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Everything posted by Retro_Link
Haven't actually got any pics on facebook, I'm not huge on it and so didn't really update or anything. I did take loads but they aren't uploaded.
If you want to know anything though feel free to ask, I can probably offer quite a bit of help (tickets, how long to spend where, best rides, shows/attractions etc...). It can all be a bit mind blowing getting it orgainsed and then sorting out what to do when you're there!
Yeah I'd recommend buying your tickets in advance... bought mine online a few weeks before hand, and you take the print outs along to the park. You can get a combination SeaWorld & Busch Gardens ticket, saving money, and also save money on your Universal tickets. Also Rez I HIGHLY recommend you go to, Pirate Cove Adventure Golf... http://www.piratescove.net/location/5 It's on International Drive, so near Universal and Seaworld, and is open all day long. Night time golf FTW!! And yeah if you want to go shopping, go to The Florida Mall, but be warned it's EPICLY HUGE, the misses is bound to love it, so be prepared because you'll need a day there to explore!
Mine... Ford Fiesta, Head Gasket Blowout on the duel carriageway. Resulted in major smoke/steam, loss of drive, call to pick-up truck and the car being written off!
For the Castle ride, go as single riders because it makes no difference when you're on the ride, you'll see, and we basically walked straight on. For the Duelling Dragons, 1st time riding Red we walked right to the point where you choose your coaster and waited about 15mins for row 4 I think. 2nd time riding Blue, started queing about 5/10 mins before the coaster choice, and probably 30/40mins for the front row. The front row takes quite a long time for this ride because they have to release both coasters together and more often than not there's something holding one of them up. So I'd recommend you just go front row blue straight away.
OK so after MAXING out the Florida theme parks a few weeks ago, here are my top rides!! NOTE: I've included REZ TIPS along the way, because I know you're going later in the year. My Top 3... 1) RockIt - Universal Studios (My favourite ride) ABSOLUTELY orgasmic ride as far as I'm concerned. It's not the most terrifying, the most extreme, the fastest etc... etc... but what it's 110% FUN, adrenaline pumping, exciting, interactive and absolutely unique! Plus it's a LONG ride as coasters go!! Everybody gets to individually choose the music you ride to from a selection of around 30 tracks, confined just to you through surround sound speakers in the headrests... For me my choice was... Black Eyed Peas... PUMP IT!!... Which felt like an awesome 'coaster sound track to me, and it was! And the ride starts off with a 90degree verticle accent!! Something I TOTALLY was not expecting to see and had not been aware of before. It also films your ride and you can purchase the video afterwards. Rode it twice and could have ridden it 10 times more... ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!! REZ TIPS... 1) If you ride at the front you get a front on wider recording, if you're in a row further back you get a side on recording. 2) The ride video's are expensive! However, you can preview some of your video before you buy on touch screen booths. My tip to you... use your phone to record the preview video off of the screen! 2) Manta - SeaWorld Like Air, only Awesome!! Amazing setting which just adds to the enjoyment as you ride around it. And a fantastic track!! Rez Tip: Front Row FTW!! 3) The Hulk - Universal Islands of Adventure Rez Tip: Again Front Row FTW!! Definately worth what wasn't much more of a wait! So those were my Top 3, on to some other rides you have to ride... Disney's Magic Kingdom: - Space Mountain! Like Alton Towers Black Hole... but better!! Disney's MGM Hollywood Studios: - Tower of Terror - MUCH better than I was expecting it to be!! and more to it than I was expecting aswell!!... I'll just leave it at that! - Star Wars: Star Tours - Also you have to go to the Indiano Jones Stunt Show! Disney's Epcot Centre: - Test Track Rez Tip: Personally managed to get all the good stuff from across these 3 Disney Parks done in one day. There isn't enough at any one of them to warrant spending the day there. Universal Studios: - Men in Black - Jaws - The Mummy!! - Also go to the Animal Stunt Show... and knowing you, make sure you get your hand up quick for audience participation FTW!! Universal Islands of Adventure: - Dooms Drop Tower - Jurassic Park Water Ride - I've been wanting to go on this for years, ever since I heard they were building a Jurassic Park zone at Universal, and it didn't dissapoint! - Harry Potter Hogwarts Ride - Didn't know what to expect, but it's a MUST!! - Harry Potter Duelling Dragon Coaster Rez Tip 1) There's a Red & a Blue Coaster that intertwine. Chances are you'll ride them both, I did!... but if it so happens that it's REALLY busy and you only have time for one... when you get to where the line splits, GO LEFT (I think it's Blue, but just remember left!), IMO for whatever reason it was the better of the two! 2) Sit Front Row! It adds MASSIVELY to the experience of the two coasters going at each other! You tend to miss what's going on if you are sat further back. Plenty of other awesome coasters but that's all I'm gonna put for now. And needless to say, that after day after day at the parks... literally only the VERY BEST coasters will cut it for me now, I'm seriously hardened!!... and towards the end was actually finding certain roller coasters that were deemed hardcore... pretty tame to say the least!
So earlier today, Snow Barrel Blast... Audio And the proper way too! I couldn't find the shortcut. I found a rhythm with the barrels that made it ALOT easier to get through the stage... basically if you fire your way across the barrels after just two rotations you'll clear the wasps (apart from 2 occasions where you have to wait for 3 rotations). This proved both speedy and incredibly effective! I'm now up to the Industry Zone's 'Barrel Drum Alley'.
So if what she says is true, there's nothing to this rumour.
