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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That was one crappy teaser.
  2. Yeah I was checking this out earlier
  3. Dat Nature Road!!!
  4. Ronnie knows it all to well, he just seems to think it doesn't matter.
  5. This just got a photo mode update! @Fierce_LiNk
  6. New Trailer
  7. Metroid Track and Samus, Whispy Woods and Kirby confirmed!
  8. I'm tempted to start a twitter account for Lewis Hamilton's ridiculous chain. Can't stand that thing,
  9. Ahh @Wii @Serebii @Ronnie... never gets old.
  10. Just been watching GT Live and the guests they had on this week (Tracey Fullerton and Rob Manuel) said Journey should be on PS4 soon. Guess Sony will announce it for immediate download during their E3 Press Conference maybe.
  11. Remember you can just do it from your laptop/phone too.
  12. Coincided with the Wii U though no? Ain't no coincidence.
  13. It's all CGI as far as I know. So yeah could have done better.
  14. Corrected that for you.
  15. There don't really seem to be the deals on Plus that there used to be.
  16. Jeez. Ok, you no longer have the right to ridicule Wii for his nameplay.
  17. I guess it's otherworldly rock? It is strange how the texture changes for his head, where as really the rock should be consistent throughout. But honestly, is it that bad for a person made of rock? What would people have preferred?
  18. My issue would be the DLC being locked behind amiibo themselves. I don't want to get into collecting them, so would prefer DLC to be made available separately on the store for everyone. It's one thing to paywall people out of games, it's another to paywall DLC behind figures only a percentage of people will buy, then to price them higher than some DLC, and make them hard to find.
  19. Great, another brown generic FPS.
  20. £288 + £12 + £35... £15 to do a little Tomb Raiding (base.com)
  21. That'll leave you enough money for Drive Club too!
  22. Front page, PS4 + Bloodborne £288.97 https://www.gamestop.co.uk/ TLOU £35 on Amazon/Shopto.
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