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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. What's up with it? It's running slightly slower when showing my friends list. In fairness, I think the service has been fine after those Lizard Squad attacks.
  2. Can't wait to ruin you 1v1, brah. I will wreck you, m8.
  3. Out of the list there, I'll most likely be getting: Until Dawn Tearaway Unfolded FIFA16 Uncharted Collection Fallout 4 Star Wars Battlefront There's also the likes of Everybody's Gone To The Rapture, which is out August 11th and Invisible, Inc. Looking at that list, I doubt I'll be able to get them all on release date. Hmm.
  4. @Blade, that's rough man, sorry to hear that. Man hugs are coming your way! It's a tricky one. You didn't force her to buy you all of that stuff, she did it of her own will, so it's not right for her to use that against you. Sure, you might take that for granted after a while, who wouldn't? You're only human. It sounds to me like your girlfriend got overwhelmed with the situation. It's a big deal having a kid and I guess that made her anxious when she saw that it was finally becoming a reality, maybe. Hope you two can work it out and sorry to hear that you're having a bad time.
  5. Oh my gaaawwwwwd. Tomb Raider was the first PS4 I picked up. It just...blew me away. There were several occasions where I just lost it and hnnnnnngggg'd all over the place. Beautiful game. I don't plan on getting an Xbox One anytime soon, so I hope we get some firm details on when it'll be coming to PS4.
  6. Somebody has recreated the opening for Arthur using GTAV. Here's the original: I love the internet. This is...worryingly accurate.
  7. Good luck, @tapedeck. I've added a second one. Everything is better now, right????
  8. It's probably a good game deep down, but there's too many draw backs I think (in typical Nintendo fashion) that dissuade me from wanting to play it. A team shooter where you can't verbally communicate with your team...ok, Nintendo. That Honest Game Trailers video for me summed it up quite well, I thought. Also, it's come at totally the wrong time for me. I'm living on The Witcher 3 and it's become my favourite game of all time. Batman is still sealed on my table ready to go after I've finished with this, but I can't put this down. I can't remember the last game where I put so much time and effort into it and felt like I truly knew that world inside out, or I became so invested in it. Probably one to add on the list for King_V to give a go. If he's WiiU-only, I'm sure he'll get a lot of playtime out of it.
  9. I get what you mean about it being surreal, especially with Batman. I remember thinking, "Wow, this is awesome, I can't wait for more games like this!" A bit sad how it's turned out. Still, there's a few decent games in there. I plan to pick up Deus Ex at some point, as I've heard many good things about it. Lego City seems to be permanently at a high price, so I haven't picked it up yet.
  10. I watched all of this. Even though I told myself that I'd only watch maybe half of it to prevent spoilers or whatever. Looks UNbelievable. I think I gasped in real life. About four or five times. I can't...Somebody, please hold me. We can't freeze ourselves yet, right?
  11. I know nothing about your second question, but you have three real choices for the first one. You have either DriveClub, Project Cars or Need for Speed Rivals. They're all different. NFS is an open world racer (if it's anything like Most Wanted), Project Cars is more like a sim and DriveClub is arcadey. I've only played DriveClub, so I'm going to go with that. It's also one of the best looking games out there at the moment. Looks stunning, particularly when the weather effects kick in. The transitions between night and day are wonderful. It's a fantastic technical showcase for the console. In terms of the handling, I think it takes a little getting used to, but I personally had an awesome time with the game. Pretty under-rated, if you ask me.
  12. Ok, @King_V. Here's my thoughts on your situation. Mass Effect: I've purposefully not bought the third game because I've heard from many others (like you've heard in this thread) that you can only properly appreciate the entire story if you play the previous two. Annoying how the WiiU didn't get the trilogy. Arkham City was great fun on the WiiU, so I'd recommend that. The Wonderful 101 is another game I'd also recommend, as well as Bayonetta 1 and 2. Think you could probably get good deals on each of these by now. There's the likes of Mario Kart and Smash Bros. However, they haven't really caught my attention this time around and I've not invested too much time into either. They'll surely be a blast in multiplayer, even if the single player is lacking. @Eenuh had a great time with Assassin's Creed IV on the PS4 and it looked particularly great. Not sure how it holds up on the WiiU, but it looked like good fun. Probably worth a go at the prices you can get it for now. Finally, I spent a LOT of time on Injustice. I've actually got the game three times...once for the WiiU which I bought and twice on the PS4. @Ashley kindly bought the ultimate edition for me which contains all of the DLC and costumes (some of which are inexplicably missing on the WiiU!) and I've also got it digitally when it went up on PS+. The only game to my knowledge that I own in three separate ways. Fucking great game, too! The storyline is really, really good.
