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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Game is outstanding, isn't it?


    Please, please, please, please, please, pleaaaaaase play The Witcher 3.

  2. There are probably still more WiiU owners, but there will be a large portion who have more than one console. WiiU+1
  3. That was fantastic. I find it slightly surreal how this game suddenly has its own sort of subculture. There are celebrities (like the two in that match), there's tournaments that are getting made, there are compilations people are making...it's strange after taking part in the beta to see just how big this is becoming. Really happy for it, the game is brilliant.
  4. How are you finding Bloodborne?

  5. @Hero\-of\-Time is right in that the soundtrack is probably the best thing about the game. It's a fantastic soundtrack, one of the best I've ever heard. Maybe alter your brightness settings on the television. I don't remember it being too dark at all, unless you were in some sort of cave...but even then, I never had any problems with it. If you're in the overworld and you're running through a landscape and can't see much because it's too dark (and it's daytime of course) then your tv settings need configuring. As for this game, I really, really like it, but there are also a few things that infuriate me about the game. Please don't read below, Kounan.
  6. There are some great moments in three and four that would have been good as its own thing. The writer's strike ruined the last two seasons of the show, no doubt. William Fichtner/Agent Mahone was the best thing about Season Two. A really awesome character who carried that season. As you say, if they had kept it as a two (or at best, three) season show, it would have benefited from it. It's hard trying to find the content for a 22-episode season, so you get too much filler. A shame because there are some sublime parts in Season Two, just before it gets a bit silly towards the end. One thing that I didn't like about the show (season 3 and 4 in particular) is that they didn't have the courage to keep certain big characters dead. Two in particular.
  7. I loved Prison Break back in the day but I do wish they could go back in time and rework things. First of all, there are far, far too many episodes in one single season. If Breaking Bad taught us anything, it's that less is sometimes more. Season One is some of my favourite television ever (especially the latter few episodes), but Season Two features far, far too many plot twists and unnecessary filler that just serve to drag it out. 22 Episodes in Season One, 22 in Two, 13 in Three (which actually is a great length...) and 22 in Four. That's...a lot of episodes. Far too many. I'd go back in time, purposefully cut short the length of each season to 13. By that estimation, they wouldn't be breaking out of Prison until the end of Season Two, which a third (and maybe a final season) dealing with their life on the run. Season Two was actually fine with the whole ManHunt thing and I enjoyed that, but it got ridiculous towards the latter third and become too convoluted for its own good. The first half especially is pretty good, actually. Maybe even put 10 Episodes per season like Game of Thrones. It makes a huge difference, imo.
  8. Maybe he's starting from the bottom of the league to the top?
  9. The PS4 (and XboxOne) are only going to get cheaper as time goes by and there's good games coming out for both. We're still early into this generation, so it'll be nice to see what sort of breakthroughs are made and which games really push the system to its limits. If you're interested in it, keep a look out for a deal. I use HotUkDeals sometimes and they regularly post offers or bundles there. You could probably get a system under £300 with a game. I jumped in at £299 last April/May and haven't looked back since.
  10. Don't be a fool and play the game. It's a great game. Beautiful, beautiful soundtrack. As rough as it looks graphically, it looks great artistically in numerous places. It's one of the best games to appear on the Wii. I'm actually disappointed that X doesn't really follow on from this because I wanted to see those characters again.
  11. I'm in a very, very similar boat to you. I've got a standard set and a shit tons of plates I've already collected. I'm ready to upgrade to Olympic and I regret not getting an Olympic set from the beginning. But, part of the reason why I haven't jumped yet is the possibility of moving out. Yeah, that squat rack is great for lots of different reasons. I've got a very similar one to you (are we, like, brotheeers, maaaan?) except the two stands are independent of each other, whereas yours are connected at the bottom together. It's actually slightly better for me because I can move them away easily when I don't need them. When you get the money (win the lottery, rob a bank, that kinda thing), get a weight tree. The amount of times I've stepped on a plate by mistakes or caught my fingers getting them out is urrrrghhh. Go with whatever makes it easier for you and suits you. For me, part of the reason why I did the whole home gym thing is because I wanted to save time. If a stacking holder will help with that (and organisation, etc), go with that.
