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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Before Christmas, I suddenly had an interest to learn about harmonics (pinch, artificial, natural, blaaaah) and thought that I would put the effort in to learn about them. Was looking at loads of videos about pinch harmonics and thought that I would give it a go. Couldn't get it right, then I kinda got it, then I lost it, and then I thought I had it again...and then my high E string snapped. The day before we left for Belgium, which meant that I had no time to get a replacement. So, that was my guitar playing over for most of Christmas. I scheduled for the new strings to arrive the day after we got back and I thought that I would have a go again today at getting pinch harmonics down. I can do them! I have to turn the gain up really, reeeeeeally high on my shitty amp and also turn on my distortion pedal (Boss DS-1) and the Tube Screamer to make it sound anything close to resembling what it should, but I can actually do them. I got it a bit quicker than I was expecting, and then I was playing around with it to get my technique down until I could hit them almost all the time. I would say that I can do it maybe 70-80% of the time, which is not a bad start. I thought that I would never get it! Fucking relieved. Time to become a metal lord now. \m/
  2. I would recommend: The Witcher 3 + DLCs Overwatch GTA 5 God of War Uncharted 4 Uncharted collection Horizon: Zero Dawn Bloodborne (which you mentioned) Sekiro (Eenuh is playing this) Nioh The BioShock collection (hnnnngggg) Alien: Isolation Basically, there's a shit ton to play and more if you keep looking. Definitely get The Witcher 3.
  3. Hello, new person. Stick around!
  4. Saw this about a week ago and have very mixed feelings on it (mostly negative). Admittedly, I wasn't hyped beforehand and came out feeling that I hadn't really gained anything by seeing this.
  5. Merry late Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! December was a very busy month for me in lots of ways. We had our Christmas production and decided to go a bit further this time around by asking one of the parents if we could borrow some of his audio equipment, e.g. microphones and speakers. He runs a huuuuuge company that does some of the sound and lighting for some high level tv shows out there. Huge win! The play was a massive success. Presents wise, I've got a lot of chocolate that I've been working my way through. From @Eenuh, I got some lovely aftershave. Hugo Boss - Boss in Motion, and Bulgari - Man. She also got me a huuuge ET movie poster, which we're going to display in our music/geek room. My last gift was a guitar pedal, one that I've been wanting for a long time, a TS9 Tube Screamer Overdrive pedal. We only had a few days before we travelled to Belgium to see her family, so I've only briefly been able to try the pedal out. It's amazing! It has this gorgeous, warm sound on the treble notes. I really like it, so far. However, after about an hour of playing, I somehow managed to snap one of my guitar strings. So, that was the end of that session! I managed to get some strings to arrive the day after we made it back to the UK, and I spent yesterday evening restringing, which wasn't that fun, tbh. When arriving at Eenuh's mum's house, my laptop wouldn't turn on. I tried everything, but it seems like something got knocked on the way there or maybe the motherboard died. But, it's completely broken. Meaning that I didn't really do any work whilst I was away. Oh no! I've spent the last week or so checking out all of these laptops online and figured that maybe I would go for something a bit more powerful next time around, especially as I want to get into music production and making my own music. After hunting around, I decided to go for an Asus ZenBook 15, which arrived yesterday. I've had a lot of fun with it up until now and have also downloaded the free version of PreSonus Studio One 4, so I spent yesterday getting used to that and finding my way around that. Happy 2020 everyone!
  6. Watch it without her. Or, if you start watching it, it might make her join in and she'll watch it.
  7. United find it so difficult to break down teams. We started off alright in today's game against Everton and looked a decent team for about 25 minutes. But, the player seem to run out of ideas too quickly and don't seem to have it in them to adapt. With the way Everton have performed this season, it really should have been 3 points at home against them. I think finishing in the top 6 with these players would be a big achievement and realistically we need to get better players in if we want to go higher. So many average players at the club and not a talented enough manager or coaching staff to improve them.
  8. I'm loving His Dark Materials and I'm pleased and relieved at just how faithful to the books that the series has been, so far. There's a lot of story there, and then a fair bit of world building + all of the religious/non-religious/anti-religious messaging there, too. A large part of me was worried how they would get that across to the audience, without dumbing it down, keeping it accessible and still maintaining that feel of the books. I think that they've got the balance spot on. The casting is very much on point, too. They've chosen a terrific actress for Lyra's character, but Ruth Wilson steals each scene as Mrs Coulter. Brilliant! Excited to see how season 2 continues this story, after next week's finale.
