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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Thanks!! From that, Korea looks like a decidedly uninspiring circuit!... wasn't impressed! And what's with all the cranes in the background... was that in reference to it still being a building site come the GP this year or something? As far as I know it's not built around another shipping yard (ala Valencia)... is it?... had better not be! Game looks great though... dishing out penalties for causing collisions! After having a go on the Renault simulator the other day, which has a very similar feel to this... I'd be very tempted to get a steering wheel and pedals setup!
  2. According to googling... 8 originals + 25 unlockables.
  3. YAY!! Lisa won!! :p haha, yeah yeah! I didn't say I loved wildlife (though who doesn't)... I said when I used to have to drive to work at 4.00am the roads were full of animals. And Masterchef is great... you're watching it... so that makes you at least Bi right?
  4. Cooking Doesn't Get Tougher Than This!! It's the final of Celebrity Masterchef in a few minutes!!!! Lisa FTW... I've backed her from the very beginning! I do love me some Masterchef, all the series... infact cooking shows in general... but especially this one!
  5. ...oh right... *grunt* yeah... but I totally hit them with my car and shit... ...better? I absolutely didn't by the way!
  6. Well up until recently I've been working morning's... going to bed at 9.00pm and getting up for work at 4.00am. It's nice to have to not do that anymore, though I admit, the early mornings, getting up and out, did have a certain appeal! Got to see plenty of wildlife too! The rabbits, badgers and deer were out in force!
  7. Hmm, whilst that video did make me chuckle... I was enjoying the random beeps... ... it just felt like Comedy Rainbow and not Rez' Daily to me.
  8. Ahh Rokhed... The N-E Miss February that never was.
  9. I was thinking that, but is motion capture CGI characters, still concidered live action?...
  10. So they've spent $61million before they've even started anything on this movie... and a presumably going to give it a hefty budget if they want it to be there next big franchise. Transformers 1 had a budget of $100million didn't it... I'm as big a Turtles fan as they come, I grew up on those Heroes in their half shells... but I'm just not sure it's that big any more is it? I'm sure the studios thought it through, but I'd have thought they could struggle with this one! In terms of the movie itself, it'll be really interesting to see how they handle going back to live action... which presumably means going back to costumes right. Oh and Raphael FTW!
  11. It's well gone midnight, what's keeping you up into the early hours?... Myself, I'm just doing a bit of Photoshop work on a photo of an F1 car I took the other day.
  12. Yeah here too! I'm not paying some guy to dry my hands, or spray me with cologne... I can do that myself and I'm already wearing some! In the past there was this black guy who'd stand next to his assortment of fragrances saying... "Fresh'n up for da Pussaay" ... lovely.
  13. Give it my best regards.
  14. I think it took me 40+ hours, there's loads to do!
  15. Yes I'd agree... Nightclubs are sucky! Never really got much enjoyment out of going to them... you pretty much have to get drunk as everyone around you is, you have to pay to have a crap time, and bouncers are wankers! Like you 'wolfy... pub... pint... pool... and good banter is far more enjoyable!
  16. Who's joking? :p
  17. Fancy a date?... You're right, that was easy!
  18. Awesome, it's a great series, looking forward to it coming back!
  19. I'd prefer Rez do it in the more makeshift/natural way he did (looking away at the screen/info, sounding unrehearsed) than have it feel like I'm watching some sort of class presentation where he's rehearsed a speech off by heart for top marks!
  20. 'The Shoot' (name of peripheral) Tumble
  21. Both funny and insightful! Thought you were taking a risk when I saw the video length (they've been short and sweet up til now), but you got away with it.
  22. I'm actually quite enjoying Microsoft and Sony entering the 'motion market'... Where as the Wii is now getting Sonic Colours... Microsoft are getting Sonic Free Riders for Kinect... which previously would have been all us Wii owners could have expected to recieve from Sega. About time the crap was shared around!
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