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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I never really understood how to use twitter, until reading through this thread. Seems I was doing it right... putting @[the person I'm directing it to] in the tweet for them to see it. I thought I was doing it wrong seeing as I've never had the BBC F1 guys reply to any of my questions (or I thought maybe they had to follow me back)... but I guess they just have too many tweets to go through. That's really my only use for it. Other than to now pester Pancake.
  2. Yeah I got a lovely fitted charcoal suit for my cousins wedding last month. Very pleased with it, despite not really being able to afford it... but it's such an awesome feeling!
  3. Your voice was awefully high pitched... he wasn't pleasuring you whilst filming you was he... that would also explain the camera shake.
  4. Retro_Link


    You won't be able to get the guy his mask back until you get the power of lighting, however you can get 3 other items from the thief before the mask... and these go to other towns people. One goes to the samurai looking guy who walks around near the entrance, one goes to a worried guy who'll tell you he'll be at the bar at night, and I think the other may go to one of the drawing girls... but I'm not sure. 1000 sword guy... If you've given him the 'living rod' or whatever it was then I think that's it... however he can be found fishing in the temple area... I can't remember if catching the biggest fish there leads to anything. If it's the Marlin Rod that you still have to buy, then yeah buy it, you'll need it after the city. If you've upgraded your wallet once, don't worry about doing so again until the end of the game (and even then you don't really need to). There's LOADS to do in the city... it's great! Finding the last cherry blosson in the city, might just do your head in... it did me! Also the t-shirt guy and one of the three girls whos draws on the ground are part of a side quest (that's difficult to realise)... but I'll just leave it at that. GREAT GAME!!
  5. Retro_Link


    ^ haha, clover fail! Princess Rao and her 'melons'... Issan is epic how far he takes it! I've just reached the 'point of no return'... before tackling what I now assume is the final boss. My god this game just keeps on going it's amazing... just when you think you're nearing the end a whole new chapter starts up... just brilliant!! And the story keeps getting better and better!! This last chapter has been absolutely incredible... you've got some greatness to come darksnowman and some beautiful cutscenes!! I'm just over 62hrs of playtime & before finishing thought I'd try and get the remaining 'stray beads' and 2 remaining mirror fragments I haven't found to reach 20 'hearts' of health... though I literally have no clue where those 2 are! I thought getting the final slash upgrade to break the diamond rocks would reveal their location... but nope! However if I get impatient then I'll just go and complete the game (at least I assume I'm at the very end now!)... and find all the beads & 'hearts' on a seperate save file. 'Snowman... have you tried the side quest with the bear in Agata Forest?... the bear near the entrance who like standing on round things? I thought I'd finished that one, until the other day I noticed a 3rd (or 4th) round object I hadn't rolled to him... a bee hive... seriously, rolling that thing to him is like the most difficult thing in the entire game!!! I gave up in frustration after about 10mins.
  6. oooh... sexy Pancake pics?
  7. I didn't warm to the Sherlock guy AT ALL.
  8. I don't think either would be the case, but surely it's more likely Karen Gillan would?... and on to a new assistant? Also... Katherine Jenkins
  9. Found a nice pic... What an Awesome race... LOVE Spa!! Yeah when Lewis went off and nearly binned it in the wall... dramatic stuff! Vettel was a mess all race... I'm inclined to agree that he's all well at good at leading a race, but working his way through the field... not so much! He's got a lot of work to do! Also another mistake from Alonso! Really pleased for Renault and Kubica! They're becoming a real favourite of mine. In other news: I read on the autosports forum that corners such as Eau Rouge (that type of height/incline) are no longer allowed in the circuit design regulations... and I wonder if that would also rule out the hill at Interlagos?... anyway... that's kind of depressing to hear!
  10. As a Resi game RE5 was aweful. And as a stand alone game it wasn't all that brilliant either... played through it in co-op and whilst fun enough, there are better out there. I don't even think the visuals are particularly nice... everything is overbloomed to the extreme... even things that shouldn't really be reflecting much light... like the characters themselves!
  11. It's funny because at the time it seemed so special and attractive... but that was probably just comparing it to the official Gamecube. Now it kinda just looks a cheap £50 hi-fi. The Wii is so much prettier!!
  12. ^ It sounded like it from that interview... included with the special edition.
  13. Developer Interview: November 5th for Europe, dunno if that was already known.
  14. Some of my Renault F1 photo's...
  15. Would have liked to have tried Viewtiful Joe. Resi 5 is pretty fun, played through it in co-op, but I'd say there are better co-op games, and it's not even in the same league as Resi 4. MadWorld is probably my most dissapointing game ever. The first level was good fun, then it just fell down a black hole. Extremely repetitive, uninspiring, incredibly messy visuals, not particularly funny, aweful bike levels, just lacking any real charm. Stopped playing somewhere after the third boss (I think) and sold it. Also found RE:Umbrella Chronicles very slow, boring and all round unenjoyable aswell, and this was in co-op.
  16. haha, that race last year was one of the most stressful races I've ever watched. I was so desperate for Kimi to add to his Spa total, and to get a win that year for Ferrari... but with the F60[2009] it always looked like a long shot at best. But both him and Fisi drove such an incredible race... especially Kimi because all it needed was for him to run slightly wide at just one corner and that would be it, Fisi would be through in the faster car and go on to win! For the both of them to keep that level of concentration for 1 1/2 hours was awesome!
  17. What with the long break I'd completely forgotten it was an F1 weekend until I heard Jake on Chris Moyles early this morning! SPA!!! Currently watching FP2... feel sorry for Chandok not racing again, but at least the BBC are smart enough to employ him!
  18. Tortilla. _
  19. Quite an overlooked franchise isn't this... or are the games not any good? Seems like it might be quite a good collection, especially for those new to the series?
  20. tbf that question could go either way!
  21. Umm, not so much!
  22. Yeah tbf the only album of his I actually own is 'Marshall Maters' which is a classic.
  23. Yes there have been many a bad comic book film, but I can't see how you can class them all as lame, when you have such great ones as Batman Begins, TDK, Iron Man, IM2, which transend differnt genres... and will be remembered fondly for years to come.
  24. How is that even possible?!
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