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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I'm glad that you're enjoying the game. I had a fantastic time with it. Eager for there to be a sequel to carry on the story.
  2. I got an email this morning saying that my bumper plates wouldn't be coming today. I was a little disappointed as the delivery was scheduled for today, but there's not a lot that could be done about it, so I trotted on out to work. At about noon, I got a message off Ine to say that the weights had arrived. Yaaaay. I've had a look at them and fuaaaark, they are big. The 25KG plates are like...tyres. They're so thick. I feel sorry for the poor delivery man who had to bring them down our stairs to the flat! I've taken all of my standard weight plates off my weight tree and I've put my Olympic plates on there for now. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little overwhelmed looking at those plates... Also, the entiiiiire house smells of rubber now. Absolutely reeks of it. I guess I'll have to get used to this, although I hope the smell disappears later. Now I just have to wait for the barbell and collars. It's like starting over.
  3. Maybe playing both of these games back to back wasn't the best idea. I don't think this game was intended to be a puzzle game of that sort of nature. In a way, it is a puzzle game of a different variety as you're putting the pieces of conversations and timelines together. At least, that's what I found.
  4. You're not going to be the only one who is a bit fearful of going into the free weights section. It's probably why you don't see an awful lot of women going into the free weight areas, because they're usually dominated by the more experienced lifters or the guys who solely use free weights. It can be intimidating. But, as long as you have a clear plan in your head what it is you're doing, and as long as you don't bother others, you'll probably be fine. I'd figure out some sort of routine if I were you. You're doing this whole working out thing to see results and you'll see better results if you go into it with a clear plan. If you're going three times a week, I'd recommend something like Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps, Legs/Shoulders. You were sore because you've either never hit the legs before or you've not weight trained them for a while. There's probably a fair amount of people out there who advocate the uber-high rep routines. It's certainly one way of training. If you're going to down that route, search the net and see if you can find certain routines that will cater to that, as I'm sure that there are many. The most important thing is that you be consistent with both the training and the diet. More importantly the diet if it's fat-loss you're aiming for.
  5. Yeah, I read about not banging the 5s on the ground and now I'm a bit worried. Do they mean banging the 5s with just the barbell, or to not use the 5s at all with other weights when doing, say, deadlifts? I assume it's the former, because they're pointless if it's the latter. Yeah, they get stupidly expensive. Poor Ine was having a heart attack when she saw me looking at them...I told her straight off that they were out of the question. There was something about the tri-grip plates that put me off them. I guess I prefer the solid body type of plates.
  6. Thaaaaaanks. Check out those weights and let me know what you think. I think I got a pretty good deal on them...Bumper plates can get really expensive! Some I looked at went into the thousands...
  7. Ah, good job! They're a big time saver and it'll save you wasting time putting the fecking screw locks on. I...I've done it. I've been searching for aaaages for an Olympic Weight Set. I put this into my basket and headed to the checkout: But something held me back. That set comes to £385 and I wasn't entirely convinced by the tri-grip weight plates. I searched high and low and read up on bumper plates. I was keen to go for those, with the tri-grip being a back up if I couldn't find one at an affordable price. I found no such luck. I couldn't get a complete weight set with Bumper Plates and Barbell for under £500. Then, I came across this: 150KG Bumper Plates for £309. I couldn't find a better deal than this. Next, I picked up this: 7ft Olympic Barbell for £75 I also bought some cheap Olympic collars to round off this set. I'll be delighted when it's all here. Excited to see it. I'm now stuck with my standard weights and will definitely sell on the bigger plates. I'm half tempted to keep the smaller standard weights and use those for curls and isolation exercises. Not sure. Tempted to see how cheap/expensive the increment weights are, because I need those. If I can find a good deal for them, I'll most likely move on the entire set when I can afford to.
