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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. R.I.P Dennis Hopper
  2. The minecart level is gone from the console versions? Praise be! Sega actually listened... this has actually restored some of my faith in them.
  3. Have you listened to many of her tracks/albums Ash? I'd be happy to recommend you some if you like... I may not be as well 'versed' in her works as a certain few others on the forum are and for what it's worth I didn't quite 'get' Tori for a good while but I do have a recently acquired admiration for her contribution towards music.
  4. R.I.P Gary Coleman...
  5. After a copy Tapey? I happen to be selling one if you're interested... http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27285 Wait... you'd be after the PS3 version right? Nevermind... anyone looking for a 360 copy? if so click the link.
  6. Happy Birthday Charrrrlie!
  7. Ah fair enough my bad but in my defence the style of the suit does still look Samus-like... But yes more like Iron Man overall, I just figured because it was La Roux it may have been Samus inspired because of the female-ness. Only given one track a listen so far, judging from that it's a pretty good mix.
  8. ^ What an excellent way to get 'more' out of an album that's already given so much, I must admit I haven't listened to La Roux for a good while since having her album on 'replay' near constantly when it came out but I'll certainly be giving this Major Lazer remix a full listen, thanks Paj. Also, I'm loving the coverart with La Roux in her blatantly Samus Aran inspired battle suit.
  9. All I know is all my phones are/have been/always will be Motorola's. :awesome: Say what you will about them, for me they've always been reliable.
  10. So relevant
  11. It's Tails in 'squid' form I betcha... nothing they put into Sonic games would surprise me these days.
  12. All I have to say is... "Look it's just Sonic! - and Tails... - there is hope for the series yet! this is sure to be Sonic's triumphant return!!!" [/blatant sarcasm]
  13. ^ You really should if you get the chance to Paj... I think you'd enjoy it I was fortunate enough to pick it up along with the other two aforementioned albums for a collective price of about £6.50 which I couldn't really say no to and am glad I invested in now.
  14. Erm... congrats Coolness... I guess. ---------------------------------- Prince - Purple Rain An excellent album though I feel I would have enjoyed it more had I listened to it a long time ago, one of my favourite tracks on it has to be Darling Nikki as it's downright dirty from the start and is sung stunningly well. The Eraser - Thom Yorke It may not be Radiohead but this is still a well-rounded and tightly focused album with many excellent tracks including my personal favourite Black Swan which I genuinely loved upon first listening. Homework - Daft Punk An excellent Electronica album, the duo lay down some damn fine beats, the voice samples are cool but they could be saying anything and it'd still be 'cool' tbh I mean, it's Daft Punk so it's all about the beats really, also is it just me or after a while of listening to 'around the world' doesn't it sound like 'a random world'? just thought I'd throw that out there :p anyway, I loved.
  15. Link's Barrel Beat http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/536659
  16. Happy Birthday Chairdriver! ^^ [/obligatory image posting]
  17. Really? see I wondered about this but recently I took my Xbox 360 (complete with hard drive) and my DS (with game cards) through a security x-ray and have suffered no loss of data.
  18. Pictorial proof that Tellytubbies once actually existed and that the TV series was in fact a complete bastardisation of their history. :p
  19. I'm planning on listening to Daft Punk soon, it's why I got Homework as I'm gonna work my way through them all as and when I acquire them.
  20. Just Like Honey... I did like Spoon's song(s) as well though, that video was awesome Ash. :p
  21. I'm gonna stick to my choice with 'sixxxx kinds of gluuue! and go with The Kills.
  22. I'd get up, go to take a shower and then question which shampoo to use... carpet, hair or both?
  23. What is this... I don't even... That's just... stunning I can't wait for this game.
  24. So nobody bought this game apart from me... I can understand people's skepticism after the first game - I only played the demo of the first and that was enough for me - but really this game has changed for the better, its only main drawbacks are its strange control scheme which takes a little while to get used to and strangely implemented co-op which works well once you figure out how to use it. The change of scenery helps the game a lot and lends itself to being something a lot more 'epic' than the first ever was - in-fact the first felt kinda low budget in comparison - plus the ability to create your own character after completing the game is a plus. Be warned though it's a game best played with friends, so if you have none then don't get it! - I jest - it can be played solo as the A.I is actually relatively capable which surprised me but if you actually want to have a blast then this is best played in co-op. If you're interested and look around for the best deal you can find it a good deal cheaper than its full RRP - which it isn't worth - for instance I acquired my copy for £25 from eBay, or you could always... y'know wait for it to drop in price in about a month or so :p anyway, my point is, you can still do a lot worse if you're looking for something new to play so I just thought I'd give the game a fair trial and let you all know my thoughts on it. : peace:
  25. Mario vs Sonic but unlike you'll have seen before. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/535417
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