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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I can't think of anything more cruel than somebody taken way before their time, when they still have so much to give. He continued to make something like 10 films after his diagnosis, which is just insane. R.I.P.
  2. #Pray4Ashley #Justice4Ashley #Nomoreburpees #Noburpstheyhurts #painisnotalwayspleasure #goodbyelegs #burpeedtodeath #nochoice #2020crisis 1 share = 1 prayer
  3. Oh my god, a Brexit mafia sounds fantastic. Do it.
  4. When the lockdown hit, I ended up joining in with Tim'sTwitterListeningParties, which is basically where people stream or listen to an album together at the same time. I signed up to Twitter specifically for that and it was fantastic to join other listeners, share thoughts and just enjoy music together. As that went on, I slowly decided that I'd like to try and make something myself and I ended up buying a Digital Audio Interface to connect my guitar/bass/drums to the laptop. I dabbled a little here and there, but didn't really get serious with it. However, about two weeks ago I sat down and came up with one small riff that I thought might lead somewhere. Then, that turned into a bassline, so I recorded that. I had my first full bassline recorded. Then, I figured out some guitar parts to fit alongside that, then I recorded some drums last week. Suddenly, I've made a 4 minute long song that sounded sorta okay-ish. There are timing issues here and there and certain parts aren't as clean as I'd like, and it's not mixed or mastered, but it's there. A few days later, I came up with a second riff which is based on something that I wrote down a few months ago. I've recorded guitar, bass and drums for that, and I'm much more proud of that second attempt than the first. Over the last 5 days, I've put down about 4 or 5 other "half" ideas, and I've got ideas over how to turn one of those half ideas into a bit more than a half idea. Basically, in the last two weeks, I've made shit tons of progress than I have done in the last decade. I think having time on your hands and deciding what you want to do with that time has helped.
  5. Yeah, I think comparing two machines is always a bit tricky. I'm getting used to this machine a lot more now and think that, in time, it will be a good purchase. When it comes down to it, the reason I'm using this machine is to get in shape and burn off those excess calories, so as long as it helps me do that, that's fine.
  6. I thought Mafia looked like good fun, although it looked a bit choppy? Can't tell if that's the live stream or internet connection, but it looked like it had a few framerate issues. Aside from that, thought it looked like a nice game. Ratchet & Clank was the most interesting thing for me, by far. Graphically and stylistically, I thought a lot of these games looked the same. Dark, boring, moody colour palettes and no real charm to many of the games. Ratchet & Clank instantly stood out as it had some colour and artistically it just looked like it had more going for it.
  7. Spellbreak had me with the graphics and style, and then lost me when I learned it was a MOBA.
  8. Ratchet and Clank is one of the few games shown that looks like it has a personality. Hyped for this.
  9. A WW2 game! We've never had these before. What must the Germans think? "Look lads, it's another game where we're the bad guys!" "Guess they still hate us, Ulrich."
  10. Tell Me Why... (Ain't Nothing But A Heeeeeeeeeart Acheeeee) Teeeelll Me Whyyyyyyy Best game title ever.
  11. Star Wars can go into hibernation. 15 years should do it. Look up "overdone" and you'll find it there. "Even more Star Wars to come later".
  12. Crash appears. Man with beard talks about Crash. No Crash footage is shown. What the fuck am I watching?!
  13. I thought I'd post a picture of my updated pedal board, because it's changed a lot since the start of the thread. The OG pedals were the Morley Wah, the Boss DS-1 and the Boss RC-1. Since then, I've gradually added to it. I decided to get myself a tuning pedal, but I was not keen on spending tons of money on a pedal for that singular purpose. The Donner DT-1 came to around £25 or so, which I think it decent value for money. I like the small build of it, which means that I can tuck it right into the corner of my pedal board without it causing too much of an issue. I bought the TC Electronic Hall of Fame 2 Reverb pedal, which I absolutely love and swear by. Such a beautiful sounding pedal and a lovely build. I'm a big fan of it and can't recommend it enough. After that, I think @Eenuh got the Ibanez Tube Screamer for me for Christmas, which has to go down as one of the greatest pedals of all time. It's got such a gorgeous sound to it and offers something a bit different to what else I have on the board. Again, can't recommend that enough. Finally, my most recent edition is the Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi fuzz pedal. It's an iconic pedal that the Smashing Pumpkins famously used on the Cherub Rock album. It's got such a specific, distinguishable sound that you can recognise it anywhere. It's maybe my favourite pedal on the board, and I just love how it almost snarls at you. Aggressive tone, very meaty. My top row is Overdrive Central. I'm really happy with the way the board has taken shape. It's a little messy with the way that it's set up, as I've got my overdrives on the top and then a regular sized guitar lead that goes from the left side of the Big Muff to the right side of the Hall of Fame 2. I might have to have a think about how to alter things up a little. It's also a bit tight for space. I'd eventually like to get a delay pedal and maybe a volume pedal, but I will most likely need to thing about a second board or ways of adding those on.
