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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Ah I didn't realise you could wear them upside down, in that case, use TWO Smarty 'staches except cut one in half and then stick the two halves onto the ends of the whole one and then it should look more like a Mario moustache.* * Disclaimer - this is how it should work, at least in my head but it may not, in case of thr ruining of said 'staches in the process of making the new one, revert to the upturned bandit.
  2. Congrats Raining! I'm happy for you it must feel good to have the theory part done? - I know I was glad when I passed mine years back - now you can focus on the practical part.
  3. Go for the 'Casanova' 'stache as that looks the most similar to Mario's.
  4. It certainly is, because if you save at the 'wrong' point with low health and you end up getting a certain boss then things could get annoying... ------------------------------------ Still playing Wolfenstein 3D, on the final episode now, I know it's dated and has aged badly but there is something about it which makes it still fun to play. Each episode - split into 9 floors - takes around an hour or so to complete and there are six eps so for 400 points, it's not bad for a 5 - 7 hour game.
  5. Happy Birthday Blackfox! ^^
  6. A friend of mine had the same problem last night, seems Live is being shitty atm, it's probably why they have maint scheduled soon tbf, hopefully it'll be running a bit smoother again after they've fixed it.
  7. Happy Birthday Flameboy! ^^ Keep on burning brightly... :wink:
  8. But... it's one of those awesome games that you can play lots of times, plus the co-op over Live is awesome, tried it out last night, got as far as the fourth stage but that damn dice game kept pissing us about >.> it pretty much landed on 'every' boss square and sent me back to the beggining at the end grrr... still an awesome game though.
  9. ^^^ Mcoy is a good person really I'm sure and didn't mean any harm but it is reassuring that he has apologised for any offence that may have been caused, thank you Mr Mcoy. I also hope that they can find ways to help the girl and others like her because it sounds like a condition that makes day to day living very hard even without worrying about what other people say / do or how they react.
  10. I don't think so, I just empathise with people who have been wrongly treated by others because of things that are beyond their control; I got teased to a degree when I was at school too, admitedly it was just because my skin was whiter than most peoples, but when you get people routinely calling you 'Casper' :/ these things can get to you in the end and don't do your self confidence - or in my case lack of it - any good... I know it's not quite the same as having an actual skin condition but I do understand to a degree the feeling of isolation. Exactly, it's just not needed is it? people should be more accepting of others and not shun them because of something that isn't even their fault.
  11. Mcoy had better be joking, even if he is though it's not funny and conditions like this shouldn't be made fun of. Having severely sensitive skin must be hard enough to live with as it is without others making things worse, *hugs* we are all human and having allergies or skin conditions doesn't change that; no one should be made to feel bad because of something that's beyond their control, I wish people would be more accepting of others sometimes.
  12. Ty for that short synopsis Rez, it does sound potentially epic.
  13. What is this you speak of? A new Tarantino film? if so then this is most relevant to my interests...
  14. Fair comments, I rather enjoy Tarantino's style and he doesn't release that many films so I just enjoy them when I get around to watching the latest one, I do agree that if it had been longer and had more crashes in then it could have been better though, loved the bit at end.
  15. You didn't find it entertaining then? that's a shame :/ tbh I probably won't watch it again but I found it very enjoyable for what it was.
  16. Hehe true... but it's still fun on a basic level and if you consider that it was the first FPS then it's pretty awesome for what it is.
  17. Oh also HoT, if you want another arcade game that'll last you a while longer than 2 hours - probably - then pick up Wolfenstein 3D for 400 points and play all six episodes on "I am Death Incarnate!" mode. :wink: It's still a pretty awesome game, plus you get to kill Hitler in it which is a nice bonus.
  18. Gunstar Heroes should last you quite a bit longer HoT, also doesn't it have the co-op now extended to over Live as well?
  19. Exactly and that's why both of the films are awesome, you can just sit back, switch off, and enjoy!
  20. Not nearly as hyped up as Kill Bill was though, I enjoyed both of the grindhouse films and feel that it was a good direction for both directors to take, the end result was two very decent, watchable and enjoyable films and while they won't ever be regarded very highly in comparison to other films at the time they are still pretty damn good for what they are; pure entertainment.
  21. Deathproof Really enjoyable film, wasn't sure what to expect from it tbh aside from the obligatory Tarantino trimmings - and of course his cameo appearance which was awesome - but I was pleasantly surprised by it. It's billed as his 5th film but it wasn't really hyped up even half as much as Kill Bill was and it works to its credit, the grindhouse style works well, the plot is engaging and I love the way the different sets of characters are built up before... well you will know what happens if you've seen it; the deserving role reversal at the end is most satisfying too. I was gonna also add that it doesn't involve gawping at the actions of a mentally ill murderer but that would be a bit stretching the truth given the nature of the film and some of the scenes but it was a really decent film for what it is in any case. 8/10
  22. The thread might as well have been left open tbh, it would have died either by now or tomorrow anyway.
  23. I hope they put it in as a free unlockable with the next Halo game tbh because paying for avatar clothing seems really pointless, especially if it ends up being more than 50 or 100 microsoft points :/ you can get a whole arcade game for 400 points so to me, 100 points on some avatar clothing that doesn't really do anything sounds expensive, still I hope they make it available in the store for people who want to buy it I guess, I just think it would be better if they kept stuff like that free.
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