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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I'm looking at getting a new bass soon, but am strapped for cash and @Eenuh is banning me from spending too much money with the impending wedding. What are your thoughts on this bass still? I was given a £100 Amazon voucher recently, so will most likely put that towards either the Thunderbird IV or the Pro. The Pro is about a hundred quid more expensive though, so not sure if it's worth it or not. Very tempted...
  2. I'm so pleased that we stuck with Solskjaer and got Fernandes in. That Fernandes signing is the most important signing we've made Post-Sir Alex. A high quality footballer who also makes others around him play better. Exactly the type of signing we've needed all this time. I'm very optimistic about next season with the forward line of Greenwood, Martial and Rashford, with Pogba and Fernandes helping to supply them. There is a lot of logic with what you're saying about the pathway. There is such a wide variation in styles with the managers that we have in the league, and that's outside of the "big four" (if that even applies anymore, it's much more muddled, which is a good thing). I look at the likes of Nuno Espirito Santo, Wilder, Hasenhuttl, Potter, and I would still put Howe in there, despite Bournemouth looking likely to go down. (he's still done an amazing job up until now for a club of Bournemouth's side) and I'm amazed at just how many different styles of football we have within one league. It's a great thing. The other side of it is that we're seeing a new generation of managers coming through, which is another good thing for the game. Lampard, Arteta and I would still count Solskjaer in that even though he's been doing it for a bit longer. For the league to be an exciting, competitive league, we need it to be less of a "big four, and then the rest", which is what it used to be and has slowly moved away from. Liverpool have run away with it this season, and City are the second best side, but then it's really all rather close after that. So, I feel that it's moving in the right direction. I hope that the clubs near the top four or at least in the top 10, 11 and 12 can hold on to their talented managers and their better players, as this can then help them improve in the future. I do wonder how many players look at the likes of City's lineup and bench and think that they'd rather stay where they are rather than sit on the bench.
  3. I'm in two minds about this. On the one hand, I do think that if the opportunity does come up (which it will at Spurs, because Jose will not be there in a couple of years and it's already starting to go sour), then Chris Wilder should be in contention. No doubt about that. The other side of it is that managing at a top/higher level club comes with its own perils. A string of bad results and that could be it. The stakes are raised and it's much more cutthroat. I think there's something very honourable about a manager staying at a club for many years and aiming to raise the profile and status of that side. When the season is over and if Sheffield United don't manage to get top four, they won't be very far off it. That's already a great platform for the next season. We've already seen it with Leicester in recent years who were able to get a Premier League title, so it can be done. It also makes the overall league much more competitive, which is great for the quality of the game. 4 years at the club is great and it's nice to see a bit more loyalty in the game, I feel, rather than a revolving door of managers. I hope that Sheffield United can use this season as a stepping stone for even bigger things next year, because they've been phenomenal this year.
  4. Just switched it on but missed the goal by about a minute. The Blades look great, what an insane season it's been for them.
  5. There's something about this game that does it for me. That trailer...it just looks amazing. I'm in two minds whether to get it now or wait until the PS5 shows up before going for it. That's a long time to wait though and I'm weak.
  6. That sounds like a story that I read on another forum. Doctor had it, people that the doctor was working with had caught it, but the doctor's wife tested negative. It really is strange. I only know one person who has tested positive for this and it's a loose connection, a very old friend that I used to work with well over a decade ago back in Wales. Aside from that, I don't know of anyone else. Working in a school, I'd say that the likelihood is that there has been somebody there who has had it, but I don't know for sure. Lot's of people who were unwell over Christmas or had sore throats in January/February who now instantly assume that they've already had it. I'm personally neither here nor there with that because people pick up illnesses all the time, especially in that environment, so it really could be anything.
  7. I thought both of those Watford penalties were jammy. Soft as anything! Especially the first one. A good game, but it doesn't do Villa or Bournemouth any favours. West Ham smashed Norwich. That's good for them, but a bit sad that this is how Norwich are going out, on a whimper. I just get the feeling that West Ham have enough there to make it, however they are chronic underachievers. At the start of each season, you always expect them to have a decent one, but they continue to disappoint. The husband of one of my best friends is West Ham fan and it drives him crazy. They'll scrape by this season, but it's a huge warning to them for next year. I feel that Aston Villa and Bournemouth have run out of games. We'll see with Villa tomorrow how they perform, but I don't have any hope for Bournemouth with the way they're playing. They wouldn't have put four past Norwich today.
  8. Literally came in here to say something along the lines of "nobody is posting". 21 members currently online, with over 200 guests. I do think there is still a space in the world for discussion forums. I'm part of the RedCafé forums and, yes they have tons of members, but you need people to be ballsy enough and confident enough to make new threads in order for the conversations to flow. It's a cycle: New discussions = more interesting things to post about = more people interested enough to post = more people to post new discussions. You need a diverse selection. But, basically, we need our current userbase to take a chance on making more new threads.
  9. Massive moment in the relegation battle. Watford given a penalty and Deeney smashes it in.
  10. Looking at those games, it is very much doable for Villa. But, as we've said, the goals are a huge issue. The last three games have been tough against Wolves, Liverpool and Man United, but they've really struggled to score even before that. I guess if they can sneak a few 1-0s, that might be enough. It's going to be tight. Those games are not too bad though. Challenging, but winnable with the right team and attitude. I think Bournemouth are as good as down with those fixtures. Looking at their form, I think they'll lose them all. I just can't see them doing enough in those games to win and they've had a problem too with scoring goals. If they manage to stay up from this position and with their form, it would be a huge success story. West Ham are the side that have destiny in their own hands. Playing against Norwich, Watford and Villa for three of their last four games is a huge blessing. Three cup finals right there... I would be surprised if West Ham go down from their position and with those fixtures. I would say that the current league positions will most likely not change until the season finishes...that's my initial feeling. But, I do think that Villa and Bournemouth will be good enough to come back up next season and hopefully stronger. It proves though that if you can't score goals, you're as good as fucked in this league. Good strikers who remain consistent in this league are absolute gold dust.
