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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Those were my first thoughts when I saw it too... the tech was pretty good though but damn it just looks so wrong.
  2. I've gone back to Super Mario Galaxy after hearing this news, I never did get all the stars, had 13 to get in fact... now 10 though I'm on that purple coin collecting one on Blastrock Galaxy(?) the one with the moving platform. :/ I will get that damned star, and the rest.
  3. Totally agree, I know jobs are what they are and not meant to be fun but some aspects of a job can be enjoyable, for instance in my current job - working in a kitchen - I enjoy preparing salads and things like that, I don't know why but I just do... >.> Also being thanked by my co-workers quite often is nice, in truth I really don't do that much though I think sometimes, just loads of small things :/ but I guess they all add up. As for the stuff I don't really like, there's plenty lol all the cleaning jobs that need to be done can suck, tonight I had to fold up the dirty aprons and put them in a box ready to be taken away to be cleaned, loads of dishes need to be washed and the amount of food that I have to throw away is obscene sometimes. >.< But I just get on with it, 'cos it is a job anyway I kinda went off on one there but getting back on track, if I was offered a higher wage for more hours and more responsibility I would think hard before accepting it, quite a few people go on to be managers where I work and employees have the oppourtunity to train for such a position but seeing first-hand how stressed some of them get with the pressure I'm not that sure if it's a position I would want or not, atm I'm still reasonably happy in my job all things considered even if I do complain about certain things. So I think your attitude towards work is good Goaferboy, having more money for more responsibility is all very well but if the long hours and pressure end up making you miserable then it's not worth it and in many ways you're better off on lower pay with part of your hapiness intact.
  4. Tbh it could be good if they chucked it in free with Wii Fit Plus... that way there would be some sort of functionality incorporated into WF+ which is probably what you would mainly use it for and then it may get used for other games in the future. Anyone remember back in the N64 days where they released a similar peripheral that attached to the N64 controller that read your pulse in a game of Tetris? the faster your pulse raced, the blocks fell faster... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_64
  5. Ouch... still you can recover them from the recycle bin? assuming you haven't emptied it after deleting them... will take a while to restore them though I would think.
  6. Actually I checked out some of her other videos too and it seems she is serious... :/
  7. Hyped for this, at first I was like "aww no online?" but now Idc because tbh I genuinely think it will be a game best played with four people around one Wii.
  8. That's what she said. Also... woo! awesome to here that you're on-board for this latest Metroid game Steven I still maintain that the Prime series was awesome but this... this has potential to be something else entirely, something beyond any scale that anyone could have previously imagined, I just so hope that Team Ninja / Nintendo deliver with this one.
  9. Is she completely fucking deluded? Oh dear god where to begin... :/ sod it... My favourite thing ever? The end! seriously...
  10. Happy Birthday Rummy! ^^
  11. Granted it's wrong... but it tasted so right... >.>' Also fried eggy bread is win. ----------------------------------------------- lol @ thread title change to "Post your Penguin Cooking!" for some horrible moment I thought someone had actually cooked a Penguin and posted it :/ then I saw the rest of the altered forum topics though and all was well... XD
  12. Currently drinking... and eating... Life = good atm Anyone else tried those Pringles? I think they are WIN personally I bought them today after finding out that those pre-prepared Jalapeno Peppers that I thought my workplace sold was actually Jalapeno Homous :/ so kinda dissapointed I went in search of some spicy noms and those fitted the bill perfectly.
  13. It sounds to me like you've got flu - probably not of the swine variety - I felt like that when I had it a good few years back, it was horrible :/ I was in bed mostly for about a week just resting up, couldn't do anything and felt awful. My advice to you if it is flu would be to get some medication to help ease the symptoms, get plenty of rest where you can and eat stuff like chicken soup or something, that stuff is supposed to be pretty good if you're really ill plus it's good for you anyway. It might not be flu but if you suspect it is and feel like you really can't do anything much because of it then I would take a few days off work if you can... working while suffering from flu isn't a good idea and will make things worse.
  14. Watching that trailer literally brought a tear of joy to my eye, it's one of those open-mouthed moments of pure dumfounded amazement because everything shown in the trailer seemed to ooze charm and scream "fun!" It just gets me to thinking, these reactions are brought about from merely seeing a glimpse of the game, imagine how sweet it's gonna be to play. This may sound overzealous but Idc... for me this was the highlight of E3 bar nothing.
  15. I know... but I remain cautious still because there is always a chance that they could fuck it up... :/
  16. Aside from making Samus talk... everything else about this game screams WIN! there is huge potential here so Team Ninja had better not let Nintendo and us down.
  17. Have an awesome time Jav! : peace:
  18. If you want it Jay you can has it :o just Paypal me something to cover whatever it costs to post an issue and it's yours.

  19. That reminds me, must get some more cider tomorrow... maybe if not then Wednesday, also I discovered today that my place of work does indeed sell Jalapenos gonna pick up some of those too methinks.
  20. Samus Aran? she's suited up for like... 99.9% of most of the Metroid games so I'd say that counts as not being "sexualized" and she's certainly strong.
  21. I was actually thinking today wouldn't it be awesome if they could make Last F.M compatible with Rock Band? maybe this new form of integration will extend to what is played in music games as well...
  22. That is odd indeed... what did you do with the duck egg? *is curious* Also I'm sorry to hear about your neighbour I hope he manages to pull through. *hugs*
  23. Obsesshun (v.) to shun obsessive behaviour.
  24. Pent up emotions are never good, they tend to end in some sort of sudden emotional 'splurge' after keeping stuff bottled up for ages, this happened to me recently as I came to realise a few things about myself >.> I can be pretty stupidly obsessive at times and I know now that it's something I need to address and am making progress in changing. I think it's when we just ignore this stuff that it just kind of builds up and becomes a problem so talking about it is good if you can but I know that in itself isn't exactly easy. :/ Anyway... Jay I hope you are able to let out your pent-up feelings as you'll most likely feel at least a bit better for it afterwards in some way. Both of these sound like good ideas of dealing with stuff, contructive too as keeping your mind occupied by things like these can help as well as providing an outlet for thoughts / emotions / stress. Also *hugs* it can't be easy waiting for that phonecall Nightwolf and even when it does come, you're never prepared for it. :/ I agree with the ranting thing as well, I think if anyone feels comfortable ranting here then they should go for it if they feel the need.
  25. Hehe, that is "Prawsome" (adj) used to describe something that is in some way pretty and awesome. :p
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