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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Can you imagine what it would feel like to have been playing the game for months, or years even, alone and then see another human player in the game... just coming over a hill of a planet you're exploring. You're gonna be so freaked out :p and probably open fire. Wonder if there's a character creator, or everyone looks the same.
  2. Shenmue 3 is a very different case to anything. The announcement was the kickstarter for the game, not the game. However long the game takes now is a matter of everything coming together for it, just like when development starts on any game in the industry. Wouldn't surprise me if FFVII is done within 2 years. I imagine FFXV's development will help out massively with that game.
  3. I don't really get where he's coming from. Nintendo will have us wait 2+ years for Zelda, but ok. The Last Guardian is perhaps the only game that conforms to what he's saying and that obviously went through development problems. I think we'd all much rather see a teaser video even if the game is two-three years away (although obviously it's pointless now on Wii U).
  4. Mario also doesn't run through near identical versions of the same levels in all his games.
  5. Woolly World does look like it might borrow quite a bit from Tropical Freeze. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't feel the most revolutionary of platformers in terms of gameplay by this point.
  6. Sakurai's fancy display cabinet is buggered when Ryo gets released...
  7. How long ago was this? :p Also... THAT is how you do a cockpit view and with a sweet targeting computer!
  8. You need to buy the other (much better) game that Fierce mentions...
  9. Already got Thomas Was Alone for the PS3 Fantastic game!! Great choice!
  10. I know exactly what they represent Serebii... The Arwing only has a top half made of glass and therefore it's inaccurate for the cockpits window. Thus the blue lines mean nothing and may as well be replaced by a crosshair which would actually help aiming and accuracy, or an actual cockpit which would be cooler. Your last two posts have been pretty condescending...
  11. I think it's a sad day, when the vehicle sections and levels/cities in Disney Infinity [a game which has to cater for SO much], looks better IMO - and has a far more defined style and a cartoony one at that - than StarFox... Also... The cockpit view is crap in StarFox. It should either show the view from inside the Arwing cockpit [which could include a screen that your team mates show up on] or just be a crosshair on the screen, not some stupid blue lines which represent nothing.
  12. I don't understand then @Ronnie, what do you want Sony and Microsoft to do? turn these games away from their consoles? How can you acknowledge that its third parties making them, and yet blame it on the consoles? Sony and Microsoft themselves make and back a diverse range of games.
  13. I highly doubt there would be any complaining if the Wii U was getting the exact same third party 'shooters' (something that seems to encompass a range of genre in this sense) and bolstering the success of the console. As it stands, its just an easy target to take.
  14. I think it's more to do with the lack of games in every other genre. Yes you can name a game in pretty much every genre for the Wii U, but you'd be hard pressed to name many more (of quality).
  15. Apparently Cuphead is a boss run game, or whatever it's called and not a 2D platformer.
  16. Umm... StaxFox Adventures looks cartoony, even Starfox Assault to an extent. If anyone Zero is conforming to his view of the industry by looking bland and uninspired.
  17. The quality of Nintendo's Digital Event this year eradicates excuses for them not holding a Live Press Conference. Theirs was the most boring, and full of waffle and filler of arguably anyones, given the length of it.
  18. Yep. Barely even checking out the treehouse because of the games this year.
  19. Yep Titania does look better, and that showed off during the direct too. I think having the extra effect of the sandstorm takes away the spare feeling. The boss looks noticeably better than any other too. Is that the circular space station from the other arwing levels crashed on this planet?
  20. You come across as so incredibly bitter. Show them your support then if that's what you believe, trade in your PS4 and buy an Xbox.
  21. Finally someone gets it back on track! What on earth even happened.
  22. @dazzybee Ever think there are less posts on the Other Consoles board because people aren't constantly getting caught up in/having to respond to arguments (such as the one you potentially just created), justify themselves, or having to be so vocal about their opinions and thoughts towards Nintendo's crazy decisions and their game announcements? The atmosphere on the Other Console board has been great this E3. And there's no reason to make countless posts; the Press Conferences and Games speak for themselves. People are happy.
  23. Maybe 3-4 times a year at events like... E3 Gamescom Paris Games Week Comic-Con PlayStation Experience etc...
  24. Microsoft didn't dedicate time to Oculus in their conference did they? They demoed Hololens.
  25. Adventures >>>>>>>>>>> Lylat Wars I'm out.
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