  8. I love Eternal Darkness too but I'm going to have to massively disagree with you about The Last of Us. I'm surprised you didn't connect with the characters as I thought that they were really well created. There's not an awful lot that I dislike about the game. For me, it lived up to the hype. Maybe you'll go back to it in a few years and enjoy it moaarrr. The Order is pretty awesome, isn't it? I still disagree with the reviews and it's that typical thing of the reviewers not reviewing the game that's in front of them but the game that they wanted. Still think that they were incredibly harsh. I think my addy is on the left. If not, it's teh_jimzor. There's also a thread lying around somewhere with all of our addys in there. If you can't find that, you could also look at my friend's list when you add me and just add people from N-E from there. That interface is a bit marmite. Personally, I like it and have no issues with it. Others want folders. When you play new games, it'll immediately get bumped to the left, so the stuff you don't use gets pushed towards the end of the line and eventually off it. You can find your games in the library on the far right. When you insert your disc into the drive, it'll appear as one of the first things on the line/bar on the left, so that's pretty easy. There's a load of themes that are on PSN that you can download. I'm currently rocking the Rapture theme, but I believe that it came free with the game. There's some nice ones there. There's a free The Order theme which I quite like and used for aaaaaages.
  9. I tried that Sprint Mode yesterday. It's actually quite good! Not usually a fan of the time trialy things, but I quite enjoyed doing this. It's just short enough to keep it interesting (and trick you into having another go because you fucked up on the third corner). Game is still awesome. Moar tracks, please.
  10. Will personally buy you a pint if you manage to finish this game and like it. My only advice is to stick with it. It's unforgiving in places and it won't hold your hand. You're on your own.
  11. First of all, welcome. It's still strange seeing your name in here as I'm used to seeing it in the Nintendo boards. (most likely the same feeling others had when a few of us climbed aboard the PS4 train) Secondly, addy? Get us all added up asap! Fuck the haters, I loved Watch Dogs and I'm not ashamed to say it. It hasn't got the best story, but it's decent. The hacking is good fun, there's enough variety and different ways to approach a mission to keep it interested and the gameplay is pretty fun, imo. If you do want that wow factor, you might consider trying The Order first. Visually, it's one of the best games on the system. It's fairly short, so you can play it either before or alongside Watch Dogs without it really taking up too much time or detracting from the experience. I'm getting tempted to pick up the game for cheap because I kinda want to go through it again. There better be a sequel. This. The easiest way to do this (imo) is to go to the Playstation store on either you're computer or phone. If you go to the PS+ section, you can download/add the games from all three consoles to your account. You can download it to the PS4 from there, too. Which game (of the same type, of course) which you consider to be better than The Last of Us?
  12. Well done for sticking to the exercise. Keep going. Doing something is better than nothing, so that's a good start. A few things I'd possibly change or think about. 1. With the squats, is there a particular reason you're using that variation? 2. Do you have a routine in terms of which body parts you work on each day/visit? E.g. do you try to focus on one part per visit or is it more of a general workout you go for? 3. Is that 2 sets of 20 reps? A typical bodybuilder-type routine would be 3 sets of something like 8-12 reps. Personally, I'm more of a fan of keeping the reps lower, but the intensity/weight higher. Is there a particular reason you went for 2 x 20? (not saying it's wrong, just querying it) With the sweating thing, I wouldn't use that as a reeeeally good indicator of how hard you're working. It's not really an indicator of muscle building rather than cardio, for example. The indicators will be the progress that you're making and also the way that you do it. You may bench press a certain weight but struggle because it's too heavy, ergo making you sweat shit loads. However, benching with better form with the same weight might not leave you sweaty. I'd pay more attention to the progress that you're making and also the way in which you're doing it. E.g. if you're squatting 30kg one week and then 40kg the next, that's progress. My advice to you is to keep track of what you're doing. There's a million apps out there that can be used to record your sets/reps/weights. I use FitNotes, which I quite like as it tells me instantly if I've got a new Personal Record. You will make faaaaaar better progress if you keep track of what it is you're doing, as it also gives you that incentive to do better than you did last time, or lets you know if you are not pushing yourself hard enough (or even if you're hitting a plateau).
