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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Sounds like a poor review tbf, don't worry though, at least here at N-E we will give it a fair review, in similar style of our recent Let's Tap review. Edit - just read Eurogamers review and I don't think much of it at all... :/ ------------------------------ I've only played this for a few hours so far but I'm allready enjoying it, the original was awesome and this is basically a similar sequel but with a much larger scope. ------------------------------ Ok... I'm stuck
  2. Which is your flavour of choice then?
  3. Fair enough, tbf I used to 'like' them too... their music was at least entertaining for a while Imo but their latest single lacks everything for me personally. Anyway this isn't the music thread :P I was just making the point that what Michael Jackson achieved musically in his lifetime was phenomenal and it's good that he was finally due to return to the spotlight, it's just a shame that this will now never happen.
  4. After hearing the Black Eyed Peas latest single, pretty much anything would have worked, but yeah, working with Michael Jackson would have done quite a bit for their rep, but not much for his tbh as what he did for music was in a different league to the BEP's.
  5. Tbh, alienation / pressure pretty much covers it, so there isn't a lot to say... hence the double-facepalm... *shrugs*
  6. That's really bad I can't believe that loads of people still think he abused those kids, well I can actually because a lot of people are painfully predictable and believe pretty much everything they read in the papers... He was a nice guy who was just tragically misunderstood Imo... anyone ever hear the story of when he went to London and wanted to meet homeless people because he didn't believe that there were people living on the streets? after he saw that it was true, he secretly ordered a load of Pizzas which were then delivered to loads of homeless people, it's a pretty odd thing to do really but well-meaning.
  7. That was Pro, a nice tribute.
  8. Lol... there is no need to force RROD it, even if it doesn't have RROD, if it's under warranty you just tell them it is, basically if it keeps crashing then it will get RROD eventually anyway, it's just saving you a bit of time and money. I pay for Live subs each year, the fuck am I giving them more money for fixing a console that's gonna break again anyway... had to send machines back to them about 5 times now, I really hope they begin to work on / roll out a proper redesign that's like, you know... reliable.
  9. Are we done here? I think Daft / Happenstance pretty much summed it up... :/
  10. R.I.P Farrah.
  11. R.I.P Michael...
  12. That's definitely it, I remember eating those yeeeeeears ago, they were indeed epic win.
  13. I got my copy today, played an hour so far, kind of a generic start but it doesn't matter, everything else about the game seems spot-on, from the beautiful Production IG animated cutscenes to the skits and decent voiceover work, gonna enjoy getting more into this I think.
  14. What flavour... Flaming Hot? Also, good to hear you're coming to the meet Eevil.
  15. Actually I heard Bulllllletproof on the radio again today and I liked it more than I recall from last time, but I prefer Quicksand I think... just like with Little Boots I prefer Meddle to Stuck on Repeat, they are both pretty good artists though from what I've heard, may pick up their albums soon.
  16. They would never be the same once they go soggyings... they never re-harden.
  17. Thanks for that trailer Dante, as I was watching it, I had a thought...
  18. Adam, you know that if you seriously do want to rejoin the staff that you're more than welcome to, once you start writing for N-E we're like the Hotel California... You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave! Also, it's good to see that a good few of you are applying for this, tbf I used to look at these recruitment drives when I used to 'lurk' on the site but never posted for years and I never even tried to enter - I didn't even have a forum account until I joined the staff ranks of N-E! - then one day I decided to give it a go - I believe I wrote a review of Star-Fox Assault for my entry piece, it was pretty long and had some random / odd loose comparisons of the Star-Fox series and Star Wars lol. Looking back on it, the piece was quite long-winded and is very different from the reviews that I write now, I'm guessing there must have been at least something good about it though because here I am now, writing for N-E... for the rest of my existence XD but damn... I don't regret joining either the staff ranks or the forum, not one bit, because you're all awesome! Good luck to all who enter, I look forward to potentially seeing what you're gonna write for N-E! ^^
  19. But but... eeeeets sooooo shiiiiiny... ;_; [/Magpie]
  20. This... I really like Quicksand, but I kept hearing Bulletproof on the radio and I genuinely didn't know it was by the same artist, this doesn't change the fact that I'm not too keen on it :/ I might give it another listen while at home, sometimes stuff sounds very different when I hear it on the radio at work. Anyway I think the reason I wasn't too fussed about it is that if I hear a song that's similar in name I compare it to the first song I know that's good with a similar title, so in this instance I end up comparing La Roux's - Bullet Proof with Radiohead's - Bullet Proof... I wish I was but tbh there isn't any comparison at all. :p
  21. This! Eeeeeeee Deeeeeeee Efffffff! Eeeeeeee Deeeeeeee Efffffff! It's pretty much mindless, non-stop action but it's so awesome! ^^
  22. Such a tragic loss I'm so sorry to hear of this unfortunate incident Mcoy... I nearly lost a whole tub of Ice-cream today I bought it after work along with some Fanta, Cider and a small bottle of energy drink, the bus was like 10 mins late! usually a 20 min bus ride but took about half an hour. :/ Fortunately it was still pretty solid when I got home, apart from round the edge it was a bit soft, salvagable though. Oh that reminds me... *goes off to make a Fanta + Ice cream Soda!* ^^
  23. If there is nothing better in the offer then probably but I'm sure that both of those games could be obtained for less than £15 each on eBay. Creed - £9.50 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ASSASSINS-CREED-XBOX-360_W0QQitemZ200352777794QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_PC_Video_Games_Video_Games_JS?hash=item2ea5f4c642&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A2|66%3A2|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A2|294%3A50 Remnant - £14.97 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/The-Last-Remnant-Microsoft-XBOX-360-Game-Fast-Post_W0QQitemZ290326005590QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_PC_Video_Games_Video_Games_JS?hash=item4398c74756&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A2|66%3A2|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 £24.47 a saving of £5.53 might be worth it, because it'll cost you to go into town to pick them up... unless your talking online deals in which case you may as well get them off eBay anyway unless you've had problems with the site.
  24. Oh yeah the trailer was pretty "epic" for AC but I still didn't expect voice acting tbh, besides I already have my own idea of what Ashley sounds like in my head from playing the original DS game.
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