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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah I can imagine! It almost looks so steep that you could fall away from it!
  2. Official list needed!
  3. haha, If only there was an option to download Raikkonen... I could blow you out of F1 all over again! :p
  4. The Range (worse than Homebase, which in turn is worse than B&Q) is possibly the most literally depressing shop I've ever been in too... the miserable shoppers, displays, music and staff... de-press-ing! And I only went in to see if they had any *shiney* *shiney* Chritmas lights! Be happy!! I hate mobile phine shops, especially Phones4U, who space rape you as soon as you go through the door... when I only go in to browse the new releases!
  5. Tumble seems the best of the early games... GT Review - 6.0 Problems with depth perception. --- GT Review - 4.8 "Motion controls are a complete disaster" --- GT Review - 8.3
  6. Yeah go for Aquatica. Haven't done the Disney water parks, maybe they are a bit naff I'm not sure, but I've always thought this at Blizzard Beach looked immense... = Atomic wedgie!!
  7. Cool, it'll be beyond awesome anyway so it's all good!
  8. US Austin GP Track Revealed... [includes elevations ] He seems to 'borrow' from other circuits ALOT! I'd have quite liked it to run the other way, so there's a slope down to the finish line, but still!
  9. Makes me think of this... ... only without Will Smith of course.
  10. This was one difficult and tense game! Back in the day I had it on the Amiga 500 and I'm not sure how far I got... but I don't think it was very far... I was pretty young at the time, but still!... It was hard! There was so much going on and it was so easy to die and there were scary stressful evils coming at you from all over the place! Argh!! But it's a retro classic!
  11. huh... looks like I had better order the current England shirt pretty soon if I want one, because the new one looks like this!...
  12. Whoosa Yoosa Gonna Call?!
  13. Son of the Mask, Ace Ventura Jr. Pet Detective, OK these Ghostbusters will be older, but films which come out FAR too late starring the family of the originals... suck! Because everyone loves the originals too much!
  14. Tbf, the movie was taken down too early because of other 3D movies being released soon after its release. It'll make them a good deal more money, but I shouldn't think more than 10% of first time viewers will go back this time.
  15. I think you can buy cable extenders, not sure though. Yeah the Dreamcast pad was a bit big/overly spaced, but i did quite like it, and of course the VMU (at the time) was so sexy!
  16. I read an IGN article on the additional scenes, and I'm not sure they're enough for me to go back and see it. I probably would if there was an IMAX near me though to give that a try.
  17. Yeah, I think there's a good chance it would be a PS3.
  18. Don't think I've ever really been pestered in GAME. Phones4U practically force a contract down your throat as soon as you walk through the door! What ever happened to just being able to browse the latest phones!
  19. Awesome!! Looks like they've nailed it!! All I need now is an HD console to play it on!
  20. Wii Version Launch Trailer: OK, so the Wii is getting a version of this game too and finally some footage has been shown! Looks pretty decent in comparison to the HD consoles version... though you can't help but feel motion controls have been needlessly tacked on!
  21. ROLF!!! That picture perfectly portrayed what I was thinking!
  22. Yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing it. Senna was before I go into F1, so I've only seen and heard the usual stuff that's shown and said about him, it'll be great to see the whole story! Plus it's worth seeing for the orgasmic onboard footage alone!
  23. *makes mental note*
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