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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. West Ham played well, but we were shite again. Van Gaal is losing popularity amongst the fans and he isn't motivating the players to win matches. Football is a game and it should be played to win. There's no urgency in our play and we can't even hit the target when we do get the ball into the box. We are dreadful and this isn't the football that the fans want to watch.
  2. There's the video of Geoff Keighly explaining the situation at the awards. That's really fucked up.
  3. That looks stunning!
  4. I initially thought that, before a friend pointed out to me that she was playing through Dark Cloud on PS2 and then I remember seeing copies of it in GAME a few days later. (might have been another game store)
  5. Bruce's parents were killed. Bruce will remember that.
  6. *is also secretly relieved that there's now an easy mode*
  7. Surprised you've never heard of Dark Cloud. We even had a forum member named after the game, yeeeeears ago. So, the PS4 basically has its own Virtual Console now?
  8. Phaggot, have you played more Witcher yet?

  9. I refereed one of our matches yesterday and it was one of the best games I've ever been involved in. We're a fairly small school, so we struggle to put together teams. We're lucky to get the boys kicking in the right direction, never mind actually trying to be competitive. We've worked hard this term and have actually been playing some good stuff. We thrashed another team 9-2 a few weeks back with one of our boys scoring 4 and another got 3! Yesterday, we were 1-0 down before making it 1-1 at half-time. We thought we'd make a proper go of it and started off the second half well but ended up being 2-1 down despite playing excellently! Our captain of the day scored a screamer from outside of the box that smashed the underside of the bar before going in. It looked amazing. We then conceded a goal from a corner and then another goal, which was really sloppy. So, 4-2 down with three minutes to go. The team never gave up and got a goal back through some excellent wing-play. Lovely cross and slide in for a finish. Then, with 45 seconds left of the match, we got an equaliser to make it 4-4! Could have won it straight after the kick off too if the other team hadn't gone full-on defensive. They were shell-shocked and their manager looked really pissed off. I didn't give a shit. I fucking went ballistic when our fourth went in. We had a parent on the sideline who went crazy, too. Amazing scenes.
  10. I'm absolutely fucking knackered. Work has been relentless this term and we've got our Christmas play tomorrow, which I've been in charge of organising. We had reports last week. But, I've been trying to keep going with the exercising. Got 150kg for 5 reps on the deadlift today, which is the first time I've been able to go that heavy and cleanly since about July. Pretty happy with that.
  11. I'm a bit surprised by some of the reactions to the trailer.
  12. Still in Arsenal's shadow? *stirs*
  13. I read that last bit as "and watch us beat them off"! I thought...my, my, I've heard of sexy football, but that's ridiculous! Crazy performance tonight. Southampton are a great team and I certainly didn't expect THAT scoreline. I thought it would be much closer.
  14. The game looks ridiculous in a really fun way. Adding it to my to-buy list as we speak.
  15. I've seen that mentioned a few times already, but I'm not sure if I buy that. Although, I'm intrigued by that whole set-up, including Batman's clothes. I interpreted the kneelers to be like the Sons of Batman in The Dark Knight Returns, but siding with Superman this time around.
  16. Hilarious! : peace: What the hell are you meant to do in this game? Is it story heavy?
  17. My body is ready. I love that look Batman gives when Superman rips his mask off. So awesome. I'm getting a tyrant vibe from Superman in this scene with the way that he carries himself.
  18. Dat muscle memory. Change of diet goes a long way, though. For protons, I used MyProtein, too. Good website and they're quite reliable.
  19. It's all about finding a balance and using the time wisely. I work pretty long hours, which includes getting up early and getting home fairly late. Aside from working, working out is my main hobby. It's almost like a second job at times because it's something you have to factor time for and you have to be consistent with. After that, I have music and games as my other hobbies. So, it could be that I wake up early on a Saturday and Sunday and sneak in a bit of gaming there. Or, using the half term wisely and gaming during those times. Also, the type of games that you play have to be factored into this. For example, FIFA or Rocket League are good for a few quick games, then maybe the serious stuff on weekends or on Friday evenings when you know you haven't got work the next day. TV is essentially dead to me. Instead of watching TV, we game now. The only things I'm watching are Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead when they're on. If we're going to watch an episode of something, such as Fargo, we'll do it whilst eating our tea. Ine has the telly on whilst exercising. Working out at home saves a shiiiiiit tooooon of time, too. You've just got to find shortcuts and ways to fit things in sensibly. I haven't got the time or energy to train 5 or 6 times a week with the intensity that I'm doing it at, so I'm doing it 3-4 times a week now. It means those alternate days could be used for gaming or music.
  20. I'm very confused. I thought you were getting an Xbox One judging by recent posts. I got your PSN addy and was massively confused because I recognised the Kwetla bit and thought wut? What tipped you over the edge?
  21. As @Kounan correctly says, football is a two-team sport. Of course the game is going to be boring when you just sit back for the majority of the game and concede 2/3rds of possession to the other team. Let's not kid ourselves here and say that Leicester were the better team because they weren't.
  22. Awful performance again. We create nothing and we spend far too much time playing possession football and not even choosing the right pass forward when that's the whole point of it. Football is about scoring goals and you can't score goals if you don't take shots or create chances. The fans are turning against Van Gaal now. We've got West Ham at home, Wolfsburg away, Bournemouth away, Norwich at home, Stoke away and Chelsea at home before the end of 2015. The performances have to improve. I'm going to lose my shit if Rooney isn't dropped for the next game.
  23. Yes. No Alien: Isolation was a fucking travesty considering that there were PS3 and 360 versions of the game AND considering that the gamepad could have been used awesomely as a motion tracker. Why would people want to spend hundreds of pounds on another device if they could get it all (or the vast majority of it all) on one machine?
  24. We also shouldn't underestimate Nintendo's ability to produce unexpected and unpredictable fuck-ups that we couldn't even think up right now. I think the next Nintendo system will have voice chat. But, what matters more is what games we'll actually be playing when chatting, at least imo. I don't think that the third parties will suddenly come back, so it's up to Nintendo (and second parties?) to provide content for their system. I'm not really pumped yet, but that may change when we find out exactly what is in store.
  25. I've put this on my Christmas list. Finger's crossed. What's your PSN going to be?
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