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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I would say that you did nothing wrong Flinkeh... it's a pretty crappy situation for you to be in :/ I hope it's able to be resolved somehow.
  2. I don't like it personally but the ridiculous lyrics did make me lol I must admit so I can easilly see why people would like it for the comedy value, if it gives people enjoyment in some way then that's fine by me. I wonder if a lot of these rap 'artists' actually realise how daft some of their lyrics sound though :/ not all of it's bad, just a lot of it seems to sound quite silly to me.
  3. This is the tracklist apparently... And there is an interview on radio 1 tomorrow night... I might get to listen to it at work so long as the Radio doesn't get switched over or something, though tbh I'm not too bothered, if they are actually playing their new single though I'd be interested in hearing that obviously.
  4. Lol... don't tell me you believe that Muse would change their style to R'n'B?
  5. I think he's referring to the fact that he's believing each new rumour he keeps hearing about Muse and is then annoyed when it turns out to be not true can't you just wait till tomorrow Stuwii? as you said, they are gonna be on Radio 1 on Monday so surely the proper details will be announced then? Sure I wanna hear the new single and I'll most likely buy the new album but I don't see the point in getting hyped until any solid details are released, yes I'm excited because there's a new album coming but I don't see the point in getting worked up over mere rumours. :/
  6. It's definitely a once per console series I reckon, especially as sales never seem to be that strong, a reasonable amount of people buy it, gains a cult following but unfortunately it will never reach greater heights than that due to lack of marketing and fluctuating review scores, it's a shame really.
  7. Lolz that's epic Villan.
  8. Nice cake Bluey I hope you and Pat enjoyed it. *waits for someone to edit Rez into the Gif popping out of the cake* you know it's gonna happen... >.>
  9. I'm guessing all that you mentioned there is pretty much essential for all festivals SC? I ask because me and my bro are going to Sonisphere, just got e-mail confirmation about the tickets hat, suncream and wellies sound sensible, I don't think stuff for starting a fire will apply though because apparently they don't allow camping stoves at Sonisphere, Idk why, insuance reasons maybe. Anyway, money for food and stuff, I guess it's wise to take about £50 - £100 to cover all eventualities? will bring some food with us though like crisps and snacks I guess but will probably be living off whatever they cook there I guess, how much are burgers and stuff at festivals? expensive I'm guessing. :/ Also alcohol, do they let you bring your own? if not why not lol and if that's the case, any tips for sneaking it in? I don't want to be paying for overpriced pints if I can avoid it.
  10. Gold plated does make a slight difference but it doesn't matter that much, generally HDMI either works or it doesn't so the quality of the cableis kinda irrelevant, for all these expensive cables it seems you're basically paying for how well they are made.
  11. I'm not really that clued-up on the tour side of things, I do enjoy their music a lot though, want to see them Live one day... the only time(s) they have come down to Eden though, tickets sold out fast. :/
  12. Yeah, he still had some damn fine moves even at 50... I was quite taken aback seeing the video, makes it even more of a shame that he wasn't able to perform his last show(s) for real.
  13. OMGLOLWTFBBQ! It's... Metal Gear Rez! It's shockingly bad I know but what the heck, just wanted to jump on the bandwagon.
  14. Why is the album info update thing for WMP so shit sometimes? it has no info for La Roux' full album yet... have added the info myself but it won't scrobble :/ just kinda sucks because you'd think they'd have the info up there by now easily.
  15. When did they say that? can't find anything on Wikipedia about it... Anyway, they are pretty famous in their own right, just that they've been pretty underrated until the release of their latest album. *slaps self* this isn't the Music thread... >.> My recent purchases... Currently enjoying both albums.
  16. Haha! me too Goaferboy don't worry I mean the album did come out in 1998 which was over a decade ago... sheesh I was still in school back then lolol. I'm not too fond of their more recent stuff, though their last album had a few decent tracks... but at the time Americana was awesome and still worth a listen every now and then.
  17. Like Star Wars I do... buy landspeeder vehicle I shall not though.
  18. Hmm all of their albums have something to love about them Imo so I don't like to single them out but... if I had to choose one I would say go for Cast of Thousands which is their stunning sophomore album and still easily their best, it has some really beautiful tracks on it, check out the track by them called Switching Off that's from that very album to see what I mean. As for the other two albums, Asleep in the Back is their first album, it's good but not as decent as the rest but... it also has some good tracks, Leaders of the Free World is their other previous album and has a lot to love about it, especially the title track. I hope this helps.
  19. nice selection there I love NIN plus that track, gonna see them at the start of August and can't wait. ^^ also I love the video to 'here it goes again' - as well as the track of course. and yay for classic Offspring. ^^
  20. I'm glad you figured that bit out because I wouldn't have been able to answer right away this time, had to go out I'm back now though annddd... i was playing the DS Another Code while in the car, quite enjoying replaying it. About that repairing the broken stair bit, I actually messed that up lol when it came to the hammering bit, it seems I hammered too hard and broke one of the nails lol... >.> fortunately it lets you retry though.
  21. I'm just happy to help I know how frustrating it can be to get stuck in games like this and because I've played through it and have got stuck more than a few times I'm glad that I can help others from my own experiences.
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