  13. Although I can't be certain if they're the exact same type/model as the ones I have, I already have a pair of these. I bought them a while back because I was tiiiiiired of using the fecking screw locks. The problem is that the pair I have don't actually work. I remember reading some reviews beforehand where essentially half the reviews said that these were cheap and great, whilst the other half said that they would not actually fit on a standard barbell. Because they were so cheap, I thought I'd give them a go. I got unlucky and ended up with a pair that, for some reason, are just a tiny bit too big for the barbell, meaning that they don't grip the weights in place. I didn't cry too much because they were so cheap, although it did leave me feeling annoyed as I'm stuck with the screw locks. I'm forced to upgrade all of my weights now and am actually checking out Olympic sets as we speak. My barbell is all kinds of bent and is just plain unsafe now. I have several choices: 1. Get a new standard barbell. Keep the same weights. Problem with this is that the barbell will eventually become warped once I start lifting past a certain weight. It's not really made for heavy loads, so deadlifts close to the 150 mark is really the point of no return for this barbell. 2. Keep using the same barbell...which will only become more warped and more unsafe. 3. Get an Olympic Set. Muuuuch more expensive, but essential for heavy lifting. Wallet am cry. tldr; - Those things didn't work for me, but may for you. Tis random. - My barbell is fucked. - Need new barbell...going for an Olympic Set. - Will be living off tinned goods 5eva (dat mean moar dan 4eva)
  14. Are Marcamillian and Zell long lost brothers? Hnnnnng, sexy as fuck, all of you. Except Rummy. Srs. Not srs. Semi srs. Not srs. Woodbury.
  15. I've just finished up Everybody's Gone To The Rapture. I've waited for this game for quite a while and I'm happy to finally be able to play it. Stunning game and experience. It's amazing how English this all felt, from the aesthetics to the voices/script work. I wanted to explore everything within it. Not sure it's for everyone because the pace of it is a bit marmite. Personally, I thought it was really thoughtful and lovely and awesome and *aaahhh* Some will find it sluggish and lacking in clarity in some ways. Imo, that all added to the experience. I spent most of my time looking at the scenery. Games of 2015 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed Transistor - Finished The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished The Order 1886 - Finished BLOODBORNE - Finished Never Alone - Finished Hohokum - Finished The Witcher 3 - Story (and many other quests!) completed Journey - Finished FlOw - Finished Batman: Arkham Knight - Main story completed. Can't be arsed collecting all of the Riddler trophies Everybody's Gone To The Rapture - Finished
  16. I've just finished this. Right now, the credits are rolling and I'm listening to the utterly superb soundtrack. (which is also on Spotify!) I loved it. It's sloooow paced, but...it's the rapture. The end of the world. Why run? You've got all of the time in the world.
  17. Ehh, luck is the best and only way to describe the outcome of that match. Liverpool were lucky to get that decision to disallow Bournemouth's perfectly acceptable goal and Liverpool were lucky to get the decision to allow the OFFSIDE goal according to the new rules of the game. That match was determined by luck, rather than the skill of the players or the tactics of the manager or moments of brilliance. I'm fucking bored of matches being ruined by officials who either don't follow the rules or get biiiig decisions wrong. Every week. I love football, but I can also say that it is equally shit in measure. Who on Earth thought it would be a good idea to change the offside rule again when officials were struggling with the previous interpretation of the rule? In fairness, I actually agree with some elements of this. If a player makes any motion towards the ball in an offside position, he is interfering with play. In fact, if they're there at all, I'd say that they were interfering. Why couldn't they go back to the previous rule of ANY player being in an offside position is offside? That way the officials only have to look at the defensive line and can clearly flag when somebody has gone past it. I've gotta say, we're only two games into the season and the melodrama about professional medical staff, managers (Mourinho) having digs at others and officials getting big decisions wrong is not boding well for the rest of the reason. Football is a mess, so unbelievably broken.
  18. Going to buy it almost straightaway but temptedings to keep it for Christmas for dat back-to-back playthrough. Hnnnngggggggg. What else is out this year that could potentially take time away from this? Battlefront? That's it, yeah?
