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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I liked what I saw and would definitely like to see more of this in future. Setting and "creatures" seem unusual, but interesting. Another one to watch.
  2. Sony conference delivered for me. In conjunction with the other stuff that was shown at E3, I'm completely satisfied with what the future holds.
  3. Thought that this got a great reaction at E3. Fuck, I miss the old Nintendo conferences.
  4. Lol, I remember the week you bought the WiiU. There was a great deal for a PS4, which was something like 50 quid more than what you paid for the WiiU.
  5. What the fuck is this shite?
  6. Second biggest disappointment this E3 after Metroid. Graphically, I think Nintendo can do a lot better.
  7. We're completely bummed out at our place. @Eenuh and I weren't really expecting anything, so we went into it with low expectations and still came out disappointed. It was just so empty. I dislike what they've done (or rather not done) to Starfox and it looks really bland. I can't seriously believe that Nintendo thought that the game looked acceptable to show in that state, it could pass for a GameCube game, imo. Looks about two generations behind. Not even sure it would look good for that era, either. Metroid was also such a non-reveal and non-event. This is not the Metroid that any of us wanted. We wanted Prime, not Prime Hunters. Gutted. Eenuh doesn't even dare mention it in our flat. Aside from that, I also think having no Zelda trailer was a huge mistake. Just something to get us excited or put some life into the Direct. Some gameplay, a theatrical trailer, just something. I'm also disappointed at the lack of long-term projects coming to the system. As in, there's not really a lot to look forward to. Not sure if it was the worst E3 showing, but it has to be a contender.
  8. This looked awesome. Can't wait to play this.
  9. I actually have responsibilities, though...ooooooh! *runs* Fuark, I dunno what to do. Knowing my luck, NOTHING interesting will be shown.
  10. I've gotta be up at 7, braaaaaahhhh. How long will it be?
  11. Goddammit, why is the Sony one on so early/late? Is there a chance that some kind soul on here can email me a link to the conference later on? As in, when the whole lot has been uploaded to youtube or something afterwards? Fucks sake, tempted to stay up but...I will pretty much die if I do that.
  12. Fuck this show.
  13. I fell in love with this as soon as the guy went on stage. He was an absolute blubbering mess and the ONLY way he could ever recover from his shakey hands and "look at mah pictures of my teddy in the forest" moments was by showing what looked like an incredible game. They have my attention. Hope it delivers.
  14. I think I came a little.
  15. I saw that this got mentioned in the Xbox conference, so it seems to be official then that it's coming to consoles. Pretty awesome.
  16. Glad to see Rare making new games but I'm not sold on its concept. Hope this is the first of many and that they are given the licence to make new stuff.
  17. I thought this looked a bit bleeeeh, tbh. Very low key and just not very exciting.
  18. I thought it was a very decent showing by Microsoft, but there's not enough there to tease me into getting an XboxOne. The one game which has me worried is Tomb Raider, I better be able to play it on the PS4 at some point. Nice to see Rare come out with something new. I wasn't sold on its concept, but it's good to see them out there.
  19. Metroid already contains elements of the horror setting for sure. Tell me that you didn't play certain areas of Super Metroid and weren't shitting bricks? The SA: X was also heart-pounding and even certain moments in Prime, especially the ghosts. I think I made suggestions related to this before, also think @Retro_Link had similar ideas. It could easily be converted into a survival horror as the settings are already there to be tapped into, whether that's on Zebes, or in something like the Bottle Ship. The soundtrack is haunting at many different points, perfect for something of this type. The tricky thing would be sorting out the pace of the game as this is where survival horror either lives or dies. Getting that balance right between tension and action is difficult. Alien: Isolation is one of the best games I've ever played, purely because it got the balance right between these two bits of criteria. I can't see Nintendo going for it, though. We're far more likely to get something like Prime 4 than this almost re-imagining of the Metroid series. (also, fuck you ALL for completely ignoring that Nintendo had one of the best survival horror games ever with Eternal Darkness on the GameCube)
  20. Gotta say that the visuals looks gorgeous.
  21. The Witcher is the biggest time sucker of all time. I've already got it on pre-order as I did that deal with Tesco. I don't think I'll start it straight away, as I'll most likely finish The Witcher before going at this.
  22. This is out really soon. I can't say that I'm pumped for it at all...
  23. I'm watching @Eenuh play Second Son and I'm itching to play it again now. Forgotten how beautiful the game looks. Need to play it through on Evil Karma.
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