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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Hnnnnngg, that Delicatessen looks great. I'm originally from Newport but haven't been out for a meal in Cardiff for years. Will try that next time I'm there! Where is Tiny Rebel in Newport?
  2. Now that places seem to be opening up sloooowly, I thought that I would make a thread asking where you guys would normally go out for food. Might even be quite useful to recommend special places where you live or in other places that you have visited. In Bournemouth, my favourite Indian restaurant is The Eye Of the Tiger. Brilliant name and the food there is absolutely fucking divine. Never had anything less than a 9/10 there. The meat samosas are perfect and the sauces that they serve it with are so sweet. I always have the "Tiger Special" which is dish that contains strips of chicken, mixed with a tikka masala and bhuna type of sauce, and it is served sizzling hot. Hnnnnnngggg. The peshwari naan bread is also amazing, so sweet. We try and go to Spain once a year in the summer because @Eenuh's family have a home there that's tied in with their business. There's an amazing restaurant that we go to called Antica Roma. It's our favourite restaurant to visit when we are there and the pasta dishes are beautiful. So creamy and delicious. Again, never had a disappointing night there. The pizza selections are great, but the pastas are just amazing. The last time that we were there, we discovered an amazing tapas restaurant next door to it, which I can't wait to go back to. I've forgotten the name of it at the moment, but will try and remember later. Probably some of the best paella that I've ever had when I was there. Could easily have had the whole thing again and there was tons of it, too. Last year, we discovered Koh Tai Tapas for the first time, years after a friend recommended this to us. The crispy squid is my favourite. I could eat a double portion of that, if I wanted to. The sliced crispy beef was also amazing the last time I was there, so may have to go for that again. Plus, you can also never go wrong with prawn toast or spring rolls. Hnnnngggg. I will post more later, but I thought that I would start with these three first. Making myself hungry in the process...
  3. It is heeeeeere! I'm in love. Hair is getting cut on Friday. Hasn't been trimmed since early March. Basically, it feels amazing. I really like the fretboard, but the overall finish on the bass in general is just gorgeous and shiny. I think that we will be very happy together!
  4. I crack my fingers and it feels very similar, I imagine. Have also figured out recently how to make my feet pop by standing on my tiptoes and reeeeeally stretching high. Satisfying as hell.
  5. This is actually quite therapeutic. I loved reading the comments. "Hate to be the neighbor living downstairs" "This is so raw, it is awesome, tech house without tech" Yes. Yes it is.
  6. I haven't been following this issue too closely, so I won't know the full details and am just going on what's in this thread. We've seen what mass groups of people can do on social media when they want to voice their displeasure. So, Ubisoft have no choice really but to change, or else the wrath that they'll face from the gaming community and the Twitterverse will just be hugely damaging. If there were to be many more cases coming out after this, then...god help them, is all we can really say. They have to get to the root of these issues and be hugely proactive in doing so. It's going to take years for the industry as a whole and we'll no doubt hear of many more cases from other places. Once one has come out, it gives others the confidence to step forward. I do think we'll see some meaningful changes and changes in attitude, which is a great thing. Above all, the behaviour from some was unacceptable and the whole company has to distance themselves from this being the norm at their workplace.
  7. I don't know how this started, but I sometimes watch videos of people going to a chiropractor and getting their necks cracked. I don't even search for it anymore, but it's just there when I load YouTube up... It's oddly satisfying. The neck and hip cracks at the best. Hnnggggg.
  8. I read that too and had to look again at the photos. Really screwed my brain up, that one!
  9. It's basically a game of hot potato with the amount of fucks up that teams have made this year with regards to those top 4 places. A very frustrating game yesterday. There's a huge disparity between our attack and defence. I love our attack. We look exciting when any one of Martial, Rashford or Greenwood have the ball, and we look great with Pogba and Bruno supplying them in midfield. Could have scored waaaay more goals yesterday, if it were not for some great goalkeeping, defending or just not hitting the target. But, all it takes is one moment at the other end and the other team can score. Our defence make too many mistakes and have too many lapses in concentration. We don't seem to learn that a great goal that we score can easily be cancelled out by one bad pass or defensive lapse at the back. They're both equal and cancel each other out. The quality of our attack is not matched up by the quality of our defence. In the 95th minute of a game, we needed either De Gea to come out and flatten everyone when he punches that ball away, or we need one of Maguire or Lindelöf to take charge. The reality is that we look we at set pieces because De Gea NEVER comes to claim a ball, which gives the other team a huge opportunity every time, and Maguire and Lindelöf's positions are always a bit suspect. I think we can still get top 4 and may still finish third. But, defensively, we need to improve. I'm loving the way we can score goals and our overall play is much better than it has been. But, our back 5 seriously need improving in the Summer. Two massive points dropped.
  10. A = Ash B = Blink 182 C = Crystal Castles D = (The) Darkness (yuck) E = Ellie Goulding F = Foals G = Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. H = Hurts I = Iron Maiden J = Johnny Marr K = (The) Kooks L = Limp Bizkit M = Mogwai N = Newton Faulkner O = Of Monsters And Men P = Placebo Q = Queens of the Stone Age R = S = Smashing Pumpkins T = Twilight Sad U = V = W = X = Y = Z = Annoyingly, I can't think of any obvious bands for those final few letters. We almost saw The Vaccines at Glastonbury, but didn't make it to the area on time, so that would've counted. Missed out on The XX, too. Haven't seen Radiohead or the YeahYeahYeahs, which is a huge regret, so they would've been in there, too.
