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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Cameron Borthwick-Jackson on for Darmian. Carrick on for Schweinsteigar (I kinda get this one) NICK POWELL on for Juan Mata. Nick Powell. I thought we'd loaned him out. Honest to god. We're 2-1 down and going out of the Champions League and this is who we bring on. We need pace, let's bring on Januzaj. Oh no, we loaned him out for no reason. To Dortmund. Let's try a young striker. How about that Wilson bloke? Nope, he's on loan, too. It's not like we're short on strikers or pace up front. We're paying for some of Van Gaal's stupid decisions. We should have gone all out against PSV. We should have been more sensible when looking at options up front. I think the tide is turning now and the fans will start to turn against Van Gaal. They're already losing faith. They're not buying into his brand of football and we don't really get what he's trying to do. I'm looking at the team right now and can't believe that he's kept Fellaini on and taken Mata off when it was Mata who set up the goal!
  2. We've finished this! I thought that the ending delivered and the latter half of season two really picked up.
  3. Another game completed in quick succession. Well, I say completed, I mean that I've completed the campaign in Sound Shapes. I like this game a lot. The Beck level "Cities" is sublime and it's a fantastic contribution to this game. The DeadMau5 levels are quite tricky and they're not quite as fun or as catchy as the Beck ones. The level creator is a welcome addition and I also ended up buying the additional sound packs for this, too. Games of 2015 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and PLATINUMED Transistor - Finished The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and PLATINUMED inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished The Order 1886 - Finished BLOODBORNE - Finished Never Alone - Finished Hohokum - Finished The Witcher 3 - Story (and many other quests!) completed Journey - Finished FlOw - Finished Batman: Arkham Knight - Main story completed. Can't be arsed collecting all of the Riddler trophies Everybody's Gone To The Rapture - Finished Entwined - Finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - Finished Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Finished White Night - Finished Until Dawn - Play-through 1 Finished! Rocket League - PLATINUMED! Sound Shapes - Campaign completed
  4. Finally got the platinum for this! A bit grindy that Far, Far Away trophy, eh? Awesome game. One of the best multiplayers out there.
  5. I finally got the Platinum for Rocket League today! That Far, Far Away trophy kept holding me back. I let @Eenuh take over my controller for a bit whilst I showered. I had her just driving around the track, trying to rack up the miles. A bit gutted that the trophy popped up when she was doing it, but I did the other 99% of the work towards this trophy, so it's still mine. The game is awesome. Fun as fuck! Just a blast in multiplayer and it's also excellent pick up and play stuff. Would recommend to everyone. I've only got two trophies left for DriveClub. One is to achieve level 50 and I'm currently 45. The other should pop up before it, so that should be another platinum on the way. Games of 2015 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and PLATINUMED Transistor - Finished The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and PLATINUMED inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished The Order 1886 - Finished BLOODBORNE - Finished Never Alone - Finished Hohokum - Finished The Witcher 3 - Story (and many other quests!) completed Journey - Finished FlOw - Finished Batman: Arkham Knight - Main story completed. Can't be arsed collecting all of the Riddler trophies Everybody's Gone To The Rapture - Finished Entwined - Finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - Finished Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Finished White Night - Finished Until Dawn - Play-through 1 Finished! Rocket League - PLATINUMED!
  6. That comparison isn't really a good one because there's absolutely no basis for saying that the WiiU has great online infrastructure, whereas there actually is a basis for saying that the PS4 controller is the best one. For starters, the controller is fit for purpose, features a great level of functionality (rumble, touch pad, motion sensors, share button, analogue triggers, etc) whereas the WiiU's online isn't fit for purpose and doesn't feature good functionality. Really surprised that you think both the gamepad and pro controller are better. They're dire. The build quality is horrendous, the pro controller is flimsy and the gamepad is just a mess to use. The controller does matter since it's your primary method of input. It's what is connecting you to the game. I couldn't play the Witcher for 200/300 hours+ if I was using the gamepad because it just doesn't feel good to use. I'm eager to see what Nintendo do with the NX because if the controller is a pain to use then they can count me out.
  7. I'm disappointed it's slipped to 2016, but I can live with it. It's not pissed me off to the extent that a certain other game has.