  14. Modern day football commentary is 40% vaguely talking about what's happening on the field, 40% talking about things related to the season as a whole, 10% talking about teams that aren't even playing on the field, 10% shit that isn't really related to anything. I do agree that with the lack of supporters in stadiums emphasising how dire the commentary can be. The added "bonus" of having biased commentary too with the likes of Steve McManaman on certain games clearly favouring certain teams when he is co-commentator is fucking dreadful. The fans just want knowledgeable people who know what they're talking about. Final Score isn't really fun to watch at all, I have to agree. It's not presented anywhere near as well (visually, it looks much lower budget) and just the quality of conversation that they tend to have is a bit drab. Not really insightful. You wouldn't feel that you have to tune in to it for fear of missing out on something. That could do with a refresh, too.
  15. It could still very much be that type of show, which I think is the core essence of it. The formula of people sat in a studio, watching the games simultaneously and then chipping in every now and again with their comments will probably not change. The only thing that could alter that is if the fixture lists were to become more complicated in future. The format of the show works best if it's that typical "Saturday, every game starts at 3pm" schedule. What will change (and it could change for the better) are the personalities on show and the way that they interact with each other, bounce off each other, the comments they come up with, the experience that they bring to the table, etc. Hearing the same things time and time again isn't always a good thing and I do agree with the sentiment that it's become a parody of itself. It can evolve and become a better version of itself, because I still see some value in the format. Yeah, he has grown into it, although he hasn't got the same charisma of Carragher or Neville, but he offers something different. You don't really want all of the pundits to be doing the same thing, saying the same thing or acting in the same way, so I think variation is good.
  16. I've got to say that I find Jenas very underrated as a pundit. He always seems to talk with sense and he never seems to run away with ideas or bandwagons. Always has a measured, level-headed response and doesn't show any clear biases, at least in my opinion. Neville and Carragher work ridiculously well because of their personalities and how they "fit" together. It's a good duo. I would have originally said Neville was the better pundit, but I have to say that I think Carragher, on reflection, is the more balanced of the two. Both are great and are probably the best ones going. Richards seems to be hit or miss for many. I really like him, because I think he's charming, enthusiastic, and he brings something different to the table. He will get better with experience. Completely agree that they've become parodies of pundits. Le Tissier is the physical representation of the colour beige. I just think that many of these guys have had it made for so long and have phoned it in for a very long while. It does need freshening up, especially when there are better quality pundits out there bringing a lot more to the table.
  17. I think Soccer Saturday has been in need of a shakeup for quite some time anyway, tbh. The problem when you don't change things up is you end up with a stagnant or dated formula, see Soccer AM for that. The show is looking a bit tired, imo. I'm all for seeing new blood on the show and you do need an injection every now and then or it just becomes formulaic. I'm a bit surprised Le Tissier has lasted as long as he has and am a bit surprised (well, very surprised actually) that Paul Merson is one of the ones that they are keeping on.
  18. Ahh, I must try the Mexican ones then. Trust the Americans to bollocks that up.
  19. The food in that image looks a lot easier to eat, I do agree. I'm a huge fan of enchiladas, quesadillas and fajitas and I guess that's because they are all based on the soft wraps rather than the crunchy tacos. Wouldn't mind a place where you could get enchiladas on the go.
  20. I have never had a taco bell and can't get over it being a thing, tbh. I always find tacos very messy to eat. They break apart as soon as you bite into them. Am I missing something?
  21. Fuck, that's awesome. Phil Foden is a very exciting player and could potentially have a huge Man City career. Looks like a top talent.
  22. Name drop! (haven't really look at who has been called up, but only know that Grealish wasn't part of it)
  23. It definitely is an odd one and I can't think of a reason for it. On merit, he should be in there. He's had a terrific season. Put him in there!
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