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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Looking at the games that you're currently playing, you could say that they're quite "light-hearted" games, so having something darker in contrast could help to strike a balance. I think going off experience can be a dangerous thing at times, since it immediately means you're closing the door on certain things without really giving them a chance. Going on past experiences of what I do know I like, I should hate Bloodborne and it shouldn't even be a game that I would consider. Yet, it's one of my favourite games this year. There's a lot to be said for branching out and trying different things because that's how you find the new "classics".
  2. Oh aye, I understand. I don't get how the same thread got posted in two other places, as if nobody checked to see if it was posted already. The Nintendo Gaming one is pretty popular already, so we'll keep that one alive. It may be that everyone just ends up posting in that, so we'll see. I'll close this one up.
  3. As @Happenstance pointed out earlier, having three threads on this seems like overkill. I'm thinking of locking this one. So that we have the Nintendo Gaming thread for Nintendo consoles and the Other thread for...Other consoles. :p Anyone object to that?
  4. Fuark, I'll be impressed if you can do it within a month whilst tackling the secondary quests and contracts. What don't you like about it?
  5. This looks nice. The game continues to be awesome. I only need about two or three more trophies until I get the Platinum. @Eenuh is pretty close, too. We should get some games going on here.
  6. That's a great bench press number. I'm exhausted just thinking of doing that 5x5. You could consider switching over to 3x5 if you feel that the volume is becoming too much. You should see some improvement doing that. Or, like you say, eating more beforehand. I found eating well the day/night before also makes a huge difference. I know that there's definitely a difference if I didn't eat or drink enough the day before. I'm hoping to break into the 80kg category when I go for it tomorrow. I made my way up to 75.5, then had to do a deload, but went past that easily this time and got 78 last time. Hoping to make it. Still a while before I can catch up to you, but I'm getting there.
  7. Troll response: Well, we've never had this problem much before. I'll close the General Gaming Discussion one, but I'll keep this one for PS4 discussion, whilst keeping the Nintendo gaming one for NX and 3DS. Seems fair? Unless we just go all in on the Nintendo gaming thread seeing as that's the most popular one.
  8. I find it much easier to navigate the store on my browser, plus I use it to see what other deals there are. @Eenuh bought Bastion for about £3 thanks to that, heh. Also, if your PS4 is not being used, then I'm going to assume that you've gone full retard and are playing something other than The Witcher 3, which is hands down the best game of this year/decade/millennium. Disregard whatever else it is that you're playing, get on dat Witcher 3 time and come back to us in about six months after you've been admitted to rehab as a result of your addiction to this beauty. Also also, Rocket League, get on that. What's the matter with you, brah?
  9. I thought everybody did this? You never done this before, braaah?
  10. Had a successful day. I've recently switched over to 3x5 instead of 5x5 because it was starting to become a bit of a drag, particularly as the weights are going up. It's been successful so far, so I'm glad I've moved over to it. I've broken past the 110kg Squat barrier and managed 3 great sets of 113kg today, which is a new personal best. Those last two reps were a bitch, but I dug in deep and did it, so am happy. Previously, I worked my way up to 110kg twice, but either had to do a deload afterwards or I stopped between of illness or some shit. Making that climb up again back up to where you were is such a pain in the arse, though. My form has definitely got better and I'm pretty pleased with the mass I've gained on my legs. Still got a long way to go before I'll be happy with it, but it's all going in the right direction. I'm going to be aiming to get past 115kg next, but the important thing is that I've gotten over that hurdle. Couldn't have done this a year ago, especially this cleanly. Really happy with all of the lifts, as they've all gone up. There's a lot of different routines out there. If you're just looking to cut body fat, you're going to want to focus on the diet mainly and then look at certain routines. There's your typical bro-split: Monday: Back Tuesday: Chest Wednesday: Quads/Hamstrings Thursday: Shoulders/Calves Friday: Biceps/Triceps Saturday: Rest Sunday: Rest That's a basic split, but you'll no doubt see lots of variations. Monday could be chest, for example, Friday could be back and shoulders with Wednesday focusing on legs. Some the exercises you could accommodate into these are mentioned below, such as Squats, Bench press, Shoulder Press, Deadlifts and Rows. You'll no doubt see some success, because you'll be doing something rather than nothing. There's also stronglifts 5x5, Push Pull Legs, but it really depends on what your schedule is like, how often you'll be able to do it, how much time you'll have to actually exercise, etc. Stronglifts/starting strength, some other variation of it is basically where you focus mainly on compound lifts, so lifts that work two or more body parts at a time. It's probably the most efficient way of working out, because instead of doing several exercises to work several body parts, you're doing less but it covers more. A typical routine for that would be: Monday: Squats, Bench, Barbell Row Wednesday: Squats, overhead/shoulder press, deadlift Friday: Squats, Bench, Barbell Row Next week you'd carry on, but starting with Squats, Overhead Press and Deadlift and then alternate. Although, some people don't do that and mainly do the bench and barbell row twice a week and do the overhead press and deadlift once a week, but that's preference I guess. Push Pull Legs is where you'd group the exercises. (some people even separate the leg exercises into push or pull days. For example, when I did it: Push: Bench press, shoulder press, dips, dumbbell flies, raises Pull: Pull-ups, Chin-ups, Deadlift, BB rows, Bicep curls Legs: Squats (some would do this on push day), Calf raises, dumbbell lunges I've done all of the above, Push Pull Legs, Stronglifts, Bro-split-ish routines and I've made more progress with Stronglifts in terms of lifting heavier weight and probably my overall physique. But, it's different for me because I've got everything I need at home and can take as long as however I fucking want. It's really down to your preference. You'll make more progress in cutting the body fat if you're focusing on the diet (or putting weight on if that's what you're after) I've jumped between all of these at some point because either I was getting tired of one routine, or I wasn't able to train 5/6 times a week or work was getting in the way. Stick with the one which you know you'll definitely be able to get done, rather than the one you know you can keep up for a few weeks but will ultimately fail at long term. Being consistent is more important (in my opinion) than the type of routine you're after.
