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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Sweet!!
  2. ^ That was great! And just reminds how much it sucks we'll never see Spider-Man alongside The Avengers, or any Marvel universe crossovers into his films etc... I haven't seen any of the animations, but that's why I loved the 90's cartoon, it was exactly that, Spider-Man was fun and full of quick wit.
  3. I know Lady Gaga is nominated against herself for something! Also, thanks for that vid nintendo-master... it's nice to see the laid back side of her at times!
  4. I've never had an arcade near me, are they that common? I've always associated them with seaside resorts where you get all the coin/penny games in there aswell. And London has the trocadero obviously, so maybe they're more a city thing? Other than that, you just get a few at bowling alleys and lazer quests.
  5. Qs 1. Did Xavier used to have hair? or will McAvoy be shaving it off? Qs 2. How did Cyclops control his optic blasts before (I assume) he was given the glasses at the academy? Just walk around with his eyes closed the entire time?
  6. Yeah Cobb entered limbo before Saito, he 'plugged in' while Saito was still alive. I asked it myself earlier... and I don't think anyone quite knows the answer as to why Saito was so much older. I think maybe the only explaination would be is Cobb and Molls world wasn't built in limbo, but a 4th layer, and when Moll stabbed Cobb he dies (or could have died from the 4th layer falling apart) and goes to limbo joining Saito. That would also explain why he awakes in such a random place... washed up on a beach... because otherwise how did he get from his and Molls apartment to being out at sea and washing ashore?
  7. I dunno, did you not see this documentary... they're just real good at hiding! Would be a neat thought though, if they were here amongst us. Would certainly explain Rez!
  8. I agree the name is pretty rubbish. How is it suddenly in a fortified area at the heart of the city... shouldn't it be set in The Narrows?
  9. Turtles and The Simpsons pretty much covers it for me! Along with Time Crisis and other shooters. Also Star Wars Trilogy Arcade, not sure I ever played it though, think I might have done once...
  10. The 90's one was just so great though!
  11. Sweet! I'm a bit confused as to the time slots... 9.00, 11.00, 1.00, 3.00... do you think you get the whole day there to look around but these are the times you can be shown round the factory, or do you have to turn up for your visit at one of these times and you just get a few hours there?
  12. I think they are gonna start again tbh. I don't think there will be any reference to the other films, which is a bit of a shame as they'll have wasted a lot. But I don't think they'll do the backstory again, just a voice over saying "I'm Peter Parker, bitten by a spider... yadda, yadda... but you know all that" or something, with hopefully the backstory taking place during the titles. And now that it looks like they'll have to do college all over again, will they make the difference by finally doing Lizard?... more dodgy motion capture CGI? Either way I think they're gonna draw massively from the successful comic movies of late... and seeing as Nolans approach is a bit dark to apply to Spider-Man, I think they might take a leaf from Iron Man and go the more comedic route, which makes sense for Spidey. And build towards a Sinister Six finale to what's probably a planned trilogy (*trilogy yawn*)!
  13. Audio
  14. Yeah definately thinking about it! It's Enstone, Oxfordshire... I'll google exactly where, but it should be within reach. EDIT: Here we go, near Chipping-Norton, also not far from Brackley, home of Mercedes! Also done a bit of googling on the cars they mention... The RE30, was 1981, and driven by Alain Prost. The RE40, was 1983, also driven by Prost (lost out on the title by 2 points to Piquet) The RE50, was 1984. The Benetton-Renault B195, Schumachers '95 winning car... And the R25, was of course this beauty, Fernando's 2005 winning car...
  15. Maybe they should, but fact is it's going ahead so...!
  16. Renault are going to run tours of it's Oxfordshire based factory! Tickets: http://www.the-mia.com/Events-Diary Definately considering this!
  17. The whole Spider-Man cast were pretty terrible... Kirsten Dunst and her whining Mary Jane. I didn't much like the idea of Spider-Man going back to school in the reboot, so I'm kinda glad in a way if they do change it, but I'm gonna be really bored if it's almost the same old retelling again. But if it is going to start off in much the same way however (Peter at college) is it even possible for them to do much different?
  18. Oh yeah I'm not doubting him in the role... it's just now they're not doing the whole point of Sony's wanted reboot. Would be good if they did just carry the story on, no origins story, no chance of already used bad guys... and they could up to a big Sinister Six story or something!
  19. OK, so I've started this thread largely for the 2012 Reboot, but feel free to pad it out with anything else Spider-Man related! Some puzzling news about the reboot!... Huh!... Casting Andrew Garfield and taking this decision makes this reboot seem almost entirely pointless! (apart from the fact they lost Raimi et al.) It's just lost the whole story draw they publicised and wanted and they'll essentially just be doing exactly the same story again! Surely it would make sense now to just do it as a second chapter instead?!
  20. ^ No worries! I'm up to 70% now, I've found the hidden rooms on all of World 1 & 2, and once I've found them all on Forest Frenzy and Orangutan-Gang I'll have done World 3.
  21. SWEET! I'd love to watch out for that!! Hopefully we can find out a more specific time!
  22. In terms of Mario, it was all about Super Mario World for me... Awesome theme song and I just loved how the cartoon incorporated so much from the game! and probably my favourite Sonic...
  23. How do you get out of a level on the CCPro?... + then - ?
  24. Yeah I just watched this, looks brilliant. Not sure if the whole media side as explained in that video is going a little ott, but depends how it's done... will you select press conference answers from a list of posibilities, how often will the AI ask you same questions etc... will depend how fresh and engaging that side of it is. Canada FTW!!
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