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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Not really because I don't want to be doing that :p I can't imagine how confusing it would be to be flying your ship on the TV whilst aiming different ways looking down on the gamepad. Or are you just supposed to forget about flying your ship? or stop or something?... Unless for those sections it purposefully locks you on rails with nothing to worry about ahead of you and your focus is then on shooting/dropping bombs at the ground or something. But if that's the case that stuff might as well not be on the gamepad, other than it being kinda neat to look down at stuff.
  2. Collection has been confirmed, with more news coming soon.
  3. Honestly, if StarFox is just the same but prettier looking on-rails shooter I'll be disappointed. It needs a shake up, even if that's just transitioning between 3D-2.5D-2D throughout levels.
  4. Yeah have to agree. Watched the trailer yesterday and was completely unimpressed by the character design and use of 2.5D. The lead character looks like someone you wouldn't want to play as. When you compare it to how this game was first presented on kickstarter it's quite a visual contrast. I'd be surprised if many backers wanted the game to end up looking like this, and how many actually want to play it as much now.
  5. Is that implying we'll get more Uncharted as a series in the future but a whole new cast of characters?
  6. Unbearable isn't it. Thor was right...
  7. The GT team are great
  8. Looks incredible. The most important things now are whether the track designs are actually any good/fun, and how the cars feel, whether they're more grounded like F-Zero or floaty like Wipeout. Makes you long for F-Zero itself though doesn't it, as you don't quite know with this. EDIT: Woah how is this still in Alpha?!!
  9. That would be interesting, as from what I've heard from the Gametrailers team playing Bloodborne it's very difficult to go back to Dark Souls 2 simply because of how fluid Bloodborne is in comparison; it felt like a proper evolution. How would they then handle Dark Souls 3? Keep the 'clunky' mechanics to keep the feel of the series?
  10. The Wii U doesn't really have any shooters or action RPG's, and given how much you enjoyed Mass Effect 3 it's surprising you'd keep playing the same genre over diversity.
  11. That PlayStation Trophy get!
  12. Oh Lara, did that climb ever seem like a good idea
  13. it looks like The Last Story/Xenoblade on Wii. Depends what you expect from an HD game I guess.
  14. Sucks that I don't have anything to add to this thread yet, but that was one epic post Fierce_LiNk! and just makes me anticipate that purchase even more eagerly!!
  15. This just feels SO unnecessary. I really like the idea of Chibo Robo branching out as a character and a 2D side scroller for him is a cool idea... but not for now. It's just not what Nintendo needs to be doing and seems a bizarre decision.
  16. Just to say @Ronnie I have no problems with the article you posted, I agree with what it's saying. There was a period especially on the 360 with Gears and CoD where everything did suddenly look very bland, generic and muted. It did get too much. But there's great diversity on the consoles now, just as it's great to have diversity in the industry with Nintendo and their games. It's just continually dismissing that the same types of games can't also be found outside of Nintendo gets really old, and only sets about to rile up people.
  17. I think you're the only person who genuinely enjoys these types of comments these days. I know you put a wink, but I also know you're serious.
  18. This could be your answer to a bit more Alien... SOMA is coming to PC/PS4 on Sept 22nd
  19. Isn't it nice when just for a few brief minutes you can have an enjoyable little discussion about Nintendo :p

  20. Oh just looked, it is the WW bundle :p
  21. There really is a huge hole, and one that's there to capitalise on. It makes sense actually, how the likes of Waverace and Excitebike kinda disappeared into Wii Sports, and F-Zero into Mario Kart. It does show they are very much lacking confidence in those brands, which could very much be a cultural thing. It's the Western Market Nintendo really need to win back with their next console and coming out of the gates with a host of Sports Titles could very well be a good strategy if they have the vision and guts to go for it. There's no real reason they couldn't captivate the sports crowd, and win back the likes of Tony Hawks, Fifa and Tiger Woods to complement it perfectly. Honestly what else is there? There's that Extreme sports title coming from EA (which arguably Nintendo should have given them no reason to make), and there's Motorstorm, which we haven't seen from yet.
  22. Good point. Maybe this is the shift in Nintendo that I'd not really notice happen, but has affected how I feel about most of their output... Hmm. Even the likes of Mario with 3D World feels a lot more Japanese in it's presentation and design. Dammit. Also I think they have such potential to sell well, Nintendo just don't market them well enough. There's no other Jet Ski racer on the market, no other Dirt Bike game, with WipeOut gone F-Zero could and should be bigger than ever but they didn't take the opportunity, and Snowboarding only really has SSX (which ironically is a more Nintendo like Snowboarding game, with 1080 being a bit more serious and so again offers something different).
  23. Oh for sure I'd take Mario launching a console over most other things, it's where it belongs. But I dunno, I guess the Wii U just seems to have been out for relatively so little time and not had that expected Mario. Paper Mario then (Also I guess it's because Mario Maker doesn't excite me AT ALL. Just not a 2D Mario fan)
  24. Oh I don't doubt the quality of Pikmin, just not looking forward to the reaction I think Pikmin 4 would get. It really is a vast gap in their library. They get no third party sports games so it really is a wonder why they don't do it themselves, and if I'm not mistaken the studios Nintendo still have are the ones that always produced these sports games?... Nintendo just have them working on other things? I think unfortunately most of us would just take HD remasters at this stage yeah, but new versions would be great, and with DLC of classic tracks. You could scan in your amiibo to get Link and Samus etc.. on a JetSki/Snowboard :p
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