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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Damn, didn't even realise I did that. :p
  2. This looks fucking brilliant. There were countless times when something incredible happened and I just went "ooooh" or made a sound to that effect. I'm not even a big fan of Spider-man, but the trailer sold me on it.
  3. Fuck yeeeees. I love Ico and The Last Guardian. Definite 100% buy.
  4. That trailer for Beyond Good and Evil 2 was really cringe worthy. After all that build up and mysticism and hype, I thought that was a poor trailer.
  5. That's terrible, @Ashley. Sorry to hear that. I hope that your luck changes soon and that things start going your way.
  6. I'd probably play the shit out of this. Is it online-only?
  7. Actually seeing some gameplay would be nice in this conference. There's far too many of these "artistic" trailers.
  8. FINALLY. Something interesting happened. Can't wait for South Park. Really can't fucking wait. Died at "call girl".
  9. Snooze-bisoft.
  10. I take it that Assassin's Creed isn't coming to Switch?
  11. Oh, Miyamoto. What are you doing here? Shouldn't be associating himself with this tripe. It reminds me of when a really good band puts out a really shit album that nobody likes and tries to forget about and discount from existence. This game will be that album.
  12. How are these fucking rabbids still a thing?!
  13. The crossplatform and backwards-compatibility areas are where Microsoft probably has Sony beat. They need to do more here for the gamer. I definitely could benefit from this as there's a ton of games that I want to catch up on, but they're currently unavailable on the PS4. I do like PSNow, but not every game is on there.
  14. A brave move to take on Destiny.
  15. Looking forward to this. I'll definitely wait until all episodes are out before I jump into it. Curious to see what the mechanics of the game are going to be, considering it's focusing on Chloe and Rachel.
  16. I hear Anthem is not Xbox-exclusive? Is that true?
  17. I'm probably going to be echoing other people's thoughts, but my closing opinion that I just mentioned to @Eenuh is: It's a decent conference with good games, but you don't need to buy the expensive hardware for any of it.
  18. I had heard rumours that a sequel to Last Light was coming, but it's great to have it confirmed. I enjoyed both games. Tempted to get the novels and read them in the summer.
  19. Was just thinking that. I was totally up all the new PS4 games I'll be buying in the future.
  20. Shadow of War looks amazing. Really excited to see how they've built on what they made in Shadow of Mordor.
  21. Yaaay, more Life is Strange. I knew it was coming, but still, yay. Nice to have a date, too.
  22. Cuphead is one of the only exclusives that I actually really want to play. Looks lovely. Gorgeous.
  23. I thought this was Tails when it first popped up.
  24. Something doesn't look right about Sea of Thieves for me. Just looks off. Dunno if the voiceover hampers the experience of the trailer.
  25. Metro has been the highlight for me. But that's because I'm already invested in the series. State of Decay looks like a better concept than it is a game. Looked a tiny bit ropey in places. Could happily live without the majority of the other stuff. Well, we've only had two conferences, so far. :P I'd argue that Battlefront II is worth picking up a machine to play the game if you hadn't owned one already. Looks incredible.
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