift which was a good three hours later... If I had just left then I 'know' that I would have seen her on Saturday anyway as we both work on that day and it will have probably been awkward, so instead I apologised before I left and she gave me the 'just a friend' line, I could see that she was trying to think of how to let me down gently, anyway she said it and I made it clear that I was ok with that, we shook hands to show that there were no hard feelings and the only thing I could think to say after that was the obvious 'see you on Saturday?' because we both know that we work on that day. *shrugs* I'm not expecting her to have changed her mind or anything by then she made it pretty obvious that it was just friendship that she wanted and I accepted that, so hopefully things will be normal now. Thanks, as I said before, it wasn't easy... I may have actually said those words as confidently as I could at the time but inside I was like 'oh shit' and immediately after I was even thinking 'did I actually just do that?' and after I realised that I'd most probably made her uncomfortable - even if that wasn't my intention that's not the point - I had to apologise to her before I left, the fact that she explained to me why was just a bonus really but it did make things a lot easier and like I say, hopefully things will be normal now.
  11. *hugs* try not to let it get you down, I remember what it was like for me when I was first trying to get a job, I have a whole file somewhere 'full' of rejection letters, some didn't even write back though but then I guess they didn't really need to as I knew the answer. I say the best thing to do with rejection letters is just file & forget... or y'know just chuck them - or delete if e-mails - phone ones can be annoying, I once applied for a job in a tea-room literally right up the road from where I live, I didn't hear back from them for a few days so I called up to ask and it turns out the guy who interviewed me had left it to his partner to call to tell me I hadn't got the job, only apparently she called, didn't get through and just left it >< so that kind of sucked. Soon after that though things looked up as I got a job at a theme park for a season which was fun and then after my time was over there I literally handed in my CV to my local supermarket the next day totally on-spec and got an interview within days. O.o Now a few years on and I'm still working there, but in a different department, cooking stuff which is more what I wanted to do in the first place, sure it still has its 'moments' all jobs do but for me it's the best place in the store I could possibly be. Hmm I kind of went off on a tangent there but well it just made me think that looking back, I'm glad that I didn't get that job in the tea rooms as I'm happier where I am now, so although getting lots of rejections does suck, when you eventually get a job or another job then it usually means that not getting the other jobs was for the best, even if it may not seem that way atm. Keep at it though Becky and we will keep our fingers crossed for you getting another job soon.
  12. Tbh all I have to say is wtg for sending that e-mail : peace: I think it's good that you were honest, plus it looks like they have a few problems with their current staff there so maybe this will cause the management to review stuff - or rather staff - and so they may look on you favourably for e-mailing them. And if not, well as you say, what do you have to lose? At least you've tried your best and hopefully have no regrets.
  13. Of course Bluey, this thread is for all forms of rejection, not merely limited to the relationship related kind on the front of the rejection from that Deli place, personally I think you deserve better than there, but at the end of it all I guess it's about the cash at the moment but look at it this way, at least you can try for that Sushi place that you mentioned, which sounds like a nicer place to work tbh, so fingers crossed for you that all goes well. : peace: And on the front of having to tell someone that you're not interested, I picked up on the fact that it wasn't easy for her to tell me and so I respect that she did tell me honestly in the end as it meant that we now both know where we stand and can move on as friends.
  14. Recently I've still been repeatedly listening to Royksopp as I'm just really enjoying it, Junior is still the most played out of their three albums for me but no doubt Melody A.M. and The Understanding will match it in time as there is a lot to like from each album. In other news I'm looking forward to hopefully getting my hands on Swoon... the new album from Silversun Pickups as I really enjoyed Carnavas a lot so hopefully their latest efforts will be decent too. : peace:
  15. Yeah, and yes I am indeed feeling alright about it, infact I'm feeling good so it's fine. : peace: I know what you mean about not truly knowing what happened though, your example by the sounds of it is probably more involved but even from my - relatively light - example from yesterday, I'm still kind of trying to figure out what happened, even though I know lol anyway at least now I can start looking ahead so it's all good. It never seems to be as clean-cut when it's at work though because yes we did get on well at work but then I don't know if thats really classed as being friends as such because I get on well with a lot of my co-workers, or at least I like to think so anyway, I have suspicions that some of them are just being polite but *shrugs* that's work. So in that respect I never really went into it thinking friendship was a gateway or anything but at least we both know where we stand now and from the experience I'm now pretty certain that it would have turned out the same no matter how I'd asked her. I agree with you Jim, it's definitely something that should be looked as a good thing - at least initially - it would have been so easy for me to go and get all down about it but truly that just isn't me as I realise that there is nothing to really be achieved from that so I'm just glad that I can take such a positive view on it. I've done my best, she isn't interested in anything other than friendship but... friendship is in many ways better tbh, the worst thing I could have done was reacted badly and made her feel bad because she doesn't deserve that, so now at least things won't be weird, if anything they will be more normal now if that makes sense... because before there were times when I wanted to ask her and that would result in me trying to maybe nudge the conversation in certain directions and it just wasn't good lol. So I'm just glad that I can look back and laugh on it allready and just moved on. Thanks Nintendohnut, this is exactly how I'm feeling now, stronger for asking her because each day that I didn't ask I would just feel weaker and more like an excuse for a person rather than an actual living entity, so it's good to be free of those feelings.
