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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Ayrton Senna Movie Trailer [Japanese]
  2. The staff inside Phones4U... leave me alone!!
  3. Rez has a taste for things greasy and salty.
  4. Definately!
  5. Yeah Alonso really should have manned up to the challenge. I think there's a chance he's missed his time now... he should have stuck around and worked with McLaren. Instead he wasted those years going back to Renault. He's running out of time because Hamilton/Vettel/Kubica etc... are only going to get better. And personally I don't think Ferrari are the team to be at. EDIT: Oh also, was anyone else frustrated hearing the commentators talk about the rev limited engines again during Spa. I remember we talked about it briefly last year when at Silverstone, Lewis couldn't progress through the pack due to it... and it was the same on a couple of occasions here, with people bouncing off the limiter. Surely removing the limiters and slightly increasing the engine revs is a really simple step to take towards helping overtaking in the sport?
  6. Eating Taco's!
  7. Yeah I love Taco's... but they're a serious pain in the ass! *bites taco... taco shatters... clothes fucked... taco enjoyment ruined!*
  8. Well yes obviously use some intelligence... it's not a you can't slow down EVER!!! Slowing down for corners/you can't see what's coming etc... does help
  10. Well yeah ok but on a single road. Otherwise I'd just overtake the fuckers!
  11. 30 in a 60! = 60 people!... 60 MILES AN HOUR!!! Learn it!
  12. Great episode... this is the style of episode I like. Kellogg's Bicycle Reflectors FTW!!
  13. haha, ye it was great! You'd think they'd get a bit of a wriggle on, what with there being a fire and all!
  14. Yeah but you could barely make out the originals faces on the N64 anyway... just pretend this is how they were supposed to look, even if 006 doesn't bare any resemblance to Sean Bean etc...
  15. Yeah I agree with everything you said Goron. I used to hate Lewis, but I can definately appreciate him as a driver now... I still find his personality a bit too contrived... but even that's changing a little! After his win I was saying to myself 'please don't kiss the camera, please don't kiss the camera'... as he approached it and he didn't, he just shook it! He drove a brilliant race at Spa... though I would but that off a little more down luck. Alonso just doesn't seem to be himself since his time at McLaren... he seems over confident at the moment and so desperate, that it's leading to mistakes. He once saw himself as the most compete driver, but I think Lewis' arrival, especially with him being in the same team as him at the time has shaken him somewhat. He saw himself going on to win multiple world championships in quick succession (doing a schumacher)... perhaps retiring soon afterwards... but Lewis put an end to that and now he's having to prolong his dream. Though I have to say I'm really starting to dislike Ferrari... not just because of the disgusting way I think the treated Kimi (never getting behind him, blaming the drivers instead of the team, the way they 'sacked' him for Santander, and LDM slagging him off in the wake). They put WAY to much of the responsibility on their drivers... when infact it's the management that's all wrong. Jean Todds being last figurehead within the team with any sence... it's no coincidece his departure coincides with the teams downfall. I'm actually a little worried for Alonso to be honest. But where as Raikkonen was a personality who could shrug it off... I think Ferrari could seriously damage Alonso if they don't get their act together. Vettel has proved himself undeserving of the WDC this year I think This one any good... http://www.grandprixlegends.com/motorsport-and-f1-merchandise/formula-one/red-bull-racing?filter_reset=1
  16. That new footage at 29secs looks absolutely awesome!!... is that a new level maybe? Infact all that new footage looks awesome!! They're going a great job with the reimagining... the new 'Cradle' looks cool!
  17. The Wavebird... and I loved my yellow N64 controller! We went through a lot of awesome games together! :p
  18. ^ Hmm yeah it's not great! I sometimes buy socks from Primark because you can get 5 pairs of black socks for £2. But they do tend to leave fluff all over the place for the first few weeks and wear through quicker. You just have to way up the crap quality against the cheap price. Spend £2 on five pairs but replace more often, or spend £15 on five pairs which will last longer.
  19. Yeah I had MK3 on the PC and used to play multiplayer using the keyboard... me using the number keys on the right and my friend using the letters on the far left!... How things have changed! Good times!!
  20. Dev. Interview: Going back to the story of MK 1/2/3 is awesome! Get rid of all the aweful new characters, the originals were by far the best and how their 'stories' all intertwined. Good to hear all the secrets from the past games are getting a nod. I hope Smoke/Noob Saibot are included!
  21. Yep... completely unnecessary!
  22. I dunno about Massa... whilst it seems you may be able to put your front wing over?... everybody seems to draw the limit at the tyres Aren't you going to Korea and Abu Dhabi Will?... thought I remember you saying something about it. I went to Silverstone for the 2008 race weekend, and to Silverstone testing in '07 & '08... but I really need to get to Spa one year!!
  23. It's a bit rediculous really! Who cares if people know who The Stig is... it's the character everyone loves... and it doesn't have an effect on anyone watching because outside of racing circles no one's going to recognise Ben Collins anyway.
  24. Cheeky Massa... Also... that video makes me jealous!
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