  12. I don't know anything at all about games like Moto GP and F1, which...in a way, is kinda nice. It does feel like there's a whole other world of stuff out there on the system that I could explore if I wanted to. That element of choice. The problem in the past that I've had with Nintendo systems is that it feels like a blessing when certain games are even talked about coming to the system. Games like you just mentioned. Whereas on the other systems, it's a guarantee. I want to just be able to play as many different games as possible without having to do the whole drama thing of, "wouldn't it be nice if such and such came out for this console?" Particularly the bigger games. Things like Star Wars Battlefront and The Witcher are never going to be on Nintendo systems and they're important to me. I use the blu-ray player a lot to view dvds and blu-rays. Not sure if you're aware, but you can play 3D blu-rays on this, too. I stream using Netflix (and sometimes NowTV) quite regularly - pretty much every night. I'm not very techy at all, so I can't give you the full run-down of why blu-rays are better than dvds and where streaming fits in all of that. But, I watch films pretty regularly (we also use lovefilm or whatever it's called now and rent blu-rays on that) and the quality of picture and sound has always been great. Never had any complaints.
  13. I think (like @RedShell) mentioned, it's down to what game you're playing. I think Rocket League even did it a few times to me, but apparently there's some sort of patch that's come out that's fixed it. I don't actually know, I use Spotify when Rocket Leaguing, so I guess it can't be that bad.
  14. Yes. I'm gaming more and am more interested in playing games now than I have been ever before. The PSN titles are pretty great. Possibly even more so impressive if you were Wii-only (like I was) last gen. Also, buying games online has just made things cheaper, tbh. I paid £35 for The Witcher 3, the same price for Arkham Knight and the same price for FIFA last year. You can amass a good selection of games pretty cheaply now, especially as there's the likes of PS+ and the deals on the store.
  15. I agree with this completely. Third person action is such a blanket term that covers everything. Also, I think there's a slight irony here that diversity is only really being applied to genre. There's more ways that games can be (and arguably are) diverse than just genre. Theme and setting are things that need to also show diversity, too. You wouldn't want every FPS to be based on World War II, for example. Now I'm just straight up confused. Mario Galaxy isn't triple-A? It was a home console Mario...I'm pretty sure Nintendo didn't skimp on the budget there at all. It's as triple-A as they come. No Man's Sky is indie. It's being made by, what, 13 people and that's only because they expanded recently. It's huge in scale, it's been given loads of coverage, but it's still classed as an indie.
  16. Where did you get that info from? I looked at the reviews on Simply Games and they didn't mention it there. If it's all clear, then it would be a price to purchase it.
  17. It's a bit late now, Shorty. (Am in Spain) Will definitely look at The Killing Joke, The Long Halloween and A Death in the Family as I was contemplating getting these anyway.
  18. When you next see your friend, please hit him for me and make sure that it really hurts. What a shitty way to experience a really amazing game.
  19. If only you could play with friends.
  20. It looks the tits.
  21. I ensnared my woman in my trap long before I even knew about that series. Meaning I can now rant and rave about it without fear of looking foolish. It's far too late for her!
  22. I recently met up with a friend and was ranting and raving about how good PT was. One of the first videos that popped up was Pewdiepie playing the game. It was actually my first ever experience coming across that guy. Annoying as fuck. Watching two or so people play is more fun than one person just playing up to the camera.
  23. Maybe @drahkon should see how far he can push this and place a variety of sex objects in his backpack. This time, it's a ball gag, next time it can be a strap-on, after that it could be the instructions to an *IKEA sex swing. *Assuming IKEA do those, I dunno, I'M NOT A FREAK LIKE YOU, DRAHKON.
  24. Go ahead and make the thread. Would be quite funny to see how strange other people are. Me included. I laughed at this and thought it would be absurdly wide of the mark. Can't believe it's true.
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