  16. It can be pretty hard to have to deal with it seems, the only positive thing I can think about rejection is that no matter how many times it happens, at least we must somehow learn from our experiences and benefit from them somehow, even if it doesn't initially feel like it. I've had regrets in the past when I hadn't had the confidence to even ask as well... come to think of it though, when I did ask today, I was as confident as I could be but inside I was an absolute wreck. :/
  17. I was definitely getting to that point, you know when you keep inventing scenarios in your head about what you should/would/could have said... :/ and that is so not a good place to be and is why I think it feels good to have done the 'right' thing.
  18. Yeah... but I honestly don't mind, in fact somewhere in the back of my mind I kind of 'knew' that it would turn out this way so the 'reality check' has done me some good I think.
  19. Thanks ^^ I am genuinely glad that I at least asked as I feel better for it now. I did kind of have to build up the courage just to ask her and at the time right after I did initially feel that it had all gone horribly wrong :/ so I'm just glad that I was able to redeem at least our friendship.
  20. Lols, nah I definitely meant 'write a wrong' as I figured that in that situation I could have just left work without saying anything but I didn't want to do that because it would have made things so much worse in my eyes and probably hers. But writing a song... hmm now theres something I didn't think of, i'd imagine that if I had done something like that though it would have been very creepy anyway lol thanks for that, thinking about it gave me an amusing mental image in my head involving singing that made me laugh. : peace:
  21. I know but... when I approached her the second time to apologise, even though there weren't many people around, I still felt that maybe I was making her feel a bit awkward, hence I said that she didn't have to explain but I respect the fact that she did.
  22. That's exactly what I wanted to avoid - regret - because I know that I would have continued thinking 'what if' etc and I couldn't live with that feeling any longer. Also thanks, I do feel like I have grown a bit as a person just that I guess even though I'm happy about it, I'm still finding my feelings but yes I do feel that progress has been made and in a positive way.
  23. Today at work I had my first 'proper' taste of rejection so I figured I'd share my experience and then open this thread up for anyone else wishing to share their own stories and advice regarding the topic, so here goes... I decided to ask a girl out as I'd been interested in her for a good 'while' - read as 'a few months' >> - and she was interested in me too, or so I thought, anyway the conversation went a 'lil something like this... (she had just finished her break and was about to head back to her dept - I work in the staff room where everyone takes their breaks - anyway...) *gets attention of girl* Me : 'I won't be here on Monday as I'm on Holiday' Girl : 'Oh ok, I hope you enjoy your time off' Me : 'Thanks, I haven't really planned anything though, but I was thinking, would you like to do something?' Girl : 'I'm busy on Monday...' Me: 'Oh ok, any day would be fine though...' Girl : 'I still can't, I'm busy atm' Me : 'Ah s'ok, no worries' **Rejected** I felt really bad afterward as well :/ not so much for myself - well maybe a little - but more the fact that I'd obviously made her feel awkward when I didn't mean to... I even made sure that there wasn't really anyone else around when I asked her, maybe one person anyway, thats besides the point. After that I just went about my usual work routine, actually I lie, after cleaning the sink more than necessary, washing my hands about 5 times ><, getting a drink of water... THEN I went back to my usual work routine, as the end of my shift got nearer I had calmed almost completely and I realised that I was actually fine with it but I knew that I had to write a wrong because otherwise stuff might be weird and I don't want that because she's a really nice girl and I don't want to ruin any friendship that we might have. So I made sure that I finished a few minutes early then I went to see her, luckilly she wasn't busy and there were no customers about so another conversation ensued... Me : 'Heya' Girl : 'Hi' Me : 'I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier...' Girl : 'It's ok...' Me : 'Still I'm sorry and I didn't mean to make you feel awkward...' Girl : 'It's kind of hard to explain... Me: 'S'ok you don't have to explain if you don't want to... Girl : 'It's just that... *wait for it...* You're a really nice guy and I'd like to be friends with you...' Me : 'That's ok, no hard feelings?' *handshake* Me : 'See you on Saturday?' Girl : 'Yes' Me : 'See you' Girl : 'See you' So then I left and tbh I was actually happy with the outcome because if I hadn't had asked her when I did, it would have got to Saturday... I would have told myself 'ask her today' - what I'd allready been doing for a while - and then I wouldn't have asked her, I would have been away from work, thinking, wondering etc and I would have set myself up for an even bigger fall lol. At least now I can get over it, move on and be happy now that we both know where we stand, maybe we will do something as friends sometime... who knows but I'm just glad that I talked to her after as now we're both reassured that stuff won't be weird, because I can't think of anything worse atm than someone feeling awkward around me at work who I see everyday because of something I caused :/ so I'm just glad that it won't be that way and that everything had a reasonably happy ending because things could have gone a lot worse, but they didn't, so yay I guess. : peace: Anyway, thats my story that I wanted to share with you all, yes I know that I probably 'fail at life' etc but I feel like I've at least learned a valuable lesson today and have maybe grown a bit as a person etc... and it feels good so... *shrugs* ^^ So now over to you... have any of you experienced any similar scenarios based around rejection? What did you learn from it? and how do you feel about things looking back on them now? Go!
  24. Hell yeah, that show was awesome, seeing that intro has reminded me just how much so... 'Sonic... he can really move, Sonic... he's got an attttituuude, Sonic... He's the fastest thing Aliiiiiiiiiiive!' Pro stuff. : peace:
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