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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Hehe I didn't notice this suggestion properly until just now it's a good idea though not sure how practical it'd be tbh but I am coming to the meet and if the oppourtunity arises for me to cook for any N-E'ers then I'd love to. ------------------------------------------------ Time for another update! Summer Salad Had salad's before but not quite like this, it started life as a failed Pitta bread filling, but the Pitta breads were really faaaail :/ - they kept falling apart - so I just made a salad instead which included Chorizo, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Spring Onion, Tomato, Quorn Pieces and the remains of the failed Pitta Breads on the side covered in chilli sauce and a smattering of pepper over eet all. Steak Sammich This is actually the first time I'd actually ever cooked steak I've cooked burgers before, I know it's the same meat but for w/e reason cooking steak always seemed more complicated to me, but anyway I gave it a go, made it into a sandwich with some ketchup, pepper and a bit of salad and it was good.
  2. I want Muse to go back to the genius of Origin of Symmetry as well but it won't happen sadly :/ having said that I do still enjoy Black Holes and Revelations but yes in comparison to Symmetry well... there is none... but that doesn't matter to me because I still enjoy each album I am kind of hoping for something that is better than BH&R + Showbiz and somewhere inbetween the quality of being above Absolution but below Origin of Symmetry. In reality what we will probably get is something that is better than BH&R and maybe Showbiz but that's about it, I'd love to be proven wrong and it's an experimental album so anything can happen but that one track in particular where they describe 'football style chanting, in time with the drumbeat' does concern me somewhat, so I'm holding my breath for now but am remaining cautiously optimistic. Also about Portishead... you're right, the second album never truly 'clicked' with me like the first and third did, it's still good but it's probably the one out of all three that requires the most amount of listens to get into.
  3. *is listening to Bad right now* gotta say that I disagree with you there rizz each to their own though, personally I'm enjoying properly listening to some of MJ's full albums a lot of his work is excellent Imo.
  4. If you want just a hint...
  5. Tbh from what I've heard... EA's Sports Active isn't bad but it's not amazing, I think you'd better off buying the balance board and sticking with Wii-Fit which comes with it anyway... it's been recently announced that the new Wii Fit plus software will sell for around £20 and that's not too far off now and is supposed to be more comparable to the EA equivelant.
  6. So according to most reviews, the Conduit is basically the new Haze? it's a good job I don't listen to many particular review sources then, especially Eurogamer having said that though, I'm still not picking this up on release, but it looks like a reasonably decent shooter to me, just that it evidently won't live up to the hype.
  7. ... Konami should be working on that rumoured new installment of the Rocket Knight Adventures series or at least putting the originals on the VC, not churning out stuff like this... :/
  8. It's on a desk in one of the researchers rooms I believe.
  9. Happy Birthday Slaggis! Happy Birthday Jimbob! EssSeeGee wishes Brian Mcoy a Happy Birthday! ^^ Also, Happy Birthday to pigfrogmonkey!
  10. Congrats Pinky! glad to hear that you've completed it and that you loved it too ^^ as for similar games... Hotel Dusk Professor Layton Hotel Dusk is acutally made by the same developers - Cing - and while I haven't played it myself it has been remarked upon that it is indeed similar to Another Code, as for Professor Layton, that is similar too afaik but in a completely different kind of way. And of course there's the original Another Code on the DS but you've allready played that I'm guessing, anyway I hope this helps.
  11. Happy Birthday The Fish! ^^
  12. Well they've made many other flavours but there's only so far you can go with fruit and confectionery, so I guess monster flavour is a logical step. seriously though, assuming it contains some kind of figure, why not just package it in a small box... :/
  13. GP... sorry to hear that, it sounds like your bro needs a wake-up call, threatening to kill a family member if a cat dies is not rational behaviour... :/
  14. 'ow the 'ell did you manage that? they are pretty 'ard to break afaik.
  15. Tbf review packaging like that is pretty cool, you'll be able to get a normal boxed copy of it anywhere when it's released but rest assured that review copies that come in alternate packaging usually become collectable.
  16. Why are they showing both of the title screens without the menu text? not exactly a direct comparison if it's been tampered with, I bet it's really not that bad in actuality, so they remixed the title screen a bit *shrugs* as long as the main game is still intact it's all good and as I say that footage looks tampered with to me so it's not a true comparison, just a fan going overboard... If those are the new camera angles though then yes the original intro looked better but live with it damnit! the rest of us have to... >.> so long as the music changes when I press the start button to the more epic part of the theme then I'm honestly not that bothered.
  17. *hugs Flinkeh* hope you feel better soon.
  18. I can assure you that the original Phantasy Star on the Master System isn't worth £99 I checked that listing and that seller also has over 200 listings of similarly overpriced games, most of which will never sell. Recently the games has sold for between £11 and £20 complete because there are quite a few on there, if there weren't that many though then the game would probably for for around £30 + I purchased my copy of it some time ago for a quite reasonable £20 or less, still it's one of those games that will no doubt increase in value slightly as time goes by and rarity increases.
  19. *promises* as Samus is my witness I shan't make light of the word 'Prime' in comical fashion again. for a while anyway Good to have the release date, September is a pri... particularly good time to release it. ^^'
  20. Of course we are, so long as they are...
  21. I never knew that he liked NIN... that's pretty awesome.
  22. Lol truth... though the fact that they've nabbed Plug in Baby might mean they will now have the rights to put up Origin of Symmetry as a full album download... If this happens then I'll buy GH5 but until then, sod it. :P
  23. Ah sucks... seems I gotta retune or some shit :/ meh sod it... *goes downstairs to watch eeeet*
  24. Is anyone else not able to watch any BBC channels atm? it's been like this all day here, no BBC channels on any of the boxes... is this the same for all areas / boxes? I'm guessing it's related to the switchover... Really sucks 'cos I wanted to watch Torchwood :/ hopefully it'll be up on the iPlayer I'm guessing.
  25. Taco-Man Game Master 3 http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/501104 Reasonably amusing flash.
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