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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Well I just meant that there probably wouldn't have been many people aside from me and you that would have spotted the typo / corrected it, I'm not bothered if people find that sad or not, was just noting that some may consider it that way, that's all. : peace: It's an awesome album though, each of their tracks is performed in an awesome style that never seems consistent, someone recently said to me - when discussing the band - that their music is kind of like an opera because they play a bit of their song that you may really like then partway through the veer off in a completely different direction, I think there's a lot of truth in that but I think it's part of what makes their style different and personally I love it. ^^ Also I love the lyric that you've got quoted in your sig from "In Another World (you'd have found me by now)" 'You'll still end up on a revolving dance floor in the middle of the river.'
  2. ^^^ Seconded Dante, easily one of my favourite tracks off their new album one thing though, wherever those lyrics were cut n pasted from theres a typo in them - possibly sad that I noticed I know but w/e - as I'm sure it's... Ooh! It’s criminal when you whisper in my ear Let’s get clinical the words delivered with a sneer Let’s get clinical Not smear as it's written there, it did make me lol though so... *shrugs* ^^ The other track I really like is "In another world (you would have found me by now)" as that has some awesome lyrics too.
  3. So the upshot of this is, some company can see what we've been listening to? the same as the rest of the internet can ...
  4. I've lived in Cornwall all my life but I don't normally tend to speak in a 'typical' Cornish accent most of the time but if say at work I'm talking to someone who does have a strong Cornish accent then I do find myself reverting to saying certain words just like how they are said with the aforementioned accent... >.> It's not that I'm attempting to mock either the accent or the person just that I find my style of speaking changes slightly depending on who I'm talking to. So I guess I do have a regional accent based on where I live but it's not always present, in fact oddly it has been remarked upon by one or two people at work that when I talk 'normally' I have an accent that sounds like it's from somewhere Northern O.o I put it down to my grandmother on my Dads side originally living up North or something.
  5. Aww now that's just being mean :P hehe both trilogies deserve their credit where it's due Imo.
  6. >.> they are quality games though... I know you disliked MP from the moment the artifact backtracking started and even I'll admit, that point drove me mad trying to find them all on my first file :/ but... there is also so much to love about the series, each to their own though of course. : peace: Actually I'm in two-minds about this because I have played the original lots - 100% on Hard mode etc - the second one twice and the third once... and while I would like to play through them again I just don't know if I would or not. Well yes I would... because having motion control in the previous two games is an excellent improvement just that I can't help but think of all the other games I could be playing in the time it would take me to replay the trilogy, this is still awesome news though.
  7. Ah in a similar way to the final song on Snow Patrol's last album then, that was a three part song listed under one track, so I'm assuming something along those lines, either way it sounds like it'll be worth the wait.
  8. Awesome! I'm just glad that the details are being finalised, the name doesn't matter to me that much, afterall their first album was merely called Showbiz... as an album title that could be seen as a bit bland but I loved the album itself. I'm more excited about the news of that 15 minute(?) track you just mentioned... is it really that long? Knights of Cydonia was only like 7 mins... not that I'm complaining, far from it, I just hope that it lives up to expectations, even if it doesn't I'm sure I'll still love it though. ^^
  9. ^^^ Hehe, sounds epic Grunchy! Let us know how it goes and if you can post pics then that'd be pro.
  10. Three Colours - Blue Captivating, thought-provoking awesomeness... I'm not sure if I can even explain why but all I know is that I watched and loved what I saw. 10/10
  11. ^^^ Woo! for Guitar Hero loving my latest purchase... Can't wait till it arrives! ^^
  12. Wooo! another awesome cheesecake Raining! *attempts to nom teh cheesecake from through the monitor* XD
  13. Awesome Bluey, message understood and congrats to you and Jamba on moving in together.
  14. QFT! also, damn all your talk of energy drinks! >.< I had a can of this in the back of the fridge for when I felt like drinking one... Unsurprisingly I felt the urge to drink it tonight :P it's pretty good tbh, a decent alternative to Relentless, the effects from it are easily felt after just half a can... I've almost finished it off and now I'm completely wired... >.>
  15. 23" is where it's at Imo, not too big, not too small but just right, I've had a 23" Samsung HDTV for years and it has served me well across all consoles and as a pretty reasonable monitor. :P
  16. They are making a second series of Haruhi? Awesome, I really enjoyed the first series at the time.
  17. I Used to have this problem, the Elite has HDMI though, in fact they all do now afaik... so you could always use that if you have a spare HDMI port.
  18. Mmmm giant cookie... makes me wish that you could buy them that size.
  19. Oh in that case - as I stated underneath - feel free to disregard that last post of mine, it was just a thought that I probably shouldn't have posted :p you're probably best off just not following him then, hopefully someone on here who has Twitter can confirm what you need to know. : peace: *Edeeeet* Found this... 'Can I block people from following me? Yes, you can. If you block someone, they wont be able to follow you or send you any messages. If your account is public, they'll still be able to view it, but they wont show up on your followers list, and you wont be on their following list. If it's a spammer you're blocking, thanks! Twitter Support keeps an eye on block reports to see who's getting in trouble on Twitter.' So you can stop following by blocking him but if your account is public then he will know anyway.
  20. Yeah, nothing concrete but a teaser trailer would be nice.
  21. No idea, but I'd probably plump for just telling him :/ was he always like that back in college? if not then maybe he'd listen to you and he may thank you for it one day... but having said that it's not good to change a person as that takes away part of what makes them well... 'them' and other parts you may find boring other people may love, Idk it depends what 'qualifies' as boring but it's still a tough one I guess.* *Disclaimer : If it's not helpful please disregard this post.
  22. *finishes off another line of finely ground black pepper* Say wha? *sneezes* >.>'
  23. Nice pork dish there MBAM!
  24. Yay for teh Cheesecake! it looks so nice Raining.
  25. I just knew instantly which pic it was so I did a quick Google and there it was! if you want it without the text though then... good luck! :p
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