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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I just meant I might play a different game first (perhaps finish Okami), so that I go into it feeling refreshed... and it not just feel like more levels from DKC. I dunno, monkeys in a hovercraft on some wild rapids!... but I never did like the idea of Kiddy Kong much back in the day... if I download DKC3 I hope my opinion changes. Hmm... Capt. Falcon seems to think that feature's only in DCK2 & 3. I presume you have to actually complete the level aswell right? not just find the bonus rooms.
  2. Man loading this thread is like going back to the 56k dial-up days! It's seriously messing with my broadband!
  3. Yeah I thought that was the theme I remembered aswell, not the slight remix.
  4. Many peoples idea of a good night out... Getting pissed and clubbing. Show me a pub, a couple of pints, a pool table and some good conversation!
  5. Percentage was only 56%... I basically need to find the secret rooms on every level!! I found a fair few along the way, but I guess never all of them on one stage. Question... does it remember the secret rooms you've found, or do you have to visit them all on one playthrough of a stage? Also, does collecting the KONG coins add to the percentage?... I guess not because I pretty much got most of them. Honestly, there weren't many lowlights... a few of the levels were a bit frustrating, some were a bit boring... wasn't a big fan of the temple levels. Perhaps the bosses were a bit of a let down, maybe when you compare them to Super Mario World/Super Metroid (haven't played) or a few other games around at the time... they were pretty easy and not all that imaginative, but I was happy enough with them! Oh and Winky! His jumping is aweful and he actually makes levels harder IMO! Highlights!... Rambi, Enguarde, Squawks, Expresso!! LOVE!! Some challenging/frustrating levels that I can look back upon fondly now! Just a brilliant platformer with plenty of charm... and despite thinking the graphics had really aged when I started it up, after a while I'd completely gotten past that and actually thought what a great looking game it was again. Once you're absorbed it takes you back to the good old days and I was appreciating it so much more. Who needs all these complex graphics of nowadays 'ey?! Enjoyed the ending (good to see a game showing you all the characters again during the credits... I always used to really enjoy that!) and Cranky's comments, and DK and Diddy scrapping Great music aswell!... especially the classic DK theme on the opening level! Yeah I'll definately download DKC2... but may break it up with something else inbetween.
  6. COMPLETED!! Yay!! Glad I've done this classic! K. Rool's little 'The End?...' surprise got me! Crown throwing bastard!
  7. OMG I've just found two of the cartoons from my early early childhood that I've been trying to remember and find my entire life!!... ...The final ending to this cartoon was so upsetting!
  8. "Exactly right on Ti..eeeme"
  9. Also included the Darth Vader style chess board!
  10. Fun House has a rival in the form of the truely EPIC... and I'm showing my age, but really it's all about...
  11. I watched a few episode of The Wire and was thoroughly bored by it... I know you're supposed to give it a chance to get going or something, but seriously... I just can't see myself wanting to! From the episodes I watched I didn't find anything interesting in it, be it characters or story.
  12. Gah but it's tempting to know what went down! But yeah I not really bothered enough to spend that much time watching it!

    Prison Break FTW!

  13. Coffee & Fake Boobs
  14. LOST is the only series I suppose I could catch up on, I only watched series 1 & 2. Smallville, I'm right back into watching it, (majorly zoned out of it during the middle series), but it's been great from 7 onwards. And for those who haven't watched Prison Break... WATCH IT!!! PB Series 1 is probably my favourite TV series EVER... it's absolutely fantastic!! I enjoyed Series 2, Series 3 is ok, and 4 (whilst it has some down points)... has some of the best episode from across the whole series... and the Finale and 'Movie' is brilliant!
  15. Yeah I never really thought the X-Men films were particularly good tbh!I watched the firsta again the other week and it's probably my favourite, but even them I think it's a bit lame. I just don't really like/care about any of the characters... maybe that's down to the actors, the scrpit, I'm not sure, but I don;t really find any of them all that likeable... other than Cyclops, but then so little time is spent on him anyway! Also I don't think I really like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, and considering he's given so much screen time/is the main character... doesn't help!
  16. Except without the David Beckham part...
  17. Without wanting to defuse the complement, he really really doesn't!
  18. Was just gonna come in and post the same thing! About the discovery of the biggest star!
  19. £12.95 @ Zavvi http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/nintendo-wii/tatsunoko-vs-capcom-ultimate-all-stars/10068002.html
  20. Marks & Spencer, do the most amazing Chocolate 'Birthday' cake EVER!! LOVE IT!!... even if it's not a Birthday! Also love Apple Cake, and well, loads of cake tbh! Not forgetting the humblist of cakes... the faithful Jaffa Cake!!... it's a cake! (or is it?! hmmm)
  21. Only hair product I've ever really stuck with is: V05 Extreme Style Matt Clay. I've always had 'long short hair', and it's quite fine. I use it for 'style' and to keep it away fro my eyes. It used to be longer than it is currently and I went through about 3/4 years of having it highlighted blonde regularly... kinda beach type look. I now have it a little shorter and have gone back to my natural colour of dark brown. Used to wash it maybe 3 times a week... I always thought it wasn't good for it to wash your hair every day. But now wash it every other day, as I've recently found that it gets greasier looking quicker... I think maybe your hair goes through changes as you get older?... and especially if I've put product in it!
  22. Vettel came close on Webber at Silverstone but not withing a cm of the wall, and the difference was, Vettels was an instinctive defensive action off the start, Michael planned his, having had similar battles on previous laps and having the chance to watch Rubens on the straight in his mirrors. The guy's getting desperate, and in his desperation to not look a complete failure from his comeback, he's getting dangerous. Senna was also dangerous... but someone elses actions some 20 years ago doesn't excuse Michael actions today! Also F1 was more dangerous in it's entirity back then, it's in a different era today! I'm sure at the time Senna took a lot of slack for his dangerous driving, but he's since passed away, and thus people are more enclined to remember the talent. Schumacher may well be remembered the same way, but he's certainly setting about ruining his legacy. There's no excuse for putting someones life in danger! When it comes down to it racers are supposed to be able to trust one another.
  23. Well I don't have the best of hairlines anyway and going bald does somewhat terrify me! Hope I can last a while yet before I have to enlist the help of Shane Warne and his cricketing friends... but if I have to go down that route, I will do!
  24. Fantastic race, what a surprise!! Loved it!! That Pit Stop was insane! It was a great drive from Webber!... though the car can take a good percentage of that credit!... it's absolutely awesome!! Great to see some others finish in the points, well done to Petrov! And for a split second there I thought Rubens was a gonna!... Michael can fuck off as far as I'm concerned!
  25. ...Daft got a gun to your head? He's making you type this isn't he!
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