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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Wuuuh. I understand that it'll be a short game, but how are we talking in terms of hours? Not that I'm that bothered that it'll be short. What did you think? No spoilrarghs yet please, though.
  2. I'm probably being retarded because of the sun, but I can't understand this. Might be the way it is worded. What are you saying here? WHAT SAY YOU
  3. Just wait for the day when ExciteTruck2 (there was NO ExciteBots, right guysss, no European release, no care) or F Zero finally get made/released and we all come crawling back. ... ... :'(
  4. What a bunch of jokers! Well done. Keep at it.
  5. I do all of these. Saving three times in a row whilst playing Alien Isolation. Actual sweat dripping from my face. The fear. Also... When I was younger (during the MegaDrive era), I used to rank my games every single week, sorta like Top of the Pops. "This week's number one is...Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96!" Hnnnnggg. - In GameCube era, I used to store order games in terms of release/when I bought them. GameCube collection used to be set up as Luigi's Mansion, Rogue Leader, Smash Bros... - Constantly rolling around Hyrule Field because it's quicker than running. (when I wasn't horsing about) - When talking to an NPC, press a button to reveal their entire sentence because too impatient to...wait...for...it...all... to...get...revealed...on...screen... - On FIFA, I can't have a player in my team if they've already left the club, but I can bring in more players who haven't joined because, somehow, that is all ok.
  6. Yeah, I'm still expecting it to be a good game, so no doubt I'll get it eventually. I'm just in no rush to play it, the opposite of Xenoblade, where I just couldn't wait.
  7. I feel guilty for not taking part in Pro Clubs, because I really want to but there's so much other stuff that I'm playing and doing that I just can't dedicate any proper time to it atm. Before going to Spain, I started a manager career in charge of Port Vale. It's a bit of a nostalgic-trip...I had Premier Manager (think it was 97) for the SEGA Megadrive when I was a kid. I chose to manage Port Vale, so I thought it would be fun to do the same thing again with FIFA and try to get them up the leagues. I want to bring Champions League football to The Vale! I was playing from about midnight to the early hours. I'd already done manager mode for three seasons with Man Utd, of course. Came back from 2-0 down to win 4-2 to clinch the Champions League trophy. Will get FIFA16 and join in with the Pro Clubs stuff again, because it was really fun. Maybe we should aim to get another league going, too?
  8. I'm not excited at all for X. Tempted to miss out on it at launch and get it further down the line if it's really worth playing. It doesn't seem to have the same wow factor as Xenoblade did.
  9. PS+ will guarantee that you've got stuff to play on it. There's also the possibility of being able to use the Vita for remote play, so off-tv play, although I've never done that. I'm tempted to get a Vita as I've got a decent backlog of games now and I'm interested in how some of the cross-platform games work. You can just get a 500GB model now and upgrade in the future if you think you need to. It's a relatively simple process, but it can be quite time consuming redownloading everything. It's what I did and whilst I do semi-regret not getting a bigger HDD straight away, it wasn't too big a deal and not really one that I'm kicking myself over.
  10. I did the same, don't worry. Dammit, whaddo we do? Tempted to send an email or contact them some how.
  11. I'm one of the ones that Hero is talking about here. Basically, you get about 5/6 games that get added to PS+ each month. Usually, it's 2 each for PS4, PS3, Vita, however there are quite a few cross-platform titles. So, you may end up with, say, 3 PS4 games one month or even 4. I've got a decent collection of Vita and PS3 games without owning these systems. Think you said before that you had a Vita, @Ronnie? Personally, I found the 500GB too small and outgrew it quickly. I bought my own HDD and installed that, taking me up to 2TB and found that it has kept me happy thus far. Think the 1TB model may even be worth considering, but that still wouldn't be enough for me. I believe that the entire game disc gets installed to the HDD. So, if you were to buy the disc or download it, it would take up the same amount of space on your HDD. Personally, I'm a big fan of digital games. I'm not into the habit of selling games, they take up far less physical storage space (in cupboards, etc) and you can quickly jump between games without having to go near the console. It's all down to preference, though. If I were you, I'd just keep an eye and ear open for certain deals that will crop up. Keep an eye on the store once the PS+ games go up and you'll see certain discounts for other games, too.
  12. This is where you're going to need to watch PSN like a hawk. There are and have been stupidly good deals there for some of those games that you mention there. Tomb Raider was £9.99 a few months ago, if I remember rightly. Alien is currently under £15. A bunch of us picked up Drive Club for £35 at launch digitally, which is a crazy price. LBP is currently £15.99. There are great deals there, so it definitely is worth thinking about going digital.