  9. I don't think many lessons have been learnt from the Brexit vote and the country still seems to be reeling from that. All of the major issues like healthcare, education, climate change, policing have all been pushed to the side and Brexit has dominated this discussion. The day after the referendum, I said that we would pay the price of that decision for years to come and I have seen absolutely nothing to make me believe that I was wrong. I'm disappointed in the UK and with the choice that they have made, especially when I think that there is plenty of evidence out there to see the damage that austerity has done to this country. NHS, education and policing cuts have been devastating. Yet, somehow, the Conservatives still got in. Unfortunately, the media have thrown enough labels at Corbyn (communist, Marxist, anti-royal, anti-military, pro-IRA, pro-Palestine) that they have stuck. A bit anecdotal, but when I was discussing the election yesterday with Conservative voters, they immediately dismissed Labour because of Corbyn. That is, unfortunately, a major issue. The UK media sucks, the voting/election system sucks (we need PR), the choice of parties sucks and yesterday's result sucks. Politics is now just about throwing slogans around and using them again and again until the public think of nothing else. "Get Brexit Done", for example. Well, what many fail to reflect on is that Johnson's bill passed its second reading in Parliament, but the MPs rejected the absurd timetable that Johnson was trying to impose. E.g. he wanted to get his deal through within days, without it being held up to the scrutiny required and deserved. It's fucking unreal. This is a man who has decided to avoid as much of the leaders' debates as possible, too. He has ducked and dived his way through this process and has been let completely off the hook. I am amazed at the hold that this man has over the British public.
  10. I was initially shocked by that exit poll. But, the more and more I think on this, the more I realise just how...fucked up the UK is right now. That referendum has ruined the country.
  11. I've seen a lot of positive reactions towards this game from other forums and other online spaces. Seems to be seen in a much more positive light by the people who have decided to stick with it and enjoy the game for what it is. I have to admit that I am pretty interested in it now.
  12. I've listened to Fear Inoculum a lot since its release and Invincible surely has to go down as one of the best tracks that they've done. The album is brilliant.
  13. I thought United looked very good against Brighton. Fred had his best game in a United shirt. James has been a revelation this season. I think the key difference has been having Martial back. We look so much better with Martial through the middle and being flanked by James and Rashford. I also saw the game between Liverpool and City. Got to admit that there were a few decisions that went against City today that could have easily have gone the other way. But, Liverpool's side just looks so good. The full backs basically play like additional midfielders and the entire team's movement was too difficult for City to manage. Fabinho has been outstanding this season and is just a great talent to watch. Has to be one of the best around in his position, at the moment. The other player who has impressed me in this position is Leicester's Ndidi.
  14. South Africa really dictated this game. Can't say that they didn't deserve it, so well done to them. Unfortunately, too many penalties given away and no real way through that South African defence. That Kolbe try made the victory even better for them, but it's the type of moment that England were just not able to create in this game. I don't want to say that England didn't really get going, but I think it's an accurate statement to make.
  15. I'm very disappointed to hear that. If it's someone's job to review games, they should review the whole thing after finishing it. Imagine if somebody went to see the new Star Wars film and left after 10 minutes saying it was great and we should all watch it. I find that very cheeky and quite deceptive. It just smacks of someone taking a shortcut and not wanting to do their job properly. I don't tend to read/watch reviews anyway. I'm much more of a fan of previews where they talk about some elements of the game or how it works, or just going off internet impressions. Forums seem to still be the best way to get impressions of games, tv shows or films. For music, as the typical album length is somewhere between 40-70 minutes, you can as easily Spotify it or YouTube it yourself and form your own opinion that way, as it's quick to do.
  16. Sorry, I think I've missed something here. Why did Sony have to ask for the game to be finished by the reviewer before the reviewer writes the review? Is it commonplace for reviewers to...write reviews without finishing games? If you're going to write a review on a game, it should be an absolute given that you finish the game before doing so. (I'm strictly talking about games that contain a story element, not multiplayer only games as that's a whole different situation). As for this game, I had very little interest in it before the reviews came out and I'm not brave enough to whack £40 down on a game that I'm quite sure is going to do it for me. It was very divisive when it was revealed, then after each trailer, and then now. It looks like an unusual concept and there are going to be bits that put people off or the opposite. For me, it all hinges on whether the story is gripping and if the journey along the way is worthwhile, which is subjective and I may have to decide for myself if/when I ever get around to playing it.
