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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Mine has arrived! Its been setup and I'm currently transferring all my content so I can't really do anything with it atm but what I will say is this... It looks nice... It's a LOT quieter... And erm that's all I can really say about it for now... oh yeah and you get Peggle and Pinbal on top of Hexic on the HDD which is a nice bonus I guess. *edit* if you allready have any of those arcade games it will ask you if you want to overwrite the one on the new Xbox with the one from your old HDD, I chose 'Yes' seeing as that's the one which is allready associated with my Gamertag but I suspect that it doesn't matter too much, just figured I'd mention it for anyone hoping to go off and leave the Xbox to transfer everything because it will pause the transfer until you tell it what to do at that point. About halfway there in terms of transferred content now which has taken 20 mins so far, the whole process for a nearly full 120GB HDD would probably take 45 mins - 1 hour I'd have thought, I'm anticipating my transfer to take no loner than another 15 - 20 mins, it's really not that bad when you consider all that it has to move across. Scratch what I said about the 'extra' arcade games, they're just demos lol.
  2. After being able to play the game for a full week - and taking full advantage of it! - I don't really feel that much less special, I know some people have imported and quite frankly I don't blame you as it's well worth it! Also... yes Metal Slimes/Metal Medleys are indeed awesome.
  3. I just managed to pick up Dragon Quest : The Hand of the Heavenly Bride for £26... I'm assuming this is a good buy given the ammount of gameplay value the game apparently holds, I don't know if I shall play it right away but I just got so into Dragon Quest IX that I wanted to see what the previous games are like.
  4. Do you have the full album Coolness? If not then I'd recommend it, some stunningly good songs on it... well for 'Pop' songs they're pretty good anyway, I guess the album's kinda like La Roux, Little Boots, Florence + the Machine etc... in that you'll listen to it lots for a good while, then take an extended break; they're all good to go back to every once in a while though.
  5. Fear not young adventurer, for all will soon become clear...
  6. Agreed lol, there should be a seperate group for this one... "Lady Gaga ruins everything." :p
  7. Necessary? No... For lolz? Maybe... ----------------- I think I need to start grinding again, just reached another place seemingly out of sequence and the monsters are way too tough... Anyway, hows everyone else doing in the game?
  8. Happy-Mundi-Birthday! ^^ You always seem to brighten up the forum with your posts, or at least I think so. Also Happy Birthday to ThePigMarcher! You remind me of NIN (Nine Inch Nails) this is a good thing believe me.
  9. I'm gonna ask before trading in if it matters about the accesories, if it doesn't make much difference then I'm keeping my headset, controller and HDMI cable, I might even keep the Optical sound dongle too for lolz. I'm allready gonna be letting my brother have my 120GB HDD so the trade in value of an Elite will be limited anyway no? say probably £50 with no HDD I would have thought.
  10. Yeah it will, the only difference with the 'old' and 'new' transfer cable is that the 'new' one doesn't come with the disc because it's not necessary anymore, the ability to auto-detect that you're using one must have been added in an update a good while ago because I recently did a transfer for someone using my kit and it asked if I wanted to transfer stuff when it was connected. They do it via the same process on the new video which explains it all somewhere on XBL.
  11. So I finally got around to listening to Martha Wainwright's stunning sophomore album I Know You're Married But I've Got Feelings Too and it's a wonder that I hadn't heard it sooner, the same goes for her first album. At times she sounds like artists that I've heard before yet at the same time her voice and style are unique and the whole thing is just really enjoyable to hear, or so I found anyway... 'I'm in the Hearts Club I'm in the Hearts Club Band And I'm not ever ever coming back'
  12. I can do nothing but praise this game at the moment, the more I play the more I love and the more I love the more I play sure now that I'm well into it I can see a pattern emerging i.e Go to new town > trouble in town > go to 'dungeon' > defeat evil > go back to town > travel onward... rinse and repeat, but then that's what RPG's are about, just that this one happens to be very well structured and paced. Even though you are essentially doing the same thing each time it somehow becomes more epic, the story more heart-felt and the experience all the more absorbing. I'm nearly twenty-five hours or so in and I still can't wait to see more of what the game has to offer, it's a uniquely rewarding game that just feels so 'right' to play. Anyway... *goes back to playing DQ IX* ^^
  13. That's actually very good and if it wasn't for my Elite being out of its extended three year warranty I would have considered just getting a bigger hard drive. As it stand though the new Xbox makes sense for me because although my machine is out of warranty it still works meaning I can get a reasonable trade in on it once I've transferred everything over, the built-in wi-fi is a nice bonus and means I could also trade-in my two wireless adapters... or sell them... undecided yet. Plus it is smaller, shinier, quieter and the extra USB ports should mean that I won't need to have a half-broken USB hub dangling off the front of my console... >.> So yeah I'm looking forward to the new Xbox 360 S.
  14. Did someone say Maximum Attack? This... needs... to... happen!
  15. Well... he didn't get Azel from Panzer Dragoon Saga but he will now because I submitted it to the list. :p
  16. Lloyd Irving, Link, Joanna Dark... he got all those but not Bayonetta interestingly. And he got Mega Man but only on the second try.
  17. Well I'm twenty hours or so in and I reckon I'm about 1/3 of my way through the main story, but obviously this will be different for each person but if you like to explore a bit rather than trying to just power through the whole thing then I reckon it'd take between 35 - 40 hours before you see the redits role and then double or triple that time for all the other quests etc in the game if you intend to go back after completing the main story... And quite frankly why wouldn't you?
  18. Lets not derail the thread now please... :/ it's easier to accept that even though it's advertised well this time the game will still be overlooked by many, but for the people who actually decide to buy it'll most likely be one of the best purchases they'll make this year.
  19. This is true and the game is better for it. There is literally loads of customisation which really helps to bring the game to life even more, if that's even possible! And the visual style is breathtaking in places. Plenty of humour, some genuine 'lol' moments in it too. You too will succumb to Dragon Quest... go on... you know you want to and trust me you won't regret it. ^^
  20. Looks like a case to me of... same shit, different city... oh wait! Same city, different shit. *I use the term 'shit' loosely, not as an actual reflection of the games content.
  21. All I can say is, thank fuck they decided to give it the advertising push that it so deserves this time around because if they hadn't and it ended up selling poorly then that'd be a travesty because this game deserves to sell by the bucketload! I overestimated how long I'd been playing this game, only coming up for eighteen hours so far but still that's not bad since having the game from Thursday afternoon onwards I feel. I'm loving the fact that there are loads of sidequests to do involving you defeating monsters in a specific way and whatnot as it really keeps you playing, I mean there's plenty to do in the main story as it is but the extra quests just help to further flesh it out. ^^
  22. I recruited three party members right away when they were required for what at the time was supposedly a tough quest and I then levelled them up a bit beforehand, I'm now level 20 with my main character and my three sub-characters are only 2 or 3 levels behind. It really does help having a full party from the earliest opportunity and in fact it's a near necessity, especially if you decide to do part of the story out of suggested order like I did... >.> So far I'm now about twenty hours in and I'm still absolutely loving it!
  23. Maybe... that part was particularly awesome though so can't really blame you for wanting to share, have you seen what she does after 200? Oh boy... I'd post a pic of it here but I don't want to get banned so I'll refrain :p it sounds like you're pretty far in though so I'm sure you'll find out for yourself soon enough. Anyway, enjoy!
  24. It's true... I have indeed been caught in the web... or more specifically the tangleweb damnit! I can't seem to 'switch-off' even when I'm not playing. :p
  25. I wasn't even aware of that, good to know though.
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