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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. It's the only real criticism I could think of, it's not even that bad either, just that I was perhaps really eager to get into battles but I suppose it does help set the scene at least. But yes, when I learned about just how much from the start they had already cut, it surprised me as well; I must stress that it's certainly not a huge deal though, just something I thought worth noting. : peace: Once you get into the flow of things, the game is amazing!
  2. Thanks @Blade. It's a really fantastic title, I'm really glad people have been enjoying reading my review, it was a pleasure to write and I can definitely say that its an adventure which is more than worth investing the time in. If anyone is buying it physically then you get that fantastic boxart as well... Indeed if anyone is picking up a copy of the game in Game or an independent retailer and manages to snag a pre-order/display box with that artwork then I'd gladly pay them for it... no deal-breaker just saying. The only downside of reviewing a digital title, of course you get to play the game early - certainly not complaining - but no box art to stare at, either way though... I'll live without it but it's certainly some excellent art fit for a fantastic game. : peace: I can't wait to see more of you playing the game soon hopefully, for anyone who doesn't already have me on their list and is planning on picking this up, please add me and we can *trade Traveller's Tablets. *It sounds like an awesome idea because it is, more dungeons to explore!
  3. I have a feeling that the point @RedShell was making revolves around the fact that Nintendo are creating public awareness but not so much for the traditional games they were once greater known for by the general public. Instead if you were to mention Nintendo to someone in the street these days, chances are they'd be like "Oh yeah... didn't they make that Pokémon/Mario game for mobile?" rather than in times gone by when the response might have been "Oh yeah! Man... Nintendo, they make some of the best games! Zelda... Mario... Metroid... that futuristic racing game, F-Zero? Good times..." although I suppose the best you can hope for these days is for people to identify with games like Super Smash Bros. due to the wealth of characters. Perhaps this is all part of Nintendo's greater plan to eventually get them back into the public conciousness properly, to get themselves associated with ALL types of games, or perhaps... they just don't have anything to show, yet! Only time will tell, I'm still happy enough to wait as I have loads of games to play across multiple platforms but I can understand people being concerned as well to say the least. As I've stated before though, I want to believe, I'm just waiting for Nintendo to make their move. : peace:
  4. I reckon it will sell at least... ...4K :awesome:
  5. My final time? Let's just say that my track record with finishing RPG's isn't that great owing to the completionist in me as I like to spend time wandering, exploring and of course grinding which I'm sure you can appreciate. So it's best for me to just say that I'm still playing but I can definitely say that I played enough to have gotten a decent feel for the structure of the game, indeed in this instance I only could get so far without mentioning certain plot details which I haven't given away in the review so I could keep to the embargo (which has now lifted) and I certainly won't even dare hint at here knowing how long many people have waited for the game. Not really many other (if any) games were really played either during the review period, save for some sessions of Monster Hunter Generations, (of course) Mario Kart 8 (once weekly) and some Metroid II. (naturally) Then there was the week where I had a rare chance to play some GC multiplayer with my brother who was visiting, so I wasn't going to pass that up. In any case, even if I had devoted more time to it inbetween work I am certain that I still wouldn't have reached the end because the original game, the NTSC Playstation release (which I've owned for a few years) seems to have an average completion time of a hundred hours and although the start has been streamlined in the remake (it still feels like a long time between starting and your first battle) there has been even more content added on top of what was already there so I feel like there was no chance of me seeing the end credits even with the generous review period. It was perhaps an odd situation that even I got hyped by some of the footage in the direct because at the time I hadn't seen some of the stuff they were showing... At the same time though, I have really enjoyed playing and reviewing the game equally, I even went back to the manual for the original game and was simply blown away by just how much the game has been overhauled, the music as well is glorious, I spent a considerable amount of time listening to the OST from the original release, Japanese 3DS release and of course all that I have heard while I've been playing and I must say that they've really done a stellar job. I was really overwhelmed by it all but of course now that the embargo is over I will continue to play to the very end, I've always said to myself that this is a title I've wanted to play to completion in addition to finding as many secrets as I can, so that's what I plan to do. It will likely be the main game you'll all see me playing on my 3DS from now on, the prospect of playing a significant portion of the adventure alongside the N-Europe community has me even more excited about the game now as well, so I'd love to hear all of your impressions. So in partial answer to your question Hero... more than 25 hours but less than 50, plus I'm probably not far enough in the game as some would estimate being that I like to level up a lot and explore (as I know you do as well I believe?) :wink: but I definitely got past a point in the game where things start to open up though there's still plenty of reasons for me to keep on playing. : peace: Depending on what other games you may have on the go, I would finish them up because once you start playing Dragon Quest VII... you most likely aren't going to want to play much else for potentially 50 - 100 hours plus I would say even with varying mileage.
  6. A few days ago I bought the Humble Game Maker bundle... https://www.humblebundle.com/gamemaker-bundle I haven't got around to using it yet but it certainly sounded like a good deal in any case. Thought I'd post here in case anyone else was interested. @Ashley? I know you've already made a game but having an additional set of tools probably wouldn't hurt if you don't have Game Maker already. Anyway, just under a week to go for the bundle, it's around £12 for everything, it looks like it would otherwise cost at least a few hundred to purchase. : peace:
  7. N-Europe Review Audio : peace:
  8. Don't forget the third folder... HD Remasters
  9. I don't know if that helps but... Anyway, congrats on the job.
  10. I think this image sums up my feelings at the moment... :p I really do want to believe, but it's Nintendo so this could go either, any or which way they choose.
