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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Ah sorry to here that Eevil :/ still I guess all birthdays can't be great, come to think of it... I haven't really 'done' anything to celebrate my birthday for a good few years now... maybe this year'll be different, we shall see.
  2. And you expect me to believe you? : peace: How was your birthday btw Eevil? I hope it was a most pro day.
  3. This piece of meat I shall sear.
  4. It will be no mean feat but I shall try.
  5. GC Pad >>> Classic controller, this goes for all N64 games.
  6. Ah sorry I wasn't sure on the name thing and it was getting difficult to come up with new words... Daa Daa Daa Daaaaaaaa! You got a Magic Bean! Set this item to < ^ >.
  7. Lol well if anything at least it means that the future of motion control is looking bright with the imminent introduction of Motion plus.
  8. Halfway through the game now after downloading it yesterday to play through again for VC Weekly #91... Just as Link has 72 hours in the game I've set myself a 3-day time limit to complete the game once again, so with any luck the review should be written up by Monday. : peace: I have to say that although I have completed it before about 3 times? - still not as many times as I've completed OOT - because it's been a while there are a good few moments that feel fresh again on this playthrough, also in many ways it is superior to Ocarina of Time Imo. It may not have as many dungeons but it does have special moments in the game that remain untouched as anyone who has played it before will no doubt testify; it's simply brilliant.
  9. Any USB mic will work.
  10. No-one messes with this mofo for he is the great Leon! - S Kennedy - fear his gangsterness! damn, the alternative costumes in Resi 4 = so much >>> Resi 5's... :P
  11. Happy Birthday Eevil! ^^
  12. Especially when hitting the Weak-Point of the Giant Enemy Crab. :wink:
  13. The thing is, if they had tightened up the controls etc for the onfoot bits, then it might have played a bit more just Jet Force Gemini <3 and that would have been awesome, but the experience just wasn't quite up to that standard and so felt tacked on.
  14. Aken... It is a word, apparently.
  15. Get one! all you need to do is beat the game in under five hours on Amateur which is pretty easy and well worth it. You will be able to get a few more of the gems with it too as there are a few enemies that you may normally run away from in the game, but if you rocket anything that moves then you will surely find your rewards.
  16. True... still it is kind of sad to hear someone who was involved in some of the better Starfox games calling the Wii a 'Toy' but it's his opinion and he's entitled to it.
  17. Just looks like another week of 'filler' dlc to me... probably great if you like the bands though.
  18. Ok well, all you need is the infinite launcher, let Wesker break down the door, then hide round the corner and fire a rocket at the mofo, he'll catch it, you shoot it, it explodes, you get an achievement - if you don't have it allready - then the heart of africa will appear in the main room between where the two green herbs are.
  19. It's a jewel that you can only get in the Wesker / Jill battle... like I've said before, anyone who's got the 'bad blood' achievement will have either got or had the oppourtunity to pick up this jewel.
  20. Bah! this is all just an elaborate ploy isn't it?
  21. Link, looking like he's about to stab his hat... to death. O.o
  22. Replaying this once again - for the good of VC Weekly of course - and I'm really enjoying it; it's a classic piece of Zelda history and one of - if not the - finest entries in the series. It's good to have the proper save function reinstated for the VC version, also afaik the freezing thing should not be present in this version seeing as it seems to be a port of the N64 version and not the buggy GC conversion, the expansion pak is emulated fine as well for those wondering.
  23. Time to flip this thread, on its head.
  24. I posted slit after Jav posted slut but after I posted the word slit (accompanied by a cartoon image of someone making a slit with a cleaver, nothing vulgar :P) I saw that you had posted the word shut and so I posted the word shat instead. Onward... Slop! this sign is not ready yet...
  25. t'is only an image, I just googled it and posted it... anyway... This ship looks like a shop to me.
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