  8. It's not that crazy. Imo, the pad is weighted perfectly (my grip with the One controller and Pro Controller), it's not obtrusively large (like the GamePad) and it's got a better d-pad and symmetry that the GameCube controller doesn't have. It's the most comfortable pad and it would have to be for longer gaming sessions. The 360/One pads are also great but don't quite have that edge for me that the PS4 controller has. I don't really have a problem with the analogues either.
  9. The controller surprised me, too. It's reeeeeeally comfortable. Definitely my favourite ever controller now.
  10. I played tons of this yesterday. I've only just realised that I was only about five or six trophies from the platinum anyway, with most of them being the more grindy ones. Getting level 50, getting a million drift points, etc.
  11. I've never played the game before. Tempted to download it and play it through next week.
  12. I can't remember what his avatar/sig was. All these Japanese characters look the same. /noracist Dark Cloud was out in 2000/01 I think, so it's not beyond the realms that he played the game, loved it, made his account based on it, created his signature with Cloud looking evil as a dual-meaning type of thing. Can't think of the word. Eiiiiiither way, I'm still surprised you hadn't heard of the game. Seems to be quite respected amongst PS2-era gamers. I've never played it but am tempted to give it a go.
  13. Also, this colour scheme reminds me of a tin of Quality Street.



  14. You disappoint me.

  15. I'm delighted! I didn't get a chance to play the first on PS3 and @Eenuh badly wants to play it. Happy that the second is coming to PS4. If they somehow give us the ability to play the first on PS4, that would be amazing.
  16. Wow, can't believe Bournemouth beat Chelsea! Atmosphere in work is going to be crazy on Monday. What a result.
  17. We had our Christmas play yesterday. It turned out to be very memorable. My phone is set to silent during the day and is turned back on when I get home. Usually. I didn't do this yesterday and so woke up at 7:48! Two hours later than I'm meant to. Fucking manic! I jumped in the shower, drove off and somehow made it through the roadworks (they're re-doing a huge part of the dual-carriageway here) and got through the gates at 8:30. How I did that, I have no idea. No breakfast, so was hungry as fuck all day. We get ourselves ready for tonight's performance and set the stage up before deciding to go to the pub before it starts for a few pre-nerves drinks. So, we pop to the pub beforehand and get a few drinks. Well, there was meant to be three of us going, but my friend and I couldn't find our other friend, so spent ages looking for him. Turns out he had gone ahead to the pub without letting us know, so we wasted half an hour trying to find him. Had his phone on silent, too, bastard. We do all that, get back to school and get everything up and running. Headmaster is on stage and is delivering his opening speech and then...all of the electrics go out! One of the extension leads had caused us an issue, so I had to run to the head's study to get one, but that was locked, so had to run back to get the key before going to get the extension lead and legging it back. Managed to do all of that without anyone really noticing I was gone. Dat cardio, though. All through this I'm thinking fuck, fuck, fuck, why does this shit happen to me? Play went fine, all things considering. I got loads of nice words from parents about how it all turned out. We decided to go back to the pub to get a few more drinks and some chips because I was still hungry and needed food gains. We left, said goodnight...before getting home and realising that neither one of us had actually paid the pub staff! They didn't even notice either! We rang up and paid on card. Unbelievable. I missed the finale of The Returned/Les Revenants, but was honestly waaaaay too tired to actually pay attention to anything. Ended up falling asleep on the sofa.
  18. This is the bit I zoomed in on, too. Wireless is fucking magical. Hate wires, srsly. Plugging in guitar cables and shit into amps, pedal, etc is tedious as fuck when you've got wires all over the place. It's a living hell.
  19. You can add the Vita/PS3 games to your account and play them on those systems if you own them, but you can't play them on the PS4 directly.
  20. I need this game.
  21. West Ham played well, but we were shite again. Van Gaal is losing popularity amongst the fans and he isn't motivating the players to win matches. Football is a game and it should be played to win. There's no urgency in our play and we can't even hit the target when we do get the ball into the box. We are dreadful and this isn't the football that the fans want to watch.
  22. There's the video of Geoff Keighly explaining the situation at the awards. That's really fucked up.
  23. That looks stunning!
  24. I initially thought that, before a friend pointed out to me that she was playing through Dark Cloud on PS2 and then I remember seeing copies of it in GAME a few days later. (might have been another game store)
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