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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Man just hearing that opening level music and those sound effects tenses me up! Those opening levels became all too familiar... and yet never any easier! right?! Hardcore gaming at it's max! --- Rainbow Island! Where you had to get to the top of the level before the rising water level! I had that on the Amiga 500 aswell, I got considerably further on that game! I remember a vampire boss (was it?) for the Halloween levels... not sure if that's where I got up to or if that's just the furthest I can remember right now!
  2. But with just 8 laps you wouldn't get any chance for the race to evolve... weather to change/things to go wrong... and there's no real reason to pit. Also, I presume that in multiplayer all teams/drivers are equal?
  3. There was co-op in Wario Land: Shake Dimension?... I think Kirby's aquiring of abilities went a little too far... the above images look really messy and overthought. Kirby's Dreamland 2 nailed everything IMO.
  4. I hope so! I want the option to do full race distances online in this!
  5. Cheers guys and gal!
  6. Nah I suppose I'm not really in the market for a blu-ray player, it's just a nice option to have. I could do without it. The 360 is that bit cheaper (although not particularly when you add on LIVE)...and it's pad is better. I might look around for some 360 slim deals and see what's out there. EDIT: What size HD do you realistically need?
  7. Argh... when ever I'm close to settling on a 360, I always think of the PS3's blu-ray and free internet! Anyone know of any 'cheap' 360 (ideally slim) deals off the top of their head?
  8. Yeah, I'm trying to think what exclusives I'm actually interested in and could make the difference for me... PS3 has: Killzone 3, inFAMOUS 2, Resistance 3, The Last Guardian, Tokyo Jungle, LBP 2 and titles in the back cataogue such as Heavy Rain, Uncharted, GoW. On 360 I've played both Gears, Halo doesn't interest me... and there's not much on the horizon. But then I'm not sure I'd be all that fussed missing out on the PS3 exclusives... other than maybe Uncharted 2, The Last Guardian and Tokyo Jungle may have potential. Xbox Live Gold still £35?
  9. Quick question... other than Gears and Halo, what exclusives does the 360 have coming out over the next year?
  10. Hungary at 23secs?... looks lovely! 1:30 onwards talks a bit about multiplayer. Does he say 8 or 80 laps?... because neither are appropriate!
  11. Think I found 'surprisingly good' the worst thing about that advert!
  12. Wtf... 'Super Mario Collection Special Pack'... one or the other Nintendo! One or the other!
  13. ^ Aren't all those games already on the VC though?
  14. ^ Yeah I can't help but think they'd be unnecessary and end up being worse. Kinda what 28 weeks later was to 28 days later. It was kinda ok, but it didn't really go anywhere and just felt like a worse version of the first.
  15. GT Wish List: I can't help thinking quite a bit of what they ask for is wishful thinking. I'm not expecting any new dungeons for starters... I didn't even think they're were any missing in OOT... I don't think the Ice Cave was ever meant to be a full dungeon given it's proximity to the Jabu Jabu Dungeon. Orchestrated music... would be very nice... but Nintendo have only just started putting it in their games recently! Horseback combat by all means. But I don't really want Hyrule field rejigged to accommodate more enemies. Hyrule field was a nice relaxing transitional space. Though horseback combat for Peahats/Ghosts/Stalfos fine by me! 3D popping out of the screen Navi... YES PLEASE!!! *Hello* *Wake Up*
  16. Yeah actually thinking about it I would be quite interested to see what they can do with the old games, and like you say they be easier to play and hopefully have multiplayer too!
  17. So it's all those games with updated visuals?
  18. If this is free I'll download it, if not... I won't! Surely you need a whole steering wheel setup?... which I don't! Seems a bit pointless otherwise!
  19. Anthony Davidson is having a go right now! From Twitter...
  20. Some new flooring being fitted at my end! *yawn*

  21. added you on twitter

  22. RAMBI!!! That is one AWESOME boxart!!!
  23. Yeah I love Cloverfield, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much either, but I think it's brilliant! Yeah I think there was talk of a second... but don't know where that's at now. I was getting confused with the I Am Legend prequel for a second, but Cloverfield would have to be a sequel... because otherwise they'd know about the monster in the film!
  24. Yeah, for obvious reasons it kinda has an Independance Day and also a bit of a Cloverfield vibe.
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