  17. 3 is horrific, but it's redeemed by all of the memes and some of its quotable lines. That balcony scene is brilliant, because it's so terrible and so damn quotable. I often throw in the "So love has blinded you?!" line with a serious face around the house, haha. "I am the Senate!" Oh god...my sides. Although, saying that, the "I HATE THEM!" and "I don't like sand" lines by Anakin in episode 2 are also pretty amazing. It's too easy to take the piss out of these films when they're on ITV2 or something. They're no longer films. 3 often gets overrated by fans, because it's still a bad film, just not quite as bad as 1 and 2 for me. The romance scenes in 2 and 3 are awful, but I think the final scene between Obi-Wan and Anakin is better than anything that 2 has to offer. I still think we're tricked into "liking" three because we get to see Anakin fall to the Dark Side and become Darth Vader, but it's still an awful film. The set pieces in both films are just so long. Even that final fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan goes on for too long that it just becomes boring. Episode 1's threeway with Darth Maul was fantastic and easily the best action scene in any of the prequel films. I felt nothing watching that entire last third of Episode 2. Just battles for the sake of flashiness. The flaws that you have listed run throughout all of the prequel trilogy. Above all, the scriptwork is abysmal, and it's just terrible storytelling. The problems begin in Episode 1 and never really get fixed in any of the films. It's a clear case of where the writers focused too much on plot, rather than driving the characters. They completely miss that the reason we love films like The Empire Strikes Back is because of the way that characters like Leia, Han, Yoda and Luke are written. I'm always in favour of the stories serving the characters and reflecting their journey, rather than stories being strictly all about plot. Anakin, especially, is so poorly written that he becomes flat. There's just no depth to his character. Also...Yoda. I miss the fun Yoda that we had in Episodes 5 and 6. Easily my favourite part of Episode 8 when he turns up.
  18. Episode 2 is hideous. There's no heart to anything in the film. At least there is some degree of spirit in Episode 1. Episode 2 is comfortably the worst Star Wars film in every department. It look tacky in too many places, the script is gross and there's no reason to root for any of the main characters. It's that horrible film in a series that only serves to move a few pieces so that the arc can be completed. You can't skip straight from Episode 1 to 3 because it wouldn't make too much sense, so you are forced to watch Ep2.
  19. The past three or so years have been rubbish, but the memes have been absolutely top tier. That was amazing.
  20. I've been trying to find the tabled motions for a People's Vote by both Labour and the Lib Dems, but am not having much success. Do you have any links which show how many voted for and against each motion? I've found the results of Dame Margaret Beckett's confirmatory public vote, which was held in March. https://commonsvotes.digiminster.com/Divisions/Details/661#ayes It got defeated, with 27 Labour members voting for the other side, which swung that vote.
  21. This is pretty shit, in my opinion. All of the other parties are playing Johnson's game and are just doing what he wants. He has "a deal" that apparently has the numbers to go through, so he should be focusing on that. The bigger issue is that he stuck too hard to his October 31st deadline and wasn't willing to budge from that. The extension given by the EU until the end of January is flexible, meaning the UK could leave at any time before that. So, there is plenty of time for Johnson to get his deal through. The truth of the matter is that he tried to railroad his own deal through without it being properly scrutinised. Now that the house didn't agree to be railroaded into putting it through without properly looking at it, he has effectively done that childish thing of picking up his football and going home. I'm annoyed at both Labour and the Lib Dems for not doing much more sooner to make a serious attempt at a second referendum/final say. More so Labour, because the Lib Dems actually made the right kind of noises in this area, but the backing wasn't there. Due to the other parties refusing to work together, the Conservatives are going to get their own way. What Johnson wants to happen is for the Conservatives to win more seats so that he can get his deal through with as little scrutiny as possible. This is partly about that, and also about the Conservatives consolidating their power. He will go to the polls stating that he has a "credible Brexit deal" and will look to pick up seats on the back of that. We are now in the position where any deal will seemingly do, even if this is very arguably worse than the one that May had. As much as Labour will try to bring the argument onto other things (rightfully so), this is going to be very much a single-issue election, or at least that is the picture that the Conservatives are going to paint.
  22. It was a very underwhelming game, especially after the game that we had yesterday. I thought both sides were too cautious and there was so little bravery on the field. Both sides were not really willing to take chances or at least work the passes to get into good positions. So much kicking. It's a disappointing end for Wales. But, well done to South Africa for making it to the final. If England perform against South Africa like they did in the first half yesterday, they'll win by a good margin.
  23. It's very scrappy. The only two quality moments of the game have resulted in the tries, so at least the second half has been a bit better. Both teams seem a bit reluctant to pass the ball, or at least pass it quickly. I thought that was evident when Wales were working the phases, just before they scored their try. A few quick passes out wide would've been better than what they were going for.
  24. Woke up and turned the tv on in time to catch the anthems. I call that timing! My fellow Welsh friend in work has got a real problem with Moriarty and his tackling. "He should be sent off every game, really". Hope that's not the case today. He was our hero last week!
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