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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Just a slightly long exposure wasn't it? 1/20 or something.... Looks cool. I took a similar one at wembley the other day (but didn't get the opportunity for one with the player facing me which is what I wanted)... Few more from my trip...
  2. And... done!
  3. Retro_Link


    It doesn't feel like Zelda to me either, and I wouldn't really want it too, I've got pretty bored of the Zelda formula of late, and this offers some nice variety. One of the best things I've realised about Okami, is the 'dungeons' don't feel at all like dungeons!! Which is just so refreshing! And speaking of immitating, whilst Okami may immitate Zeldas formula, I couldn't believe how much Twilight Princess has blatently ripped off Okami's gameplay, it's shameful! The Wolf, the bounded fighting arena's, Midna is fundamentally alot like Issun, and even the shadow beasts have an Okami type feel. Also the latest Zelda trailer shows they've also stollen Okami's 'living padlocks'! But anyways... If you're at the sleeping bear, you'll be in the first mini-'dungeon'... you'll have already rolled a sphere of some kind onto a switch I think... and you then follow the tunnel to a room with the bear. Can't remember exactly what you do there, but it's where you need to be/you can do it now. I think you either swipe the bear, or the ball his standing on with your brush... basically you attack him.
  4. Retro_Link


    It's pretty much perfectly paced... like a good Zelda game... give it another go! Where'd you get stuck?
  5. Those screens are nothing short of orgasmic!
  6. He's only frustrating if you don't understand what to do... as I didn't! I just didn't understand the concept of the fight... but yeah it's easy once you know... and obviously if you get it right away! He was probably my least favourite King also... *nom, nom, nom* to you too, you fat...
  7. I mainly used the formation where they are in rows behind you... depending on your surroundings having them in a ling single line could lead to them taking damage... but basically keep them behind you. And believe me, you have FAR from seen everything!! Some of this game will blow your mind!
  8. Regarding throwing your troops, I never used the 'guide line' myself, I found it a bit of a distraction... but I never really had any real problem getting my troops to go to the right enemy either. I'd suggest never using the circular 'protect the king' alignment, because then it REALLY can get confusing even as to what way you're facing, let alone what troops you are sending out. It also becomes a lot easier to move your troops around in and out of battle as the game progresses with certain upgrades you can buy. Enjoy though!!... Onii King is a little tough for a first King, and infact the next two Kings you may either find difficult or frustrating... but especially once you get past those two, IMO the game REALLy comes alive and it keeps getting better and better!
  9. So is anyone going to any of the Renault factory tours this week?... Yes I could do with not spending the money atm, but I've just thought sod it, I really want to go, so have booked a place for Friday!
  10. Yeah I don't go out to buy labels just for the sake of it... For instance, the other day saw a plain white t-shirt, with a small embroidered white ted baker logo on it (you couldn't even see it!)... for something like £25/£30...!!! But I'll buy something if I like it... within reason. If I feel I can get something similar for a much cheaper price I'll do it.
  11. Whilst I think these changes have been pretty good for the most part... the board certainly seems a lot quieter in the late evenings (like now)... with only a couple of threads recieving any activity... where as it always seemed pretty busy before?
  12. I've always found HMV really good, just as quick as play if not quicker.
  13. The film just wrapped?... a year before it's release!! Shows how much post-processing is going into this film!
  14. Yeah a large percentage of it is probably just nostalgia! I think these last 2 seasons have just been quite different car wise though. Alonso '06, Raikkonen '07, Hamilton '08... I feel a bit more that they won those titles with their driving (luck/unreliability/reliability being factors as they are every season). Where as '09 felt more like which ever driver was in that car would have probably won the title, and it's looking likely this year with the Red Bull car.
  15. Is this article really old, fake, badly worded, or just incredibly inaccurate because they say... Superman is due in 2012, before Batman, which isn't due out until 2013, not next year alongside Green Lantern!
  16. You know I'm starting to think you actually have more than enough 'thanks' left, but you just enjoy posting these videos too much!
  17. It's really wierd when you think about the record books and then look at the drivers we have on the grid now. When you look back through history and think of a say... 3 times world champion... they're considered the true greats, but then you have those drivers who are also considered the true greats... like Hakkinen (amongst many others) who only have 2 titles to their name. And some who even just have the 1 WDC! Tbh, I'm not sure there's all that many drivers on the grid today who I'd like to see achieve that kind of recognition. The fact Button already has 1!... and could (given the best car again) go on and get another 1 or 2 is a daunting prospect... All of a sudden it seems to deminish the achievements of past champions... the recent likes of Alonso and Raikkonen included... In some strange way it all seems too easily done nowadays? Maybe that's because more and more it seems to be down to the car? Maybe it's just looking back through rose tinted glasses? Or maybe we just have to look at it as different era's, and perhaps Jenson's '09 win was the start of a new one?
  18. It's like the love child of ReZ and Dannyboy!
  19. I don't want to bore anyone with a fanboy rant, but that's a little unfair... the mechanics (especially McLaren) always raved about the input/feedback he would give them. Short but sweet!
  20. Yep it's sickening tbh! All I can do is hold on to the fact that reliability aside, it's generally considered he would have won 2 or 3 titles... but yeah the thought of someone like Button winning more... *shudders*... everytime Button has underperformed of late, I just keep wishing Kimi would have been in that car!... Stupid McLaren! I wish Ferrari would have just once focused their efforts on him and they'd have had a multiple world champion. The way he completely outperformed their dog of a car in '09 shows the potential that was there all along if they'd just paid him some attention!
  21. So long as Button doesn't win... sorry but I don't want the record books acknowledging him as a multiple world champion! Webber or Vettel for me.
  22. Retro_Link


