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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Who cares, it's just the way Wii posts, the majority of us are used to it. And he did say IMO.
  2. Price in this case.
  3. Coming to PC, then PS4, Xbox One later on.
  4. If you have family and friends in the UK, get them to buy you Zombi U from Amazon for £6.64 which is something like 8 euros!! Also Batman Arkham City is about 10 euros. I think @Hero\-of\-Time and @dazzybee had Splinter Cell, they might be able to tell you.
  5. Wow eShop prices are ridiculous! There is another Batman game called Arkham City, but maybe it's not on there. If you really want a game right now and don't want to save your money for a bit, seems Resi is the best choice.
  6. Ah ok, maybe go for Resi then for now. How much are Deus Ex, or Batman Arkham City?
  7. That sort of price is alright for Revelations, but I think you could probably find better games for that money. Don't fancy something like Guacamelee, NES remix, Thomas was Alone, Child of Light, Shovel Knight?
  8. I'm not sure Revelations is worth it, it's ok but nothing special, and probably better on 3DS than WiiU. ZombiU is at least designed around the Gamepad and would be a unique experience. You can buy ZombiU really cheap online.
  9. Revelations is decent, it's certainly not really good. I'd have thought ZombiU would be the better choice simply because it's designed for the gamepad and will offer a different experience.
  10. To be expected though. It's Kirby, it's Wii U.
  11. @Hero\-of\-Time did you ever play Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons? Another fantastic game.
  12. You hadn't played it before?!! Yeah I loved it, it just continues to build. The balloons add some good replayability challenge and exploration. And some fun little unlockables.
  13. Yeah honestly the PS3/PS4 Indie scene has offered that exact same kind of magic experience that Nintendo are now arguably missing from their console.


    Actually I didn't realise Hohokum was on PS3, could get it there, whilst I build towards getting that PS4! :)

  14. I haven't man, but I'm enjoying yours and Redshell's impressions of it! It does look like a really interesting game. You need to get on The Unfinished Swan when that's done and let me know what you think of that, I really enjoyed it, nothing like it.

  15. That's like some glorious Mario end credits music as you watch all the places you've been to on your adventure.
  16. Bosmiibo lolz Plus the return of a certain someone...
  17. Yeah you're right, it is. Although in terms of the media, they'll be present at E3 with invites to attend the live press conferences. I guess that's alright for the bigger websites and press who can have two teams of people watching both, but may not work out for all. It does make sense not to hold them at the same time, but I guess it's in Nintendo's hands what they want to do. They may not be bothered by SE themselves, but they'll be bothered that the world knows about their stuff before the show floor opens only the following day.
  18. It's a tough one, because the disadvantage of the Direct is that you can just watch them back on the Youtube page at a later time. Nintendo need to get their message out to the media uninterrupted and before the show floor opens, so it makes sense to move it and have the focus solely on them... although yeah I can see them just leaving it :p Any other year and I would think who would watch Square Enix over Nintendo!?... but (and I'm not all that clued up on their games so maybe missing stuff) this year they'll have the likes of Deus Ex, Just Cause, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts?... that we know of and who knows what else. It's actually a great, non laughable line up.
  19. What's interesting is Square Enix have taken Nintendo's traditional Press Conference time (given that Nintendo aren't holding one) and the time they did their Nintendo Direct last year. So they'll either have to be content with some people and press not watching their Direct, or present it on Sunday/Monday.
  20. Well I assume Black Panther will tale place after this film as we got to see how he lost his arm. Presumably Klaw now ups the anti in terms of crazy and becomes a real threat to Black Panther and his kingdom. Although, can anyone remind me how the initial vibranium scene went down again?... because as I remember it, a couple of the team seemed to already know/easily accept there was more vibranium out there?
  21. The goals are basically 'how close to Banjo Kazooie do you want us to make this' The next ones they add will be for Jumbo Mumbo and Jojin's :p
  22. £435,000 = "A mix of 2.5D and 3D Mine cart sections & not even limited to just mines either!"
  23. I would agree at that I'm not really hyped from that video, in a way I'm hoping that area we see is a test area because floating island levels feel so generic, where as Banjo Kanzooie felt like a world, so I hope that happens. Also te footage we've seen is sub earlier footage, hopefully additional textures will help a great deal as the sort of shiny, unreal engine look, doesn't do it for me. However, the team they have behind this is incredible so I have a lot of faith in them. Also the music is fantastic! and I just learned they have David Wise doing it! It sounds exactly like the music you'd want from Banjo Kazooie, plus his experience on DK.
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