  13. We haven't had it yet. At this point, it would be another to add to the backlog, so I can wait. Bit gutted that we're not getting it for PS4, but aw well. ROCKET LEAGUE. Rain looks fantastic, too! Gah. Need a PS3.
  14. Shall we all start taking bets? I'm going with November. I want to be leaf!
  15. I've come close to buying that dozens of times. Pretty happy that I can finally play it. I don't think Geometry Wars 3 is cross-buy, @S\.C\.G. I think the Vita got its own version?
  16. Fuark, now I'm in the mood to play a mafia. That killed me, @Sprout. Best thing I've seen on here in a long time.
  17. Rocket League! I was going to buy that full price, so this is great news for me.
  18. We watched the first episode yesterday after seeing it on NetFlix and remembering that it received good feedback on here. For someone who isn't really a fan of Marvel's works, I really, really enjoyed it. That little "montage" at the end was fantastic. Hope it continues to be good from here on in.
  19. Yeah, I think it must be awkward as fuck to work for the same club where your son did that. I expected him to walk straight after that whole incident, there's no way he could have carried on after that.
  20. It really is a difficult decision. What concerns me slightly with the NX is whether or not that again will suffer from a shorter generation and Nintendo will try and go for parity with the system after it. E.g. they'll release the NX to carry on for the rest of the One/PS4 generation before launching the successor to it in line with whatever MS and Sony do after that. I'm going to make a conscious decision and won't be going day one with it, whatever it is. I think the sweet spot may be to wait 18 months and see how things are going before spending the cash.
  21. This isn't the thread for this type of discussion. I've not really been posting in this thread much, but one thing I think could be done to actually improve things would be to actually post information in the appropriate threads. Even if that means making new threads entirely. I think there's even a Diversity thread relating to colour in General Gaming, so this sorta stuff could go there. And then, the people that want to take part in that discussion have their thread/place to do it, and everybody else can then discuss freely all of the other stuff without it being bogged down by lists and shtuff.
  22. Our school did a production of the show "Annie". Last year, we did Oliver, which wasn't too bad. I said I didn't mind working backstage as I did with Oliver, but the music teacher had other ideas. The whole thing sorta went like this over a period of around 3 months: Her: "Do you mind helping out, again?" Me: "sure, I don't mind being backstage" Her: "Ok, good." Then, later on, she came back with another proposal: Her: "Would you mind being an extra in the show? You'd have one or two lines." Me: "sure...I guess. I can't sing, dance or art, though." Soon after that... Her: "I have this small role in mind for you." Me: "Ehh...ok." Her: "You've got about 4 or 5 lines now." Me: "....ok, but remember, I can't sing, dance or act." Fast forward a bit and things escalated quickly. Her: "You're now Rooster in the show. Here are your scripts *hands me FOUR hefty looking booklets* You'll be singing, dancing and acting. See you every Monday and Thursday from now until the rest of your life. Say goodbye to your lunch breaks." Me: "..." So, I ended up going from backstage... To this: Audience of more than 200 people. Parents and staff who I see daily. Lots of cheers and cameras taking photos during every one of my bits. I also STILL ended up working backstage. In between scenes, I had to rotate the stage and moves props, etc. That backdrop that you see behind me is basically 13ft high. A small group of 5 of us put that up ourselves. Heavy as fuck and took us HOURS. After the play finished, we took it straight down again. Didn't get home til after 1.
  23. Enjoy it, it was a highlight for me. The character reminded me so much of Robert Baratheon.
  24. The good thing about those third party games is that they weren't gimped in any way. You were getting the same game as the other systems. I can't tell you how heart breaking it was as a Wii owner to see the PS3 and 360 get that super fucking awesome Ghostbusters game and then...seeing the one that us Wii-only owners ended up getting. I died inside. Anyway, Nintendo owners might not buy a Nintendo system for third parties, but it would sure make life a lot easier if they could play the big games on one system. It would have been more cost effective for myself to only own one system, for example. With that money I spent on another, I could have just bought more games. They are important because they add depth to the library and they'll fill the gaps with content that Nintendo can't provide.
  25. I protected @Rummy on night two, so I know he's good. @Gizmo is fooling nobody by having that quote in his sig and then this BillyBob character turning up. Vote: Gizmo. Fucking mafia scumnag.
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