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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I think Nintendo are probably thinking of the Mario Kart extra's and FAST Racing Neo as cover for F-Zero on Wii U.
  2. lol, true dat. And a lot of games being announced WAY too early. That dragon Platinum game, Crackdown 3, that one they revived and got cancelled... they could have shown all 3 of those at this years E3 and we'd still be in the same position :p
  3. Yeah and it's boring! Although if they have someone demo'ing the game in the background as they're talking, with transitions to full screen, at least that's a way around it. Show us the game during such instances.
  4. Then why not show some gameplay and have the developers talk about their inspiration over it, that'd be fine. It was dull. Also, you don't have to keep jumping on Sony and Microsoft all the time. Those press conference dragged at times (I think about 30mins for Sony :p) and had their problems too. But we're talking about Nintendo here.
  5. I don't think it could have been 60 secs?... it felt like a lifetime passed.
  6. It was? I don't remember anything special about it. It had a funny intro, but their stage shows have often had intro videos. What was so great about it? I have trouble looking past the wool shop. Treehouse Day 1 and 2 was where it was at. Makes it for me. We can all have a laugh in chat and at least it's memorable! Same way the wool shop was... see Directs can also be cringe worthy, in fact, the way Nintendo deliver the Directs is often feel uncomfortable with awkward pauses, silence and a lack of flow. Wii is pretty much holding up and hyping Xenoblade alone. Still can't quite believe it's called Wii U.
  7. Why not just give him a yellow support seeing as he's cocking his leg.
  8. If that's the case then they showed that game waaaaay to early. I've already lost pretty much all interest in it.
  9. Yeah No Mans Sky doesn't appeal to me much either, so I really wouldn't like to think its a huge title for them. And I haven't seen anything from The Witness to interest me yet. Bring the games Sony!
  10. Nice. But yeah need to see more cars on track. Also, not sure that excessive drift angle and tyre squeal isn't gonna get a little annoying.
  11. Rime will come out surely. Then there's the likes of ABZU and Wild hopefully. I reckon we might see The Order DLC akin to Infamous First Light. And No Mans Sky will likely be a big push for them. The Witness still hasn't materialised so that must surely be almost done unless there's been some huge issue with it. There are a few games from last E3 that we haven't seen anything from; that Move sculpting thing? They surely have a couple of surprises up their sleeve. And of course Last Guardian.
  12. Day off dude. Day. Off.
  13. It's always been 5pm in the UK.
  14. Not really. When the internet reports it in general terms as 'Nintendo to reveal E3 plans', without much clarity, people will speculate. Anyway it's always fun to speculate and sometimes people get carried away.
  15. He doesn't make it sound much like it was his choice.
  16. Yep. Awareness is high, demand is high... but unless they become accessible, price is even higher. No way would someone choose to start collecting them from scratch as things stand. You'd be spending ridiculous amounts of money and time for that matter.
  17. Surely it's already putting people off. I don't have any inclination to start collecting them, but if I did suddenly want to start, I've missed them, so what's the point? Unless you've been keeping up with them since day 1, you've currently got not chance of going back and getting them and thus it's not accessible to newcomers, it feels like a hassle before you've even begun. That's no way to operate.
  18. This is definitely the game I'm getting a PS4 for whenever that time comes. It's got me majorly excited, it feels like the second coming of Ocarina of Time or something incredibly special.
  19. Looking forward to this one.
  20. It would be a strange choice, given that they can't think of how to differentiate an F-Zero sequel, but Punch-Out? Anyway, I think it's probably a troll. They'd surely save game reveals for the Direct itself. Maybe it's just a reference to last years Direct...
  21. The Boss reveal is bound to come via a character unravelling to reveal someone inside or something :p Maybe you think it's Bowser and then it unravels to reveal Bowser Jnr's been up to the mischief. But yeah the unique game/environment is a great opportunity for something different and memorable.
  22. The trailer was cool, but that gameplay was boooooring.
  23. I'd personally hope it isn't Bowser/Bowser Jnr either. I does get boring. Captain Toad had some cool bosses. And bring DK back for the next Mario game.
  24. 9.8 from Gametrailers (not that I'll be watching or reading any of these reviews) http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/j9qz9m/the-witcher-3--wild-hunt-review
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