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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Not since they last raced there in 2003... what have they done to it? It was awesome when F1 was there! Just read James Allens article on 2013... actually pretty excited now! First laps of Korea: Onboard with Chandok Wow, looks alot like a building site still! And a bit windy isn't it?... and narrow!
  2. Believe me... it's not quite as picturesque with 1000 more people cramed into that shot.
  3. To be Happy and Healthy (and the same for family and friends)... is really all you can ask for. A loving relationship. I'd like to be in a position in the future where I can travel and see the world. Hopefully a successful business at some stage, and hopefully a job that I enjoy! Dream job would probably be a professional photographer for an F1 team/magazine/website and getting to follow it round the world! I wouldn't have to be rich, but I'd like to be able to afford to do/have nice things. Including some part time motor racing.
  4. Though really a thread could just be created in the existing Wii/Other/Retro boards for those topics..
  5. I voted for 'funny pics etc...' returning, because idiviadual pics/videos aren't deserving of their own thread, and therefore people will have a place to post them. Other than that I'm not too fussed. No HWYD though. He had a post ripped and turned into a new thread, which he found embarressing.
  6. At least you realised the relationship wasn't going to work.
  7. Not sure why it's taken until now but hey!... A1-Ring... BRING IT BACK!!! *sing it back!*
  8. ^ haha thanks!
  9. Only in terms of the secondary characters. In terms of the two stories as a whole I was more absorbed into OOT.
  10. I'm selling my copy.
  11. Similarly, the Amiga 500 is where I started out... (As mentioned a bit in the New Zealand Story thread) These consoles provide hardcore gaming at it's best!
  12. I'm not sure I like the direction F1 is going in, and tbh I haven't for a few years. V10's to V8's not the best, but now to V6's!!!!!! Seriously!!!... producing 650bhp!! F1 is supposed to be the highest category, the pinacle of motorsport... won't 650bhp lead to other categories overtaking it? And talk of increasing down force through the diffuser... I thought that's what F1 was going to try and move away from?! As much as I understand cost saving being good for the sport... is F1 in danger of becoming a standardised Formula... like your GP2's and A1 GP? And whilst I'm kind of on the subject... What's up with teams moaning about one anothers developments so much now! As soon as something new comes on the scene everyone tries and gets it banned. And if it's not banned then the FIA either ban it for next season, or constantly tweek the rules so that such things are now allowed. This is leading to cars looking more and more similar... and almost gone is the excitment of new car launches waiting to see what new revolutionary designs a team has come up with. F1 is supposed to be about driving the motor industry forward and pushing design... should innovations such as the F-duct be applauded and allowed to advance on to something even greater... so F1 is constantly evolving.
  13. ^ Yeah it's awesome! and a decent challenge too!
  14. I'm actually beginning to really quite enjoy twitter! There's just something that I don't like about Facebook.
  15. just added you on twitter, @Retro_F1

  16. Yeah I agree. I realised the other day that maybe Zelda isn't my favourite gaming series... it's just Ocarina of Time is my favourite game ever! I've been somewhat dissapointed by each game in the series since and it's time they freshened it up somehow! That's what I thought we were getting with SS, but it's not looking that way yet.
  17. ^ Yeah I think so!
  18. Where this fails is it just lacks any charm! The visuals are just so dull! Move is off to a bit of a slow start game wise, there doesn't really seem to be anything.
  19. If I had any console then it would!
  20. Yeah a half race would be good.
  21. I thought it was alright for them to stick around for a bit... but became a bit wierd when 30 hid behind the same two cars!
  22. Yeah both true.
  23. Gameplay:
  24. New Gameplay: Bit lame how all the civillians seem bound to that area and don't just run away as they would really.
  25. Hmm... is that ever all that likely to happen?... surely the majoity of people playing online are going to want to win and so will all be argueing over the Red Bulls/Ferrari's/McLarens etc... in that case!
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