  13. If you're not into games that'll get your heart racing, then stay away from Alien. As for The Last of Us, it's tense in places, but it's still an adventure game at heart. Very story driven. It's similar to The Walking Dead series in the sense that you experience it for the adventure, characters and journey, rather than for the sake of being scared. I'd recommend it, still. Tomb Raider is the best fit for that, imo. Alongside that, as @Eenuh mentioned, Infamous is a pretty great game. I loved it. Shadow of Mordor is more sword combat focused and it's got an awesome combat system. Definitely worth a look in, imo. You can get a lot of these games for cheap prices now, too. I'm going to go out on a limb and recommend Watch Dogs. It's got very mixed feedback from a lot of people, but I personally enjoyed it. It was my first real open world game of that type, but I enjoyed the mechanics/the hacking. Some will no doubt say GTAV is the more superior game, but there's something about Watch Dogs that I can't help but like. A good selection of games there. Our (@Eenuh and my) personal favourites off PSN are: Resogun Transistor OlliOlli2 Journey ROCKET LEAGUE Race The Sun (I enjoyed it) FEZ Rogue Legacy (she was addicted to this) The Unfinished Swan Hohokum (I really liked this, although it's very trippy) Hotline Miami Strider Road Not Taken Valiant Hearts There's quite a good selection of games on PSN. I thought the same as you (it took a lot of people on here *cough @Sheikah cough* to convince me to get Black Flag). However, it does look pretty damn beautiful. The theme and setting within it is great, imo. I'm a bit more cautious about Syndicate after Ubisoft's problems with Unity (I didn't play it, but just the feedback from it wasn't winning a lot of followers) whereas Black Flag received tons of positive reactions. You can get it for cheap now, too. The most beautiful games visually are: The Order Drive Club The Witcher Drive Club may not be your type of game, but if you're looking for a racing game that shows off the power of the PS4, this may be it. It's one of the most visually stunning games that I've ever played.
  14. We don't really have any new threads for music anymore, so I thought I'd make one. The Chemical Brothers. They're just fantastic. I've been listening to the new album (Born in the Echoes) a lot on Spotify and I think it's an excellent album. Any other fans out there? I've only really got into them the last few years. I bought Further in Cardiff a few years back and it blew me away almost instantly.
  15. The first game that I played was Tomb Raider, so I recommend you go for that, too. I would also highly recommend The Witcher 3. Also, Alien Isolation is wonderful. The Last of Us? Definitely worth playing. What sort of experience are you looking for? I would imagine Journey would be right up your street. It's short, but it's something that should definitely be experienced. This might seem a bit out there but...Assassin's Creed: Black Flag? It's actually really beautiful and is very well made. I was surprised by it. Looked absolutely fantastic from what I saw @Eenuh playing of it.
  16. @Eenuh and myself won't be able to make this year's event, but we are most likely coming to the one next year.
  17. I think I know which battle you mean. Metalface? Welcome to one of the difficulty spikes in this game. :p It can be frustrating. My advice: Get yourself onto Youtube to see how somebody else does it. Sometimes you need to see what they're doing because it can feel incredibly overwhelming at times. Especially as you're fairly early on in this game and everything is a bit chaotic and quick. It would be nice if you could get past this bit. There's a great game underneath it's moments of frustration.
  18. Illegal copies of an Adam Sandler film, eh? He should feel pleased that there's somebody out there who wants to see his films at all.
  19. Dammit, I wish they'd hurry up with this. (and the DLC) Glad you enjoyed it, @somme. I also preferred Season One, although there were still loads of bits I liked about Season Two.
  20. I can't see this being on Plus any time soon. We're talking at least a year down the line, imo. I've been following this for some time and think it looks and sounds stunning. Given that I've had tons of games to play through plus (and probably saved a fair bit of money along the way), I don't mind too much about paying full price for this.
  21. Anybody else getting this? I'm going to play it once I'm back in the UK. It's not on the store yet, is it? Can't find it.
  22. We bought Tropico on Steam for Mac, seems like a fun game. Has an excellent sense of humour. Ese has just reminded me that there's a demo for Tropico on the PS4. I'll download that, because I'm curious myself to see how it controls. Should give us some sort of indication how RTS works on PS4.
  23. Did you check the video for this? It seems pretty awesome from that. How does the video compare to what you played of Rome? Not sure if this can be played on @Eenuh's macbook, so I'm tempted to go down the PS4 route for this.
  24. Sorry to hear about that.
  25. I've nicked the following from the Playstation Blog: I think it looks pretty awesome.
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