  11. I twigged a short while back that he wasn't around here at the moment, but thought that it could be for many reasons. These last few months have been very testing for a lot of people. I hope that everything is ok @Hero-of-Time and that you are ok where you are. This place isn't going anywhere, so we hope to hear from you again at some point. Take care.
  12. You are such a hipster. Why would you go through all of that and then not see the ending? There isn't going to be anymore, this is the definitive and perfect ending for the show. Watch it. Season 3 is a lot to take in but I think the payoff is definitely worth it in those last few episodes. I adored the finale and this is one of my all-time favourite shows now. It's a complete story.
  13. Finished this a few days ago. I thought that it was fucking amazing. Loved the finale but just love the story that was told over all three seasons. There's tons of depth there and I know that I will watch this all over again not too long from now. Seasons 1 and 2 benefited from a re-watch, but I imagine that three will perhaps benefit the most due to the amount of crazy stuff that happens.
  14. I just can't be arsed with storing them away. They take up so much space and it's honestly a pain. Best thing I did this year was getting rid of all of our DVDs. So much space freed up. I'm still going to get the disk drive version, but I'm aiming to go digital as much as I can. We have a storage cabinet in one of our rooms that is filled with retro consoles and games. On the one hand, it's nice to look at, but on the other hand...it's still space that's being taken up by something that isn't going to be used all that often. I'm definitely Pro-Digital. Box looks nice, though.
  15. Lol, game cases. It's all about the digital next time around. Can't honestly remember the last physical media that I bought.
  16. I thought the penalty was harsh and shouldn't have been given. The issue with Villa is that I don't think they are necessarily a bad side or a weak side. Just that it seems very, very difficult to score goals. Pogba and Greenwood's goals were good strikes and, bar maybe closing down a bit better, there wasn't a lot that could be done. Grealish is a quality player but it's clear that there aren't really too many players on a similar wavelength that can help him out or improve the rest of the side. When you've got good players, it elevates the side, but I think it's too much to ask of one to player to keep the entire team up. It's just a bit beyond them I think. But, on the plus side, I think there's enough there (with a few additions, e.g. some more goalscorers) for Villa to bounce back up. I think it's the same with Bournemouth, who I will expect to go down. We'll only be talking a couple of points, but that will be enough to relegate both teams, I feel. West Ham and Watford can count themselves lucky, because they are bad enough to warrant going down and should both be playing better than they are. In an ideal world, I'd like to see both West Ham and Watford go down, with Aston Villa and Bournemouth narrowly staying up. There isn't really a lot in it and it could still happen. In fact: West Ham's last four games: Norwich (a) Watford (h) Manchester United (a) Aston Villa (h) Watford's last four games: Newcastle (h) West Ham (a) Manchester City (h) Arsenal (a) Bournemouth's last four games: Leicester (h) Manchester City (a) Southampton (h) Everton (a) Aston Villa's last four games: Crystal Palace (h) Everton (a) Arsenal (h) West Ham (a) So, looking at that...I would say that Villa have got the better run in, with Bournemouth having the worst of it. So, it CAN still be done, but fuuuuuck, it's going to be close. It may only be 1 point that does it for any of these sides.
  17. Great work with that! I need to get my diet/intake a bit more under control. Chocolate is my absolute weakness, so I do need to stop that. Hit legs today for the first time in two weeks and am knackered, but enjoyed it. Calves took a hammering today and I know that I'll be feeling this tomorrow.
  18. We have one episode left of Season 3. Have had this song in my head all morning due to it appearing in a brilliant scene during this season. Never actually listened to the Silent Alarm Remixed, despite being a huge lover of Silent Alarm. This song threw me when it came on because I instantly recognised Kele's voice. Such a great scene where it appears, too. Overall, really enjoyed season 3, but do think that it will benefit from a rewatch. Season 2 seriously improved for me after a second viewing.
  19. I want to beleaf! (Is that what you mean? If not, I don't get it! )
  20. I watch it in German and use subtitles. Have never contemplated watching a dubbed version.
  21. Got to the end of Season 1 and looooooooooved it. Third time watching this season but it's so masterfully created. One of my favourite seasons of any show.
  22. So they should. Fallout 4 was one uuuuuuuugly game, in all respects. So clunky to play, too. Was excited to play it but it turned out to be a huge disappointment.
  23. In preparation for Season 3, we decided to start watching Season 2 again last night. Got around 10 minutes in and thought...it's actually better if we just watch the whole thing again from the start, due to the amount of characters and "history". The pacing in the first two episodes is masterful. Superb characters and the writing is great. It's the type of show where every scene seems to matter and they have carefully thought about crafting it. Really enjoying it again. This will be the third time that I have seen season 1.
  24. Well done and congratulations to Liverpool. Definitely the best team this season and they deserve it. Can't be any questions about that, regardless of allegiances.
  25. Oh god, that looks so pretty. Combat looks incredibly satisfying, too. Hnnnnnngggg.
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