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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. This game is going to be all about the multiplayer and rightfully so. Battlefield 4 was insane in multiplayer and clearly that's where the majority of the focus is going. It's all about the epic-scale dogfights and 10 or 20 mini battles going on at once.
  2. I played for around 8 hours straight yesterday and I regret nothing. My total play time is ridiculous...according to it, I've reached a time of over 14 days and counting. I can't put it down. I seem to keep finding new stuff and I'm not rushing it whatsoever, I love taking my time and riding through the landscape and just taking it all in. Definitely the best game I've ever played. Novigrad is also one of my favourite locations ever in a game. It's so big and it feels so real. I swear there's new parts that are getting added to it beacuase I feel like I know it inside out yet there seems to be new areas that I don't seem to remember. Maybe my memory is so shit. This game has redefined how I feel about sidequests and it's changed how I'll see them in future. It must have taken fucking forever to think of these quests in the first place, let alone give each one its own storyline and voice acting, etc. Just wow. Also, Skellige is surreal in many places. The music is beautiful and the visuals are jaw dropping.
  3. :laughing:
  4. I know this generation has received a lot of negativity over remasters and re-releases. But, it feels sloppy to me having a series that spans multiple consoles, especially if the story is tied together. It puts new gamers or newcomers to the series at a distinct disadvantage. I'm not sure I would pick up Uncharted 4 if the 1-3 Collection hadn't been announced.
  5. I've played about 20 minutes of a Kingdom Hearts game when a good friend of mine tried forcing me to play it and like it. I don't think I was ready for the game at the time, whereas now I'd be more up for giving it a chance. Really, I'm in it for the Disney.
  6. This is another one of those sort of games where I know I want it, but I don't actually know what I'll be doing in it. It's like No Man's Sky and Everybody's gone to the Rapture in that respect. Hope it delivers.
  7. Dazzy, I think you're really missing a huge point here. Most people here are, at their core, Nintendo fans. They're super pissed off and have been for years. Of course they're going to go to the Nintendo boards (on a Nintendo forum) and vent their disappointment. Most of my posts are probably on the Nintendo boards and they're also probably negative, or probably have been for the last two years. Sue me.
  8. There were a lot of occasions in this stream where I was saying, "yup, I want that...and that...and that..." Pretty sure I'm going to be bankrupt, soon.
  9. The two guys in the middle were losing it with the one on the left. Hilarious to watch.
  10. Oh my god. The reactions are utterly brilliant. Some of the best I've ever seen. I laughed along with them. I must have rewound the video about 7 or 8 times just to see them lose it at the petal dropping moment. Amazing.
  11. How many copies does a game have to sell for it to be recognised as a decent seller? Metroid Prime sold around 2.8million copies on the GameCube. Other M reached around 1.3, despite having mixed reviews. They're not exactly poor sales.
  12. I don't trust Nintendo right now to make the Metroid game that we all want anyway. Unless Retro Studios get given it again. Anyway, can't say I'm shocked.
  13. Well, it does look like Tony Hawks Pro Skater 5 would look like...if it were released on the GameCube.
  14. Yeah, @Retro_Link. Surprised you haven't jumped on the PS4 already. I loved the look of this game but I had absolutely no idea what was going on.
  15. Unfortunately, this. I remember being excited at being able to use the touchscreen for FIFA13 on WiiU and it was just an almighty pain in the arse looking at the GamePad and then to the tv and then back to the GamePad, etc. In the end, I went with either GamePad only (which looked a bit meh and didn't play great) or TV only (where I quickly realised that the game was shit anyway). It would work on the DS because the screens are much closer together. Otherwise, it can make you feel a bit dizzy.
  16. Well done, @Cube! You rawwwk.
  17. I'm going to be honest, brah. I'm not sure if you'll enjoy it anywhere near as much as others. You love your retro games and I don't think you've played a game made from 2010 onwards. :p Would be delighted if you got a PS4 and fell in love with it. We'd have fun times. Tbh, if I hadn't had one by now, I would've bought one straight after the Nintendo conference (after watching the Sony one, then Nintendo). Nintendo can't deliver atm and there's just too much good stuff on other systems (whether it's PS4 or One or PC) to miss out on. I don't regret it one bit. I'm gaming more now than I have done since the N64 era and I'm playing for longer, too. Not just short sessions, but long playthroughs. 10 or 12 fucking hours straight on The Witcher 3, brah. Dunno how many in a row on Bloodborne. I can't get enough. When Uncharted comes, I think I'm going to cry.
  18. Out of everything, the only one I really feel like buying is Xenoblade. But, there's something about the game that is putting me off. It doesn't look to have the same charm or charisma that the Wii game had. Otherwise, nothing. Unless Starfox starts getting insane feedback or something.
  19. I agree with this and also the sentiment that Nintendo are giving us the completely wrong game for a series that they know their audience is very fond of. I'm still baffled at this. Just dreadful, really.
  20. Haha, if I buy anyone a PS4, it'll be me as a second unit. Already tempted to pick up another for the bedroom when we finally move out of here.
  21. Cheers for reminding me that it existed, I was just about over it.
  22. Fuaaark, Shenmue III. Is today the day that dreams come true? *prays really hard for Scarlett Johansson.*
  23. Yeah, alright, you got me. :p I've learned my lesson!
  24. For some reason, I've been really interested in the story and development behind this game for the last month. I've heard rumblings about the game still being in development but didn't think much of it. Oh my god, my mouth just dropped wide open when I saw the conference earlier. That reaction from the crowd too when they knew what was coming. It was just beautiful. Fuark, I love E3. Game looks ace but I'm just thankful that it's still coming at all!
  25. I feel enormously stupid for not staying up and watching the Sony conference live. It delivered.
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