Yeah I too actually quite enjoyed this film. I saw it for a second time on the plane a while ago and it was still a decent enough watch. It does feel like it drags at times, but there's some nice comedy in there, can't really decide how likable Holmes is a character though, but I liked Jude Law as Watson and I thought it was a nice relationship between the two of them. There are some few good set pieces and puzzles. Rachel McAdams is also pretty damn sexy! I'd probably give it a 7/10.
Yeah seriously!!... it was difficult to get a grasp on his name at the start! At first I was thinking, is it Cod... Carp... nah can't be... then they mentioned 'The Architect', so I thought OK maybe he's known as 'God' in this whole dream get up! Yep I found the snow part the least interesting aswell, just loads of shooting, chasing, grenade chucking... sure they were trying to 'break into' the deep recesses of the mind, but after some great set pieces before this, the 3rd layer felt lacking in depth and meaning... and I felt the pacing, which had been fantastic, dropped a bit here. Though the scene between father and son in the 'hospital' was touching. Yeah I definately want to see it again (though probably on DVD) to understand it a little better.
Game trailer points towards EPICNESS!!
I never got the 'big deal' with Psycho... I'd say it's more a film to maybe teach wannabe directors their art. It's a film they had us watch on my Arts Foudation course as part of film studies... others included scenes from Blade Runner and Apocalypse Now.
Yeah I saw a job advert the other day for a schools photographer, however it wasn't close enough by and I'm not sure that's where I'd like to get my experience. I've thought about looking into wedding photography... I always used to think it was a bit of a photography dead end, however I've changed my perspective quite a bit and really it's all about gaining experience. And even if it did become a full time career, it's one where you are at least capturing special moments for people (hopefully) and that's got to be quite a good feeling. But yeah I'd look upon it as experience. There are a couple of portrait studio's that I'd be interested in contacting, but not having the experience I don't think they'd really be able to offer me anything. I can't really afford to work unpaid atm, which might prove tricky when trying to get your foot in the photography door!
Tbh I'm looking forward to this more as a single player campaign... &/or co-op if it has one?! I'm sure the multiplayer will be decent, but I'm not really expecting it to have the same feel as the original... I think it's better to approach it as it's own experience. And honestly, I think it's an impossible task for them to recreate the original experience, for me at least, because that was gaming gold from the past, nostalgia is always going to win through, all night sessions of 4 player goldeneye are something we all remember too fondly! So I'll just take this as it comes, and if it delivers then great, if not, well then I'm sure it will be fun enough to play every now and then, and being online this time may be enough to paper over some things! Can always fire up the old N64 anyway!... not that I have anyone around to really play it with nowadays!
I think a week is probably better, otherwise the thread will feel like it's dragging.Could always join in on a films discussion at a later date, Or if we always plan a couple of weeks ahead with the list people could rent a 2 or 3 movies at a time?!...
No, I'm no where near where I want to be with my career! I really want to be in photography but have no real idea of the best way to go about it... something like the cruise ship idea you mentioned sounds interesting goafer. I've thought about applying for volunteer photo journalism/documentary positions with volunteer projects before but think I would have needed more experience. And I'm not really sure how to go about internships or apprenticeships. Photography is what I think I'd really like to do! Maybe we should set up a/go into business Goafer! I have a degree in Landscape Architecture I could also do something with, but when I came out fo Uni everyone hiring wanted like 2 years of experience... so how are graduates supposed to get jobs! There may be some opportunities for me to get some experience abroad which I am considering. But there are aspects of L.A. that I really enjoy... the design/photoshop... and others I really dislike... like C.A.D! But maybe it's something I should just get over and go for?! Whatever I do, I know I'd be great at... it's just getting there!
First4Figures are sponsoring & giving away figurines...
I wouldn't mind Tron making the list! I haven't seen the original, I'm sure there are quite a few who haven't, and with the sequel coming out soon enough, maybe we could have it here some time?
Best thing about Perfect Dark for me was the co-op... great experience! Goldeneye was the multiplayer king!! 006... Bunker... Proxies or Grenade Launchers... Amazing!!
Sounds like a good idea!
Apparently yeah! Maybe they should have done it as one of those 'shorts' they were talking about and have it before Captain America, but I guess now they have a pretty big actor in the role it's something they're thinking about doing... And that Ultimates Hawkeye story sounds a perfect way of tying him in alongside Black Widow [and Nick Fury] with no explainations needed! That's probably the reason they chose him because they are going that route.
However they do it, I don't think they'll spend any time introducing him... just have him there and don't draw any attention to it. Being the only new character in that way he should just fit right in no questions asked, and it sounds like there's a good chance he'll get his own movie anyways so all that can wait for then!
Yeah I presumed they'd padded it out with the other films because they've only really been filming for two weeks... I've just realised Blake Lively was in there!... FAIL!! DAMN the search goes on!
Yep very true, just glad so much has been dedicated to telling his [origin] story. I was a bit worried they might try and shoehorn in quite a bit of The Avengers into the last third or something in order to set that one up. But with the other good news that they are keeping The Avengers cast down to characeters we are already familiar with (bar Hawkeye), they don't have to do that!
I'm really pleased that the film is all WW2 with modern day 'bookends' as they describe it. It should have a really great alternative feel about it. Saving Private Ryan & Band of Brothers show just how engaging and enthralling that setting can be when it's done well... throw in Captain America and hopefully we have absolute WIN!
DAMN that looks awesome!!