  11. Ouch! That sounds pretty painful I hope you manage to feel a bit better soon Hannah. I decided to weigh myself the other day after not really bothering for ages and it seems I'm now even closer to 8 stone... so much for me trying to put on a bit of weight, I'm going to try eating more and keeping a close eye on it.
  12. Also if the market is going to become more iterative in nature then it's entirely possible we could see an even further refined PS4 Pro in two years time with a 4K Blu-Ray player built in providing the market for it really takes off. Personally I'm more than happy with standard Blu-Ray quality, even some DVD's look decent enough when upscaled. I might consider buying a 4K TV... when it actually becomes viable to me, until then... no real need to upgrade that much in the tech department, aside from buying an NX of course, assuming it turns out to be something must-have which I'm almost certain it will be at this point. But my PS4 still feels like its got at least another four years left in it, as does my Xbox One... providing they last that long.
  13. Just more reasons to be happy that I bought a PS4 when it originally launched. But plenty of options for anyone who doesn't own a PS4 yet but it planning on investing in one with or without VR. : peace: I'd say that the presentation has been a success as everyone has a reason to be happy and no one is being left behind, we couldn't have asked for much more than that.
  14. That was some performance! All of the tracks were amazing, especially the finale... 'dem chills! Hyped for the conference now, less than a minute! : peace:
  15. Also that moreorless confirms Splat2on for NX as well surely?
  16. Way to go! I hope you're enjoying Cornwall, you've arrived at around about the right time as well because things seem to be going a bit quieter now thankfully, I bet Falmouth is still ticking over though to a degree, I hope you get to see some nice sights there though. So if all goes to plan then you should reach Lands End by this Saturday then? I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays free as my main days off so if you're up for meeting up then, I'm sure we can arrange something if you're sticking around in Cornwall for a few days. : peace:
  17. It looks like we're getting the Final Fight franchise - on the New 3DS - this week, so that's Final Fight 1, 2 & 3 on the go. Not bad! I'm betting on a three for the price of two deal.
  18. Just buy Radiant Silvergun as you'd originally planned as it's fantastic and I still can't believe to this day that it even got a digital release as the only other alternative is spending £100 on a Japanese copy for the Sega Saturn where it originated. Continuing with this theme, why not buy Castlevania: Symphony of the Night? It's an absolute classic and although you can buy it in more than one place digitally, this is still much cheaper than getting it on the original Playstation that's for sure. Oh and if you haven't already, I'd advise buying one of those Fightpads as having a controller with a decent d-pad is essential when playing Xbox 360 arcade games. : peace:
  19. Nintendo NX... Console experience on the big screen... ...with all the benefits of a portable system. Play it your own way. : peace: Nintendo... we'll supply the games, you decide how you want to play them. Or something like that.
  20. Every... single... detail. Both conceivable and not so as well. For instance, if you have seen most of the footage which already exists then you will have likely thought to yourself... "I wonder if..." that kind of stuff, so in a way you could say that it's conjecture for the most part because we really don't know that much beyond what it is we've actually been told about the game. Plenty of subtle detail is picked up on, such as patterning on some of the structures, references to the Sheikah, complete analysis of the topography including the entire map, where landmarks are placed, how big the game is really likely to be, which places from past Zelda games are likely to be in this latest iteration... they even go into just where abouts does the game even fit - if it does - on the Zelda timeline. So... they go pretty deep, but it has as much or as little depth as you want it to really depending on how much it means to have your views on what you've already seen expanded to a much wider field of view. Personally, its made me more excited for the game in general, whereas others might prefer to not know about certain details if they really are planning on going on a media blackout; I really don't think it spoils anything though, so much as it builds upon what we already know, it's definitely one for the fans and they are more than aware of this I'm sure as the whole video is definitely a passion project of theirs even though it's what they do. It's fantastic even by their high standards. : peace:
  21. *gulp* Here goes... *switches on 3DS and prepares to grind in RPG's while watching a two hour video on a game which won't even be out until next year but will surely be well worth the wait* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, that was insightful, epic and much more than I could have ever hoped for from a two hour Game Explain video... which is saying a lot. They've really gone above and beyond their usual standards, which are already really high, there is stuff in there which I hadn't really even considered. I think at around just after the half hour mark I was thinking to myself "will this ever end?" but at the same time still enjoying it on some level, so I can only think of how much of a slog it must have been for them to go to such lengths... ...but they'd only call it a labour of love, because it's what they do, like a reviewer writing up impressions of a game, or a game-maker like Nintendo making such a marvelous digital world. What a time to be a gamer, videogames continue to amaze me even to this day, just as the Zelda franchise continues to surprise me with each iteration.
  22. Thank you to @Glen\-i and @RedShell for the hunts this evening. I don't know if I was that much help thanks to the numerous disconnects which occurred - not sure why they happened, I have a good signal and I try to be closer to the router - but inbetween those we did at least manage a few successful hunts which was nice. Nailing that flash bomb, followed by the mount and traps on that Glaveneus, I really thought we had it at that point. :awesome: Still, it was a lot of fun and I will try my best to be on a bit more when I can, in the meantime I need to stay on it at least offline for half an hour or so as I'm all out of blue mushrooms. :p Damn constant resource management... ...I love it really.
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