  11. I'll take a lot at those controls. Cheers, braheem sterling. Dis fucking game. I've just done a really, really awesome bit and now I love it again.
  12. I've just been playing Tank! Tank! Tank!...sorry, I mean, Arkham Knight. Well, what can I say? There are some utterly terrible bits of videogame design in this that ruin it. Dreadful. Unfair. Lazy. They ruin it and spoil what is otherwise a great game. I've said it, others have said it, critics have said and I'll say it again: The Bat-tank should not be in this game. It is the most hilariously out of place thing I've seen in a videogame for a long time. Nobody wanted this or needed this and it does nothing but cause annoyance.
  13. We've got a holiday coming up in just over a week and it's coming at the wrong time. I'm making good progress and could have done to carry on for a few months longer. I'm happy with my squat form and I've noticed a big improvement with my legs compared with last year. I got a huge rush earlier and a good pump when squatting earlier today. Feelsgoodman. Hoping that I won't have to back track too much when I get back.
  14. The bots are better than 90% of the players. Including me.
  15. What have you got? I can't wait until we get our own house. One room is going to be a designated lifting room. Going to kit it out properly. Possibly trade in my standard weights for an olympic set. Soon.gif
  16. I played a lot of this today and had very little interaction with the Batmobile. It was pretty damn awesome actually! Just pure Batman.
  17. What is Cyberpunk? I'm interested, especially after what these guys have done after this game. I'm team ALLOFTHEGIRLS. If it moved in this game, I shagged it.
  18. Yeah, I do that. I usually wait until he's completely finished before I move on. Hilarious though and possibly my favourite thing about the game, so far.
  19. Yeah, that's my mentality. I'm just happy that I'll get to be playing it at all! Maybe a year later than One owners, but I'm in no rush.
  20. I've started this game and have done a reasonable amount of stuff so far. What I like - Fuark, everything looks beautiful. Some of the lighting going on in this game is crazy and it seems to look more and more incredible the more I play of it. - I'm enjoying the storyline so far and
  21. It's a great game and definitely one you should experience. Also, it's worth noting that the game is getting additional content all of the time. They've recently given new costumes for several main characters and they've also added a completely new movement mechanic for the main character. All of these can be turned off, too, which is fantastic if you don't particularly want them. They've also added some great changes to the way that the games works. You can now "pin" certain alchemy formulas, so that you know which ingredients you're looking for when going to the shop. There are also now boxes scattered around the world (in Inns, usually) where Geralt can stash any stuff that he doesn't want to carry with him all of the time, like the traditional Resident Evil chest mechanic. It's a triumph on so many different levels. Storytelling, world building, character development, but I'm really happy with how there's new quests being added through dlc (these have been free so far) and there's going to be around 20-30 hours worth of quests coming through paid-dlc, too. Although I've finished the game, I'm definitely 100% going to get all of the dlc for it. I'm in love with the world that they've created and I want more. It's a pretty good time to be a PS4 owner, imo. This year already, we've had Bloodborne, The Order (I liked it a lot), The Witcher 3 and Arkham Knight. There's Star Wars Battlefront and Fallout 4 out later this year, too. There's also some great deals out there for both the PS4 and One.
  22. Ball cam is great when you haven't got the ball but it is dogshit when the ball is in the air. I can't header the ball properly if I've got it set up to ball cam. I switch between the two. I did it for most of yesterday's games and I came out as the top player in all of the games bar one. That one was where we did a 2vs2 and got our arse handed to us 9-0...they were easily the best players we've come across so far. I've noticed more teams are now employing a goalkeeper, which makes it really difficult to score. We had a player on our team for the final game who was...pretty terrible to say the least. Think he was responsible for the goals we conceded and he ended up with a score of 10, which I don't even-
  23. I'm not a fan either. There's something about it that looks a bit too plain for me. They seem to have a massive range, though. I've read the other two in the Knightfall series and I enjoyed them. As well as them, I've bought The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One. I came thiiiiiis close to buying The Court of Owls, which I want to get at some point. Also keen on reading The New 52 Nightwing series. The problem I have is that I've already got other things that I'm interested in, which just so happen to take up a lot of time. (lifting weights, gaming, music, etc) and I know that once I start to get into one series, it'll just spiral off from there and I'll want to get everything. :p My plan is to look into The Court of Owls once I get through this, although I have been tempted to get into The Walking Dead for a long time. It all depends on time really.
  24. What's the deal with these Pop things? I've got a few friends back home who collect them. What's the appeal? My purchases: and Stuff to read when I'm in Spain.
  25. I've...done it. I've reached the end of the game! Well, the story at least.
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