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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I dare not go to Russia, if I ever found a tank then... reinacting the scene from Goldeneye of driving one down the streets of St Petersburg would be just too tempting.
  2. Truth spoken, but there is a much easier way to get cash quickly, farm the 'heart of Africa' 10,000 each time.
  3. Mmmm... basically both Resi 4 and Resi 5 are good, 4 is better in terms of execution, 5 is better in terms of story, both bring welcome advances to the table (co-op mercenaries should be standard now) but either way... The series needs an overhaul and thank fuck Capcom have realised this. I just hope that they also realise that Wii owners would like to see more cannon efforts from the series as well as the obligatory ports and spn-offs.
  4. I'm requesting a motion to change my plea.
  5. The seed was allready planted by Eenuh a mere two posts up... Is it a car? is it a sled? No it's much better than that, it's a sled-car! fuck yeah...
  6. Resi 5 isn't awful, far from it... t'is one of the better games of this generation - on the 360 - it's only real faults are that it strays even further from the series roots than Resi 4 did, basically they could right the series by simply making it mostly fixed camera again but with the over the shoulder view - I don't know how but it must be possible - then just stick a decent amount of puzzles in, lessen the action game aspect but keep enough action to... Yeah it needs a complete fucking overhaul, just as well that's what Capcom is planning, I must admit though it would be nice if for Resi 6 they chose to devlop a Wii version as well at some point, it wouldn't matter about the graphics being downgraded, just having it on the console in some playable form would be enough.
  7. S.C.G


    Looks promising... if it gets released on XBLA I might consider it, otherwise...
  8. I was told by my local independant that they would have details of how many etc yesterday but there was no such luck, still they said they would put one back for me (I think) so can't say fairer than that, especially if I get one today.
  9. Check out this pro shed... http://www.trinidadproshed.com/
  10. If you can't pre-order, try a local independant retailer if you have one, you never know...
  11. If it went through, then you probably got charged somehow.
  12. Kned... it is a word... in the Urban Dictionary. >> Gonna be difficult to get out of this one so I'm going to suggest another word for the next one also from the Urban Dictionary... Keed. Game on! : peace:
  13. There is a possibility I may be getting mine today, depends entirely when the shop gets it's delivery.
  14. These Mofo's are 'a chillin' in the Snow.
  15. Which shoe Eenuh? Show me, oh I see it *scrapes it off* it's gone now.
  16. On Play.com Dyson, actually for w/e reason all three of their previous albums have been £2.99 for ages on there lol heres a quick summary for you... Asleep in the Back - Their first album is their most underrated I feel, there is more repitition of lyrics - mainly in the first track - but it's the way that it's all brought together, that makes it work so well; some genuinely decent tracks on there like Newborn that start off slow but build up to something more epic, either way there is a lot to like about their debut album. Cast of Thousands - My personal favourite <3 this was the first Elbow album that I listened to thanks to someone special who introduced me to them and I still genuinely think it's the best of the lot; it's just so drastically different from their other albums, has an excellent opening track - Ribcage - and many other quality entries such as Fugitive Motel, Snooks, Not a job, Buttons and Zips, Grace Under Pressure and the best track on there Imo which is Switching Off, which is one of those tracks that you just need to hear. Leaders of the Free World - Comes a pretty close second tbh, again this is different from their previous albums but mainly because this sound seems to have become their standard; lots of good tracks on here including another strong opening track in Station Approach, actually like with Cast of Thousands I really like every track but a few of the standout ones for me are Picky Bugger, Forget Myself, Mexican Standoff, The Everthere and my favourite which is the title track Leaders of the Free world which pretty much has it all, the build-up, lyrics, pacing... I just love it basically. The Seldom Seen Kid - I know you allready have this one but I'm gonna summarise what I like about it anyway for completionists sake lol another excellent opener in Starlings other excellent tracks for me include Bones of You, Grounds for Divorce, Audience with the Pope, Fix and One Day Like This which I really love and although I prefer the older albums I can't deny the quality of their latest work. I hope this helps you Dyson and maybe a few others who may be interested in them : peace: bare in mind though that my opinion is pretty bias as I just really love their music and they not be everyones cup of tea but if you've ever been curious about them then by all means please give them a listen as there is a lot to like about them Imo. ^^ ---------------------------------------------------- Portishead related note, We Carry On from Third is a new favourite track now I think.
  17. I just went and ordered not only Portishead's second self titled album but also all three Royksopp albums too, something I've been meaning to do for a while. Also I'm glad to hear that your listening of OK Computer is going well Paj, it's a quality album and don't worry about not being able to distinguish the tracks too much as I find that it's one of those rare albums that tends to flow flawlessly into each track so that when you listen, it's all one big amazing aural experience Imo. Oh and for anyone who's been considering getting into Elbow, now is a good time as you can currently get all four albums for a quite amazing £14... seriously I think that it's a very small price to pay for the wealth of excellent music that's contained on those four discs. : peace:
  18. Just in case you do decide you want it, I have a sealed copy of it, yours for £12 including postage if you want it Eevil.
  19. *attempts to raise the tone a little* Classic track must get their second album sometime soon... >> *has Dummy and Third*
  20. Blam! That's right, blam... fuck yeah!
  21. make that a double Ninja edit because my post turned out to be a flop.
  22. Keep off the grass! It's just been mown byatches!
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