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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Thats exactly how I took it, granted I'm not a huge fan of the series, I enjoyed watching the older series of it years back but I never took it any more seriously than that; while it's true that this latest episode hasn't really got anything on the previous series I still thought it was good, a few moments put a smile on my face and thats all I expected from it tbh so I wasn't disapointed.
  2. Quite a decent return overall I thought considering how long it's been, what did everyone else think of the latest ep? I enjoyed it personally.
  3. Aren't arcade releases generally released on a Wednesday though? 17th is a Friday.
  4. Hmm Dragon Kazooie is in Tooie though, and yeah you are right, if I remember correctly you could collect two of the stop and swop eggs in Tooie along with the ice key, but they were not the same ones from BK, just items within BT in their own right, so fuck knows how they are gonna implement it this time around.
  5. Just cramming another word in.
  6. Just been clearing out stuff todayand I found a few Sega bits and pieces, controllers etc mainly, among all that is an official Sega Saturn Wheel, thought I'd post here in case anyone was interested in aquiring one.
  7. Thats quite a backlog there Ganepark, I hope they let you review some recent stuff soon is your review work paid btw? if so then that's not so bad but if it's voluntary then at least you will have a stack of games that you could trade in as well as a few to keep anyway.
  8. Neither did I... *joins in with the hanging of heads in shame* Although tbh I'm not that ashamed because it was Rare's fault for releasing both Banjo-Tooie AND Conkers Bad Fur Day within days of each other, I ended up getting Conker - for an excellent price of £27 on launch with various discounts, very good when you consider it was £59.99 rrp! - and my younger brother ended up getting Tooie and so as a result I never really played it properly back in the day, Banjo Kazooie was better anyway, but despite its faults I still really wan to play Banjo-Tooie because it will be almost as new gaming experience for me.
  9. Do you have a large collection of them? Because I actually have two packs of them, one opened and one unopened, I also bought them for display purposes but I'm not too fussed about them now and am gonna have a clear out soon so if you're interested in aquiring any more of them, drop me a PM. : peace:
  10. It also had a small amount of built-in system memory, I remember because I bought a second hand Sega Saturn, started a file on Panzer Dragoon Saga, would get about an hour or so in, 'Save' then turn the unit off only to find that next time I turned the machine on, the 'saved' data was not there... :/ Turns out that when I checked the removable compartment at the back of the system, I found that the battery installed in the system still had it's insulation tab in! so either someone had bought the machine at launch with a memory card or had been playing Sega Saturn games and not having any save function for however long they had the console I would imagine the former situation to be the case though unless they only played games on it that could be easily completed in one sitting.
  11. Oh I understand now, thanks for the explanation hmm so I guess it's only really as conclusive as the amount of people who took part in it, still it's interesting to read the results all the same.
  12. With that said, I still think Sega should make their next Sonic game in 2D and put it up for download instead of retail.
  13. I think it's just due to the fact that it isn't as good as having a headset, yes I know a headset you have to wear but at least it confines to speech so that it's seperate from the in-game stuff, I could not stand having voices playing through my speaker setup tbh, much better to have them confined and easily muted if necessary. Anyway I find that games like this don't really need Wii Speak as such, Mario Kart didn't need it so... there isn't much point tbh, unless Nintendo ditch Wii Speak and make some sort of headset for the Wii of course but that won't happen, the funny thing is that you can get them for the DS lol... Back on topic with the game, it's looking pretty damn nice from that latest trailer, it's looking more and more like a must-have purchase. Also I've just noticed the boxart... I hope that we can buy it without the Wii Wheel for a few quid less as I don't think I really need another one :/ if theres no choice in the matter then I'll still get it just that currently the one wheel that I do have is just in a pile along with the zapper and a second nunchuck... my two handcannons are on my desk though as those are just so awesome even when not being used.
  14. A clap for Flink and Eenuh in agreement with their statement in favour of the game continuing.
  15. How do they know what was played and when though? This current gen of consoles I can understand because mostly anyone who owns one will use it online so it could be checked that way but as for last gen consoles, there is no real way to check is there, assuming that they don't get played online anymore or can't be.
  16. Can't say I've noticed that, post a pic of your DSi screens maybe? as that sounds most odd.
  17. It hasn't aged that badly... granted it would seem pretty simplistic by todays shooter standards but ironically playing the original today would easily hold up better than playing Perfect Dark Zero a few years from now. Personally I think they were both decent for their time, with Perfect Dark, Rare brought something new to the table as opposed to making 'Goldeneye 2' or w/e and it was all the better for it; Perfect Dark Zero was fun to play when the 360 first came out despite it's terrible plot and mostly unlikable characters, not to mention repetitive objectives. But I had quite a bit of fun with the online mode which was an excellent alternative to COD 2 at the time, however if they do ever make another true sequel I would expect Rare to give the series a serious redesign.
  18. I second this, Elbow are excellent at what they do, in a lot of respects I still prefer stuff from their earlier albums but their latest album is still quality and I agree on the lyrics Dyson, they are what make a load of Elbow songs decent. : peace:
  19. Nice, I allready have a load of .m4a music files, so I could easily see myself using my DSi from time to time for the odd 'choon' just found out I need to get myself a SDHC card reader though for my PC as my SD slot doesn't accept them, just as well that the card required no formatting upon putting it into my DSi. : peace:
  20. I feel your pain Goaferboy for I am currently suffering from this aural affliction that you speak of. :/ In other music related news, Royksopp : Melody A.M. and The Understanding - deluxe edition, £4! bargain - arrived in the post today, I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet but I shall soon as I'm currently still loving their latest album Junior. Also, I finished listening to Portishead's self-titled album and while I know I like it, the songs just aren't quite clicking for me like they did with Dummy and Third and I don't know why :/ I want to love the album, I truly do but I think it's going to be a good few listens before I can appreciate it tbh.
  21. Am I right in thinking then, that I can use any music file that has been converted to a format that is playable on an iPod, on my DSi? If so, then thats not too bad, still would have preferred mp3 support but hey, it's not like I was planning on using the DSi as my primary portable music player so it's no big deal. Edit, Just been messing about with the DSi, it's pretty fun, using my 8GB SDHC card with it now, odd though because I would have thought I would need to format it on my PC before use - I'm sure that's the case with most things - but it works out of the box which is nice according to the DSi, 8GB is enough for 3000 photos, though I shan't ever store that many on it. :P
  22. If you mean 'Moving Memo' or w/e it's called, it's not out yet. :/
  23. I should finally be getting one of these beasts tomorrow, reserved the last one in my local Argos, will either get one from there or Game if they have some too, can't wait, I just hope I don't get a unit with a dead pixel or something. Edit DSi get!
  24. Hmm probably just shopped in then, or they intentionally let it slip because if they didn't want it to be known about then they would be more careful about what images are uploaded to that particular blog.
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