    I can honestly say I haven't really had any problem with the painting what so ever! If I do have the occasional trouble it's usually with circles, but that tends to be when I do them a bit rushed and don't complete a full circular movement... resulting in either a lily pad not appearing on the water, or sometimes in/out of battle, creating 'wind' instead of 'bloom'... but really I put it down to me and not the game. I really enjoying the brush... and have never once found it frustrating, or become frustrated at the game. It's great later on when you can start using your strokes in conbination, like lily pad and wind for a boat! Instead of constantly drawing them! You can learn how to do combo's with your 'whip' at the dojo... it's actually pretty easy. The numbers rise really quickly and highly once you get better 'whips' anyway, and I never feel I have to concentrate to pull them off, I can just do them. You have to use manual attacks on some enemies later on (combined with your brush)... to expose their weaknesses. The thing I never really bother with (once learned at the dojo) is dodging... that using the motion control inside the nuchuck. I'll use the occasional evasive move, but I often forget it's there! @ darksnowman... did you also find cutscene introducing Waka on the woodland lake, simply stunning!
  23. Can't believe they got to No.1... HOW!! Are any of them rejects from talent shows?... they look like the whole band could be.
  24. Retro_Link


    I'm playing through this atm, and have just saved at the 32+ hr mark, with the game showing absoluetly NO signs of slowing down. I've taken my time with it, but also there is just SO much to do! Enjoying it very much! I've passed the halfway point in the game, and have just defeated the boss 'Blight'... great part of the story leads up to this battle! Now it seems it's almost time for me to leave the city... though I already have plenty of reason to return later in the game! The humour in this game is fantastic!... especially Issun's obsession with boobs ... and when you see some of the characters, who can blame him! Darksnowman, did you notice Sakuya (the tree spirit) is bare assed?!!... a pleasant shock! It's a brilliant game, and I have to say how dissapointed I am with Zelda TP and even from a few things I seen in the Skyward Sword trailer, for blatently stealing things out of this great unique game!
  25. I don't think I've had any problems with sound in TDK myself, apart from always wondering why the film itself starts off so damn quite! It always makes you want to turn the sound right up.
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