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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. What's worrying is the 2015 release date. You would expect it to be looking up to standard by now. 3D World was revealed at E3 and out later in the year. This was announced last E3 and doesn't look up to much. The Landmaster level looked the nicest, but the Landmaster isn't what you go into Starfox for. The Arwing level taking place around that red robot above an island just looks plain bad.
  2. 3 player, because the totem was too tall with 4. The DS/3DS Zelda's have not been good to look at. No idea why they don't use the Four Swords art style more often. And do it on Wii U.
  3. So embarrassing for such a series.
  4. *Cough* ... and it was worse than any of us could have imagined.
  5. Loved the look of this! Some really cool gameplay mechanics and the setting/world look awesome.
  6. Seemed Ghost Recon in name only though.
  7. Looks epic! Very excited. And having not played the original trilogy I like that it does in fact seem separate.
  8. Yeah Ubisoft press conference was completely lacking in diversity. @Ronnie, it's a fair comment, but it's a sequel to Ghost Recon [............................. barely] so.
  9. Looks insanely awesome!
  10. Guess who's back... Back again... Check out Mario Maker from the Nintendo World Championships first @Wii. You missed out in chat last night. Outstanding.
  11. Doesn't feel like a Rare game at all. But then when Rare are a different company now I guess that's to be expected. Reminded me of that Gamecube game Galleon with art style.
  12. Trailer gave me more of a WipeOut vibe.
  13. SO... GOOD.
  14. Oh god. I've never played an Animal Crossing, I wouldn't buy Animal Crossing Wii U and I'm yet to buy an Amiibo. But KK Slider... a dog playing a guitar... could be it.
  15. No need to bring it up again. Moved on.
  16. We still haven't seen anything more of that Media Molecules, Move sculpting thing. If it still exists maybe we'll see the two together.
  17. No you're right, it would be a very different Metroid, but not necessarily a bad thing to try. Other M was a one off, different Metroid... Prime was too at one time, before it became a trilogy, and actually quite slow paced in itself. I dunno, it's just an idea. Could be a way to reboot the series, if Nintendo feels it needs it (for the same reason they seem to be holding back the likes of F-Zero etc...) and also make it more relevant/open it up to a new audience and diversify their library.
  18. The way Nintendo could approach survival horror is with Metroid. I know I've said it before but if you imagine Dead Space, but with a 3rd person Samus Aran, it's actually a pretty fantastic fit. You could have mutated Space Pirates and all the bugs the Metroid series is known for providing the scares, and maybe something like the SA-X to keep you on your toes at all times. Not for Nintendo to approach on the Wii U, but in the hands of a different developer on their next platform maybe.
  19. HYPE!!!!! That was epic. Booyah!! That can't fail to help get you hyped @Hero\-of\-Time! I'd forgotten about the possibility of a Resi 7/potential reboot. Loved Bloodworth's shout on Delsin, he would actually be perfect.
  20. NVC had a question about if Nintendo were to announce a new IP - like Splatoon last year which no one could have predicted going in - what would you want them to put their Nintendo spin on? It is hard to think of something. Maybe some kind of open world game? or what would Nintendo do with a FPS? It's more a case of Nintendo having so many franchises they're not doing anything with, like all their sports titles.
  21. Oh yeah I don't mind it not being there, I'm just a little bit surprised. But you're right. It does look stunning. Kinda renders Xenoblade Chronicles X a little bit redundant already. Xenoblade's world always seems one console behind it's true potential.
  22. NVC were suggesting Nintendo could take a similar route with StarFox as they did with Splatoon.i.e. Maybe release the multiplayer alongside the first episode of the story and then continue to roll out multiplayer and single player. Not saying they'll have an episode of StarFox ready to go after E3, but it's an interesting approach. --- In terms of your actual question :p Maybe a smaller eShop project equivalent to the likes of Pushmo or Dillon's rolling western. I can see them having some DLC surprise ready to go. --- Animal Crossing Wii U is bound to be a shoe in, announced after they show Happy Home Designed, and then the Amiibo's.
  23. Heaven forbid Nintendo show off Link firing a bow and arrow or Mario launching a fireball at an enemy. And let's not even contemplate what Samus might do!You'd probably implode as Nintendo join in the third person shooter/FPS fun.
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