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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Wait... when you get 242 you then have to play through them all again as Luigi? but... that seems a little pointless being that you can choose to play as him anyway even before that. In the first Galaxy there was a point to it because you could only play as Mario until you beat the game, but this time around I just don't see the point.
  2. What is a footballer's favourite drink? Penal-Tea... ... .. .
  3. That is... Bad-Ass!
  4. I'm sorry for your loss Ganepark I too know how painful it can be to lose a pet as I'm sure many members here do, it's never easy to start with but just remember that you gave Heidi the best possible life she could have had and try and be happy in that knowledge. I'm also sorry to hear about you and Buttons / nando / but it's good that you are both still talking and in each others lives, I won't ask you to go into details, none of us would, but for whatever reason it happened at least you both seem to be moving forward in a semi-positive way, even if it might not initially seem like that, I wish the best for both of you though as quite honestly you're two of the nicest people that I've had the privilege of meeting. Indeed I was very privileged to meet all of you who attended the meet last year while we're on the subject so I just wanted to say a 'thank you' once more even though I'm sure I did at the time... in any case, long live N-E!
  5. I have full faith in Nintendo, I'm positve that they will ensure Skyward Sword is nothing short of stunning by the time it's released, we just need to be a little... patient.
  6. Even the 'worst' galaxies are better than some of the 'better' levels featured in other platformers though so it's hardly the end of the world... or indeed galaxy. Personally I think we're incredibly lucky to have not one but two incredible platform games of such high calibre on the same platform, usally it's an unordinarily long wait between Mario games so personally I think we should feel blessed in a way.
  7. Wii Fit : Epic Edition
  8. ... Tphi? Sorry I forget quite a few people don't always know him by his first name.
  9. I wouldn't have a problem with it, but you'd better ask Tom for permission first being that he's our overlord 'n all.
  10. I do! http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24078&page=15 Ctrl+F=win also nice dessert Mollymon!
  11. http://www.n-europe.com What more could you possibly want? :wink:
  12. The Fightpad is your friend, buy one for Street Fighter IV and then use it for everything else! it makes fighting games and arcade titles an absolute dream to play.
  13. 'Super Star Wars Super Empire Strikes Back Super Return of the Jedi' If you want reviews of the above then just check past installments of VC Weekly as I believe I've reviewed all three.
  14. Happy Birthday Wolfy! ^^
  15. Nintendo-Mastubator? ... .. . Oh wait... non-sexual... hmm in that case... Nintendo-mass-debater which actually kinda works 'cos it's true... it's just not that 'catchy'. *leaves thread*
  16. Well done HoT! and also a well done to those persevering with the game, keep going! it really is worth at least collecting the first 120 stars, such a rewarding game to play. I'm hopefulyl gonna have another green star session in a little bit and I can't wait.
  17. I don't know why MS 'snubbed' the developers of this game, this is basically the only game I want for Kinect... ... .. . Which actually has me wondering if I should buy Move and get it for that instead... ... But... achievements... >> .. Nah... I'll buy it on whichever format it performs best on because it looks freakin'g sweet.
  18. Happy Birthday Sexual Chocolate! Have a chocolate penis platter...
  19. FFS! Fix it Sega even if it takes Ages I don't care... just do it right for the love of Mobius!
  20. One for every power star.
  21. 3DS = 64 X more exciting than iPhone + PSP combined Imo... Tbh... Lol... I want one... Now.
  22. What is this... I don't even...
  23. Fair enough... I suppose... If you... y'know... like that sort of thing... But I think it's unaminous that Donley Kong County > DK64. This new installment in the series is what the majority of fans - including myself - have been hoping and praying for a long time.
  24. DK64... need I say any more?
  25. Wait... Mario Kart? 3DS? *looks at image* Holy shit... I need a moment alone to contemplate this... *leaves thread*
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