  19. I managed to finish Arkham Knight yesterday. Aside from a few things here or there that annoyed me, I thought that there were a lot of cool things about the game and a looooooot of awesome, awesome moments. I'd say that it lived up to expectations for me. I didn't go into it really pumped, but I can say that I definitely enjoyed it. There's a few things I'd like a little more of, a small handful of things I'd like a bit less of, but there was plenty there to enjoy. The story is a hard one to judge, I think it's better than Arkham City's story, particularly towards the latter stages. Anyway, DONE. Onto the next one. Games of 2015 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed Transistor - Finished The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished The Order 1886 - Finished BLOODBORNE - Finished Never Alone - Finished Hohokum - Finished The Witcher 3 - Story (and many other quests!) completed Journey - Finished FlOw - Finished Batman: Arkham Knight - Main story completed. Can't be arsed collecting all of the Riddler trophies.
  20. I finished the main story yesterday. I really enjoyed that final stretch after:
  21. I thought I'd give FlOw a little playthrough yesterday and had a lovely time with it. Initially, my thoughts weren't great because I wasn't a fan at all of the motion controls. Would rather just use the analogue stick and I think I'd find it even more relaxing playing it that way. Aside from that, I really, reeeeally liked what I played. It's very beautiful to look at, quite trippy actually. I can definitely see myself going through it again at some point, even for just a small burst of gaming because it was quite soothing. I only have Flower left to play through before I can say that I've done the trinity (Journey making up the other part). I'm playing through a few other games atm. So should be able to update my list soon. Games of 2015 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed Transistor - Finished The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished The Order 1886 - Finished BLOODBORNE - Finished Never Alone - Finished Hohokum - Finished The Witcher 3 - Story (and many other quests!) completed Journey - Finished FlOw - Finished
  22. WoodstrokeGoron'sBeard/10 Awesome, awesome pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time.
  23. I've just finished Compendium 1 of The Walking Dead, which takes you up to:
  24. It could've been, but there were tons of opportunities to pull over to the hard shoulder and let everyone pass, or put the hazards on to let people know that there's a problem.
  25. Usually, I'm not one to get THAT pissed off when driving. But, yesterday took the absolute piss and it left me seething. We were driving to the airport from the place where we were staying in Spain and it happened to be a mostly pleasant drive. You get some awesome views of the mountains and the houses built alongside them, of the sea, of the terrain. It's beautiful. As it was boiling, we had the air conditioning turned right up and it was nice to actually feel something other than blistering heat for once. The roads there have a great sense of speed. As it's mainland Europe, we were on that kilometre time, so the roads range from 80 to 120 km. The road we happened to be on was indicated to be a 100km road. As we stuck to that speed, we couldn't help but notice that we were gaining on the traffic ahead of us. A bit strange, it almost came to a standstill despite there being literally NOTHING else around. No traffic lights, no built up areas, no merging roads. About five or six cars ahead of us, we noticed that everybody seemed to be queued up behind some idiot doing barely half what we were doing. Our speed dropped from 100km to around the 40km mark in an instant. Looking in our mirrors, we could see tons of cars behind us starting to form a queue. It was a single lane road, so we couldn't even overtake it. However, that didn't stop people from trying after what seemed like an eternity expecting this person to speed up. We must have passed half a dozen signposts which so clearly said that the speed should be two or three times more than what they were doing. Finally, people had had enough. One car decided to try and go around it and narrowly missed on-coming traffic. One car behind us almost collided with us as they decided to take an exit road, merely centimetres away from taking out our bumper and passenger side, obviously pissed off at the slowness of the traffic. Another decided to get real close to our backside, as if somehow we were at fault for the speed being so low. We eventually overtook it when the road appeared to be clear. We must have driven for about 10 minutes down the road without a single car behind us, obviously because that one was holding everyone up. Say what you want about speeders, but that was some of the most dangerous driving that I had seen. I will be amazed if not one person has collided with a car further down the line, expecting cars to be travelling at a certain speed and instead seeing that. Without an exaggeration, if this were a British road and the speed limit were 60, they must have been about 20-25mph. Plenty of opportunities to stop and pull over. There were hard shoulders to do so.
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