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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. My charts... http://www.last.fm/user/SCG256/charts While this is good news 'n all and there is a good possibility in me buying it I agree with Dyson... Our hopes and expectations have been dashed once more! gives us some Muse! I would be happy with Origin of Symmetry as an album download and a few track packs containing some of the best tracks from their other three main albums but a whole game would just own. :P Evvvvvvven Flooooooooooow! thoughts arrrrrive like butterfliiiiiies, ohhh he don't knowwwww, so he chases them awwwwwwwaaaaay! ohhh someday yettttt he'll begin his life agaaaain! ohhh whispering haaaaands, they lead him awaaaay, him awaaaaay him awaaaaaaaaay! Yeaaaaaah! Officially back on topic.
  2. http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/8989163/Let-Tap/Product.html#
  3. It's £17.99 on Play.com with TWO tap boxes.
  4. Oh I definitely agree there though keep the HM's but just the good ones that are useful outside of battle, defog is so unecessary and could be mapped to an item instead.
  5. They will never change how HM's are implemented, it has been a staple of the gameplay for over four generations now, it's too far ingrained. :/
  6. All the Stop 'n Swop items in BK XBLA version are allready unlocked... all you need to do is collect them, no cumbersome sandcastle codes involved.
  7. Sweet Beyond Good and Evil 2 footage there but why has this been posted on the Wii boards? I assumed it was only coming out on Xbox 360 / PS3?
  8. Damn straight. Then when the time is right, purchase and enjoy. : peace: Also I have no idea, as there are plenty of quality titles on the Wii, I think a lot of people are just really selective or something... or as you say, just not looking. :P
  9. Thanks for clarifying that Aimless I remember that pic and I recall thinking 'Bean? wth could that be...' so if it really is Goldeneye as well as Perfect Dark coming to XBLA then that is excellent news.
  10. And that is why you know you love eeeet but yeah I understand not wanting to start it if you don't have the time... but get it for when you do have the time and I'm sure that you won't regret it. : peace: It will satisfy your gaming needs in ways that pick up and play titles can only dream of.
  11. And you didn't buy eeeeet? it's a steal at that price even if it sits on your shelf until you've completed the other games you have, it's still worth it Flink. : peace:
  12. Good to hear, I really loved their first two albums the first moreso because it has more of a sustained energy all the way through but both albums have excellent tracks.
  13. Truth, PSU isn't really as good as PSO was though tbh :/ I've played both and I know which I prefer, roll on the release of Phantasy Star Zero on the DS, that's shaping up to be awesome, plus it will most likely be free to play.
  14. I'll go one better, I neither hate nor love but am indifferent towards it.
  15. My comment still stands, I would go as far to say that it was a bit overrated at the time but I did enjoy watching it for its amusingly sadistic tone.
  16. Yeah, it wasn't awful, just a bit overrated... it was still a really enjoyable film though.
  17. Happy Birthday to teh Grunchback of Notre Dame!
  18. The song or the album? I heard the single was pretty average but that the album is apparently pretty decent. Also Cube, you have listened to the new Maximo Park album quite a bit yes? Is it a decent album in your opinion? I should be receiving it soon and can't wait to give it a listen.
  19. Banjo Kazooie / Tooie are easily better than N&B is Imo, but the creative aspect of N&B is pretty amazing tbh even if quite a few of the challenges are flawed / frustrating.
  20. tbh though by the time you actually see the film, you will have forgotten most of what was in the trailer anyway so it won't matter that much, also Arnie was in it, John Connor was talking to him near the end of the trailer "you killed etc etc but you won't kill me..." was that not Arnie he was talking to?
  21. Heh that FFXIII 'translation' clip was quality...
  22. Damn, that Terminator trailer was fine I wasn't too sure about all the terminators being CGI in it but it looks like it could work, it's good to see Arnie in there even if it's seemingly just a cameo role, John Connor is clearly the main role here. But yeah it's looking pretty epic either way though I have to wonder, surely this will be the last Terminator film we will see? at least for a while...
  23. Goron3? not to be confused with Goron_3.
  24. *Face-Palm* what is the point?
  25. Downloading shockwave so I can hopefully play this... plus I don't wanna get banned.
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