  11. I'm about 8 or so hours into this and am having an absolute blast. The gunplay in this is sublime.
  12. Who I am now: My name is Jim. My real name is actually Jamal, but I've been called Jim since I was about 6 and it's followed me around everywhere. All through school, my friends (even non-friends) would call me that, and it was the same at uni and now at work. 33 years old. Originally from Newport in South Wales, but have been living in Bournemouth for 10 years. Brought up by my grandparents, but called them mum and dad. Mum is from Manchester and Dad is from Pakistan, so I have an all year round tan. Often get mistaken for being Spanish, Italian, Mexican, Portugese. Anything but Welsh. Engaged to @Eenuh and we're due to get married next year. I'm currently in charge of the Junior School part of our school (Junior School Leader/Head of Junior School) and also teach Year 6. It's a very time consuming job but I do love it. Big fan of music. I'm a self taught drummer, bassist and guitarist. Trying to learn a bit of keyboard too and am getting better with the theory side of music. Plan this year is to start making my own stuff, which I'm super keen on doing. I have tons of interest in languages. I know Dutch/Flemish now due to Eenuh, but also speak Spanish and am currently learning Italian and re-learning French. I find languages interesting. I did start doing some Japanese a while back, but couldn't commit to it due to having too many other things to do. Spent 4 years in Brighton where I studied/trained to be a teacher. Huge Manchester United fan due to mum being from Manchester. Most mates in school were either Liverpool or Arsenal supporters, or were more into rugby. I aim to watch/follow every game. Quite into my fitness, too. We converted the garage into a home gym, so I exercise about 4 or 5 days a week. Sometimes this can fluctuate depending on how busy work is. I find lifting weights very fun and spend most of my time doing this, with bits of cardio mixed in. I have a few too many hobbies and it's difficult to balance everything! My biggest fears are rats and karaoke.
  13. In essence, the crimes took place too far into the past/UEFA took too long to provide evidence. The fine was reduced from 30million euros back down to 10million euros, and is for City being obstructive in the proceeding. Basically, FFP is dead and meaningless. It's a disgraceful and cowardly decision.
  14. That Bournemouth second half was AMAZING. Leicester really shit the bed after they gave the penalty away. Never really recovered. It's made things interesting for the top 4 positions, too. Chelsea losing yesterday and Leicester losing today means that a Man Utd win tomorrow against Southampton takes Utd third. We've been great post-lockdown, so I think we can get wins from our last few games and do this.
  15. Reddit is an actual pain in the arse to read any serious discussions. I'm amazed that people spend so much time on there using that format. Have social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter harmed forums in some aspects? Yes, definitely. But, I would argue that for serious and meaningful discussions, forums still have a place in the world. I visit several other forums, mostly just in passing, and they are thriving with tons of discussion and regular posters. There's something that you still get with forums that you can't get with the likes of Facebook. Facebook and Twitter are great for discussing things right there and then, at that very moment. But, over a longer period of time and for discussions involving multiple people, forums are just better and have easier layouts for that format. E.g. the exercise thread that we've got here. In a forum, you've got a continuous thread that you can go back and revisit. You can easily compare how things have changed over a specific period of time by looking at the post dates and page numbers. You can't do that with Facebook or at least not as well.
  16. I've got a feeling that the last Champions League spot is going to come down to who wins that last game between Leicester and Man Utd. It's looking that way. I think Leicester will beat Spurs, but may draw against Sheffield Utd. That's so close, too. Anyone watching Wolves vs. Everton? The third Wolves goal was great! I really rate Neves.
  17. I do feel that the cinema isn't as great an experience as it used to be, especially with the fact now that larger tvs in the household are much more commonplace. We haven't got an impressive sound system, but there are many who do. Plus, you factor in the overpriced snacks, which means that most people sneak in their own stuff anyway. The loooooooooooong adverts before the film, the people wandering in and out, the glare off other people's phones, the rustling sounds of bags... We go fairly often because we get free tickets through health/life insurance and other perks, so we're lucky in that respect. If we didn't, I doubt we'd go anywhere near as much.
  18. Haha, noooo. I don't go for live streams. I've got @Eenuh watching me play it, as she has recently finished it, so I do feel like that part of "going through the game with another person" is already fulfilled. This game is soooooo beautiful, though. Gorgeous game. Even the first two minutes had me gawking at how pretty everything is. Loving it, so far.
  19. The only film I want to watch this year is Tenet. Desperate to watch it. But, I feel very dubious about going into a cinema at the moment. If they give the option to stream that film at home (they won't) then I would much rather take that up. I was originally looking at watching this in the IMAX and going for a big screen experience, but it doesn't seem quite right given everything that has been going on. I can't tell if I'm just being over cautious or sensible.
  20. I went for the regular in the end after reading up on both. As we're on a budget, I didn't think there was enough there to justify the extra cost of the Pro and the regular/classic IV is more than enough for my needs. Compared to the cheap branded bass that I had before, this was be an amazing upgrade anyway. Excited!
  21. Double post: I HAVE BOUGHT THIS BECAUSE I AM WEAK. Praise be to @Eenuh for realising that the best way for getting me to shut up about "should I buuuuy it or nooooot?" was to just get it over with.
  22. Wicked. I might have to finally get on this!
  23. I'm starting this tonight. Looking forward to it.
  24. It's 2020 and I've still managed to not see Firefly or Serenity yet. That's pretty bad...I'm going to have to sort this out soon. Is this on Netflix?
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